I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 94 Qingdeng: "Please close the chapter just now!" [5800 words]

Chapter 94 Qingdeng: "Please take back what you just said!" [5800 words]

Zuo Nazi was standing under a white plum tree not far from Qingdeng.

At this moment, Sanako is no longer the ladylike attire she wore when Qingdeng first met her in a goose yellow kimono with a Shimada bun on her arm.

Today, she has the demeanor of a daughter of a samurai family—the upper body is wearing a white kendo gown with straight breasts and sleeves, the lower body is a black kendo skirt with an ankle-length hem, and her feet are wearing plain white socks. New flat-bottomed wooden clogs, and a Wakizashi with a blue handle and blue sheath on the left waist. His jet-black hair was tied behind his head into a neat, waist-length high ponytail with a blue ribbon.

Perhaps because of the change in hairstyle and clothes, Sanako's demeanor has also changed, with a sharp heroic look in his eyebrows and eyes.

This heroic spirit added a special charm to her.

The beauties in kendo uniforms with masculine heroism and femininity stand under the colorful white plum trees—this should be a harmonious beauty like a picture scroll.

However, the harmonious atmosphere of this beautiful scenery was broken by the five warriors surrounded in front of Sanako.

These five warriors are all young, and their clothes are fairly neat and decent.They formed a fan-shaped "formation", half-surrounding Sanako who was frowning slightly aggressively.

The tourists who were enjoying the plum blossoms gathered around to join in the fun after hearing the movement from Sanako.

Of course... There are only a few who really come to join in the fun, and most of them come to see Zanako.

After hearing the movement, many people turned their heads following the sound. After seeing the appearance of Sanako, their eyes immediately lit up, and they ran over happily under the banner of "joining in the fun", "appreciating" Sanako's beauty and figure.

The kendo uniform that Sanako is wearing now is much more figure-defining than those women's kimonos.

Kendo skirts are generally pulled up to the waist, and then tightened around the waist, which not only shows the waist, but also greatly highlights the existence of the bear.

Against the backdrop of the kendo suit, Sanako's extraordinary figure was perfectly displayed.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Standing beside Qingdeng, Chong Tian looked around blankly, "What happened?"

Okita had been concentrating on admiring the plum blossom petals flying in the air just now, so he didn't notice the shouting just now, until now he noticed that the crowd around him was commotion and realized that something seemed to be wrong.

"Mr. Chong Tian." Qing Deng said in a deep voice, "I saw Miss Sanako, she seems to be being entangled by someone."

"What?" Okita was taken aback, then hurriedly stood on tiptoe and followed Qingdeng's line of sight, "Where is it? Where is Miss Sanako?"

Although Okita has tipped his toes to the limit, his height perfectly fits into the crowd around him. No matter how much he tiptoes and stretches his neck, his vision is still blocked by the dense crowd and trees around him. There was no sign of Sanako.

"Miss Sanako is over there." Qingdeng helped the saber at his waist, "Mr. Chongtian... let's go and have a look."

Although he didn't understand what was going on at all, who were the five warriors who surrounded Sanako, and why they were pestering Sanako, but Qingdeng subconsciously felt that these five people should come Those who are not good.

Because he heard very clearly just now—someone among the five people yelled at Zuo Nazi, "You little Qianye Sword Academy, why don't you take up your responsibilities?"

The shouts with such content... made Qingdeng feel that these five people were most likely to be someone who came to trouble Sanazi who was the "Miss Chiba Sword Gym".

Sanako is a friend of their test center, and has a very good friendship with Kondo, Okita and the others - just because of this relationship, it is difficult for Qingdeng to ignore Sanako who seems to be entangled by unknown people.

As for Okita, who has a very good relationship with Sanako, it is even more impossible for him to ignore a friend who seems to be in trouble.

I saw Chongtian nodded vigorously, and after saying "OK", he followed Qingdeng to push aside the crowd, and leaned towards the direction where Zuo Nazi was.

Just when Qingdeng was leading Okita and Saito to push away the crowd in front of him, he suddenly heard——Sanako was facing the five samurai standing in front of him...to be precise, it was standing In the middle of the five warriors, a rather handsome young man shouted in an impatient tone:

"Fourth cousin, I have already finished what I have to say just now, please step aside."

"Zonako." The handsome young man put his hands on his hips, ignored Zuonako's request to let them leave, but said to Zenako in a stern tone, "Your words are finished, but mine are not. Finished."

After listening to the conversation between Sanako and the handsome young man, Qingdeng and Okita showed surprise on their faces.

"This voice..." Okita was startled by the handsome young man's voice.

