Under, Chinese medicine flavin

Chapter 237 Treatment of gingival hair growth

Chapter 237 Treatment of gingival hair growth
After listening to Lu Guangxiang's description of his son's condition, Huang Su also frowned tightly.

After two decades of medical practice, it was the first time that Flavin encountered hair growing on the gums.

"Patient's father, don't be in a hurry, let the child open his mouth, I'll take a look at the situation first."

This is the three review experts headed by Mr. Yang, who are close to the desk and staring at the child. It is the first time they have seen this strange disease in their medical careers, and they are full of curiosity and exploration of this disease.

Being stared at by so many people, Lu Taotao became frightened. He wrapped his hands tightly around his father's neck and put his head on his father's shoulder, leaving the back of his head for everyone.

Lu Guangxiang gently patted his son's back and comforted: "Tao Tao, the doctor's grandfather and doctor's uncle are all treating you, and the doctor will heal after seeing your illness."

Lu Guangxiang coaxed and persuaded for a long time, before Lu Taotao turned his head reluctantly.

Huang Su said softly: "Children open their mouths and let Uncle Doctor see."

Lu Taotao looked at his father, saw Lu Guangxiang nodded silently, and then slowly opened his mouth.

I saw Lu Taotao's incisors on the upper gums to the gums of the canine teeth on both sides, with slender black hairs protruding from the middle of the two teeth, some of them one, some of which were clustered.The shape and length are similar to eyelashes.

Seeing the hair on Lu Taotao's gums, Huang Su was also in trouble for a while, and his eyebrows were tightly wrinkled together.

Huang Su II also read a lot of ancient Chinese medicine books, and has never seen records of ancient and modern medical cases for gingival hair growth.

Yang Lao's three reviewers also frowned when they saw Lu Taotao's symptoms, and they didn't have a clue. This is really a strange disease that has never been seen before.

Just when he was at a loss, out of the professional instinct of traditional Chinese medicine, Huang Su looked at Lu Taotao's tongue.

I saw Lu Taotao's tongue, the tongue quality was very light and tender, the tooth marks on the edge of the tongue were extremely serious, and the tongue coating was thin.

Seeing Huang Su's contemplative expression, Mr. Yang said, "Doctor Huang, what kind of treatment can your Chinese medicine have for this kind of disease?"

"Although there are no records issued by dentists in ancient and modern Chinese medicine, the patient's tongue, face, body shape, and demeanor can all confirm that the patient has a weak spleen and stomach, and a deficiency of kidney essence, which is a syndrome of congenital deficiency and acquired dystrophy. This gum growth is absolutely inseparable from this."

Seeing that Huang Su's traditional Chinese medicine can't be scientifically proven to fool people, a person in his 40s from the review panel showed a dismissive and sarcastic sneer.

That sneering voice was particularly evident in the small consulting room.

Huang Su's face darkened in an instant and asked: "This expert, it seems that you must be the treatment method for patients with this difficult and miscellaneous disease. Why don't you say it and let's study it together. This is the first time I have seen this disease." , there must be something that can’t be considered. It’s not that my Chinese medicine can’t listen to different opinions. Both Chinese medicine and western medicine are for the purpose of curing diseases and saving lives. As long as the suggestions are beneficial to patients, we will definitely adopt them. Our No. 1 civilian hospital in Grassland City has rich cooperation between Chinese and Western medicine. treatment case."

Although Huang Su did not say that a certain doctor was not, but every sentence was to clean up the disgusting faces of most of the doctors.

Under the gaze of Huang Su's sharp eyes, the guilty expert group member couldn't help but take two steps back, hiding behind Mr. Yang like a clown.

Old Yang turned his head and glared at the man, and said apologetically to Huang Su: "Dr. Huang, you are the doctor here, so it is inconvenient for us to make suggestions."

Seeing their insincere attitude, Huang Su turned his head to look at Lu Guangxiang and turned his back to Mr. Yang and said, "Since you have no opinion to express, please return to your position, don't delay the diagnosis and treatment of my patients, there are so many of you. Surrounding the patient will make the patient nervous, and it is not conducive for me to see the patient."

Huang Su is not afraid that they will wear small shoes for themselves, follow up cases, as long as the patient's disease is cured, what can they do with themselves.

Seeing that Huang Su's tone suddenly became cold, the three old Yang also sat back to their seats embarrassingly.

Huang Su looked at