"Fourth cousin...?" Qingdeng was surprised by the name Sanako called that handsome young man.

At this time, they heard the handsome young man's voice several degrees higher, and continued to shout to Zuo Nazi:

"Do you have too much time in your Little Chiba Sword Gym? With so much time, what can you do wrong? Playing boring games with a third-rate sword gym like the Test Guard Gym?"

A third-rate sword gymnasium like the Guard Hall... Qingdeng frowned immediately after hearing this sentence.

Okita's expression changed slightly.

The unsmiling Saito also raised his eyes at this moment to look at this handsome young man.

The one who also changed his face was Sanako.

Zuo Nazi's willow eyebrows furrowed, and a look of displeasure appeared on his face.

Suddenly, an exclamation came from not far away:
"Hey, isn't this the brother of Duomen? Why are you here?"

Chiba Shigetaro held a piece of grilled squid that he probably bought from a nearby vendor in each hand. While casting a surprised look at the handsome young man, he tried his best to push away the "human wall" blocking him.

The "human wall" blocking Chiba Shigetaro was very thin, so he quickly penetrated all the "obstacles" and came to Sanako's side.

"Brother Chong." The handsome young man said in a deep voice, "I came here specially to persuade you."

"Persuade us?" Chiba Shigetaro frowned.

"It's a waste of time to play a boring 'combat game' here with a third-rate swordsmanship gym that has a small number of apprentices and the apprentices' sword skills are generally poor..."

"Please Little Chiba Sword Gym take up the responsibility of 'cultivating disciples into talents' as a big sword gym, spend your precious time on cultivating disciples or other business, don't waste your precious time on playing games !"

"Tsk..." Chiba Shigetaro's expression suddenly became the same as that of Sanako - displeasure emerged from Chiba Shigetaro's face at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chiba Shigetaro opened his mouth, and when he was about to say something to the handsome young man——

"Mr. Shigetaro, Ms. Sanako." At this moment, Qingdeng finally managed to lead Okita and Saito to push aside layers of people and squeeze out from the dense crowd.

Chiba Shigetaro: "Tachibana-kun? Souji-kun?"

The two brothers and sisters who were standing shoulder to shoulder cast surprised and stunned glances at Qingdeng and his group who suddenly appeared.

The handsome young man who cast surprised gazes at Qingdeng and the others who appeared out of nowhere.

He first focused his eyes on Qing Deng, a stranger, with a puzzled expression on his face.

But when he found Okita standing next to Qingdeng, his expression changed instantly, and he immediately put all his eyes and attention on Okita.

"Okita-kun...?" The handsome young man raised his eyebrows, and whispered Okita's name in a voice that only he could hear clearly.

Under the eyes of everyone with different emotions, Qingdeng walked slowly to Chiba Shigetaro and Sanako.

As soon as he stood beside the two brothers and sisters, Qingdeng immediately asked them directly:
"Mr. Shigetaro, Miss Sanako, who is this?"

Qingdeng, who was still frowning, raised his hand to compare to the handsome young man.

"Uh..." Chiba Shigetaro raised his hand in embarrassment and scratched the hair on the back of his head.

Just looking at the expressions of Qingdeng, Chongtian and the others at this moment, he knew: Qingdeng and the others should have heard what the handsome young man said just now to ridicule the testing hall...

Chiba Shigetaro laughed a few times in embarrassment:
"Tachibana-kun... this is the fourth son of my uncle Chiba Shusaku: Chiba Tameshiro, the cousin of me and Sanako."

——Chiba Shusaku's fourth son...?
Qingdeng raised his gaze, and took a closer look at Chiba Tamonshiro's facial features—the appearance was indeed somewhat similar to Shigetaro and Sanako.

"...Okita-kun, long time no see." At this moment, Chiba Tameshiro suddenly took the initiative to greet Okita.

"Yes, I'm very sorry." Okita snorted coldly, with an indifferent expression on his face, "I accidentally saw you, and I lost all the good mood I had just now."

After being sarcastically mocked by Okita, Chiba Tameshiro did not show the slightest resentment, but instead smiled carefreely.

Before Qingdeng had time to express his doubts about the interaction between Okita and Chiba Tamon Shiro, which seemed to have some grievances with each other, Okita took the initiative to move closer to Qingdeng, with only her and Qingdeng The volume that can only be heard clearly helped Chiba Shigetaro supplement the introduction to Chiba Samon Shiro:

"Tachibana-kun. This Chiba Domon Shiro is the teacher of Xuanwukan."

Speaking of this, Okita paused, and then continued in a faint tone with a complicated expression:
"At the same time, he is also one of those people who I told you before looked down on our guarding hall and didn't want to exchange swordsmanship with our guarding hall..."

Qingdeng narrowed his eyes slightly.

Okita's words dissipated the last bit of fog lingering in his mind - he immediately understood why this Chiba Tamon Shiro brazenly called their testing hall "Third-rate Sword" in public just now. Museum".

"Brother Duomen!"

Qingdeng and the others heard Chiba Tamonshiro's sarcasm to the testing hall just now... This made Chiba Shigetaro, who was caught between relatives and friends, so embarrassed that he didn't even know how to put his expression on.

In order to get rid of this extremely embarrassing predicament as soon as possible, Chiba Shigetaro cleared his throat forcefully, and gave Chiba Tadomon Shiro a hard face.

"If you have anything to do, let's talk about it in private later!"

"Look around, is this a place where you can talk?"

"With so many people watching, why are you talking nonsense here?"

"Leave quickly! If you don't leave again, be careful that I will report to my cousins ​​about your actions today!"

Inform on you to your cousins—— Chiba Tameshiro's expression suddenly changed when he heard this sentence.

He turned his head and looked around.

More and more people gathered to watch the fun, surrounding them three layers inside and three layers outside.

In the distance, several young witches wearing red and white witch costumes noticed the movement here, pulled Scarlet's hem, and hurried towards them.

"...Okay." Chiba Domonshiro looked away from the surrounding crowd, "Then I'll have a good talk with you in private later."

"Let's go." Chiba Tamashiro waved his hands to his companions standing on the left and right sides, and then turned his body first, preparing to leave.

However, at the moment Chiba Domon Shiro turned around——

"Please wait!"

A sonorous and powerful voice clearly entered the ears of everyone present.

Chiba Tamon Shiro stopped, and slowly turned around with a puzzled expression on his face.

Okita, Saito, Sanako, Chiba Shigetaro, Chiba Tomonshiro, the crowd...all of them focused their eyes on the owner of the voice just now—that is, Qingdeng.

Qingtou, who showed no timidity or flinching in his eyes, looked straight at Chiba Tamonshirō who was looking at him.

"Please take back the sentence you just said 'the test guard hall is a third-rate sword hall'."

"Ah?" Chiba Tamashiro frowned suddenly.

"Tachibana-kun?" Okita opened his mouth blankly towards Qingdeng.

After Qingdeng suddenly appeared, Chiba Tamonshiro actually didn't pay much attention to this stranger he didn't know, and he didn't even care about what Chiba Shigetaro, Okita and others called Qingdeng.

It wasn't until now, after Aoto's words were surprising, that Chiba Tameshiro noticed that Okita and the others had always called Aoto "Tachibana-kun".

"Tachibana..." Chiba Tamonshiro chewed on the word, and after a while, his eyes widened slightly as if recalling something.

He stared closely at Qingdeng's face, and asked each word with a pause: "...I don't know what your name is?"

"Testing hall, natural flow of mind." Qingdeng said calmly, "Ju Qingdeng"

The crowd gathered around suddenly became noisy with a "boom".

"Juqingdeng? Why is this name so familiar?"

"Nonsense, of course you feel familiar, we just talked about this person two days ago."

"Oh, now that I think about it, it's the recently famous 'Three Times' Tongxin in Beifan Institute, right?"

"It's so tall."

"This is the person who solved Granny Ping's murder case and defeated the 'radical extermination faction' who tried to kill foreign businessmen..."


The onlookers all cast their gazes at Qingdeng as if they were watching some rare species, appreciating this celebrity who was so close to them with relish.

The moment Qingdeng's self-introduction fell, the corner of Chiba Domonshiro's eyes twitched: "You are... that Ju Qingdeng, you have known your name for a long time."

Chiba Domon Shiro had also heard about Qingdeng's deeds more than half a month ago.

Therefore, after discovering that Okita and others called Aoto as "Tachibana-kun", Chiba Tomonshiro was already mentally prepared that this "Tachibana-kun" was the "Tachibana Aoto" who had recently gained fame, so he The current reaction is fairly calm.

Qingdeng politely nodded his head in response to Chiba Tamonshiro's compliment of "I have admired his name for a long time", and then——

"Mr. Chiba Domon Shiro, indeed, our trial guard hall is currently just a little-known small sword hall. Whether it is the number of apprentices or the quality of students, it is far from being excellent."

"But our guarding hall should not and cannot be given the scornful title of 'third-rate sword hall' for this reason!"

Qingdeng raised his voice a few degrees upright and awe-inspiring.

"Only the kind of sword hall where masters and teachers don't pay attention to teaching, and mislead their children, is the real third-rate sword hall."

"Those sword gyms that are tireless in teaching and have been conscientiously giving correct guidance to the disciples in the gym, no matter how many or few apprentices they have, and whether the quality of students is good or bad, they are all first-class sword gyms worthy of respect."

"Although I have not been in the test hall for a long time, and it has been less than two months, but in this short period of more than a month, my eyes have clearly seen: there is no such thing as a People who will slack off teaching."

"Whether it's the master Kondo Shusuke, or the teacher Isamu Kondo and Okita Souji who often come to help teach swordsmanship, none of them don't do their best when teaching swordsmanship."

"So—please take back the insulting name you just gave to the testing hall."

Deep in Qingdeng's quiet pupils, there is an unshakable belief.

Since just now, there has been a...very strange spectacle that Qingdeng and others have not noticed.

When Qingdeng started to speak, many of the onlookers in the surroundings involuntarily closed their mouths after hearing Qingdeng's voice, watching Qingdeng quietly, and silently listening to Qingdeng's generous speech.

The originally very noisy crowd of onlookers gradually quieted down because of this.

Chiba Tamonshiro stared blankly at Qingdeng who was staring at him calmly.

Want me to take back what I just said in front of so many people?What a joke!
Chiba Domonshiro subconsciously wanted to refuse such an embarrassing behavior.


Qingdeng's eyes at this time seemed to contain some kind of appeal.

Chiba Tameshiro, who was stared directly at him like this, felt very uncomfortable all over.

Clearly, the words to reject Qingdeng have already been organized, but it is this kind of uncomfortable feeling all over the body caused by Qingdeng's gaze, which makes it impossible for Chiba Tamon Shiro to express all this to his mouth say the words...

"...fourth cousin."

Suddenly, Sanako, who had been silent just now, spoke up.

Since just now, Sanako has been showing hesitation on his cheeks.

After struggling for a long time with this look of hesitation on Sanako's cheeks, it finally "disappeared" at this moment.

She took a few glances at Qingtou, and then, like Qingtou, cast a stern look at Chiba Tamonshirō.

"Mr. Orange, he is right."

"You really said too much just now, the testing hall shouldn't be slandered by you like that."

"Please take back your rude statement just now."

Sanako's support—this was beyond the expectations of many people...including Qingdeng.

Qingdeng turned his gaze, looking in surprise at Zuo Nazi who spoke for him.

Noticing that Aoto was looking at her Sanako, she nodded to Aoto, then continued to stare at Chiba Tamonshirō.

Now, everyone's eyes were on Chiba Tamon Shiro.

They were all waiting for Chiba Domonshiro's response.

Under everyone's gaze, Chiba Domon Shiro gritted his teeth after being silent for a while.

"...Okay, since you've said that, Sanako."

Chiba Tadomon Shiro took a deep breath, then half-closed his eyes, and slightly bowed towards Qingdeng and Okita.

"...Sorry...I was the one who said something out of choice just now."

"I take back all the evaluations of the testing hall that I just said."

After saying this quickly, Chiba Tamon Shiro didn't even look at Qingdeng and the others, and hurriedly led his four companions to turn around and leave without staying here any longer.

Chiba Tomon Shiro and the others traveled quickly, and within a short time, their figures disappeared into the crowd, and the onlookers gradually dispersed after seeing that there seemed to be no excitement to join in.

Some people really left, but some people pretended to leave, but in fact they stopped after walking a little far away from Qingdeng and others, continuing to "watch" was much more beautiful than Baimei in their eyes Sanako, who has just passed away, or Qingdeng, who has recently become famous in every street and alley in Edo secretly.

After the onlookers dispersed, several young witches who had been blocked outside and were difficult to get close to were finally able to get close to Qingdeng and them.

Because Chiba Tamonshiro had already left, these priestesses had no choice but to reprimand Qingdeng and the others.

"These guests, it is forbidden to quarrel and fight with others in the shrine! If such a thing happens again, we can only ask you to leave the shrine!"

"Ah, I'm sorry." Chiba Shigetaro smiled at the angry young maidens, "I'm very sorry to have caused you trouble."

"We will pay attention to it later." Qingdeng's voice interrupted, he took a step across and stood beside Chiba Shigetaro.

At this time, Sanako also joined the ranks of dismissing the witches: "I am very sorry for causing you trouble."

Qingdeng, who was busy with Chiba Shigetaro and Sanako dealing with the shrine maidens, didn't notice at this moment——Okita was staring blankly at him with his eyes wide open. Shiro retracted his disparaging name for the test hall and apologized to him...

(End of this chapter)

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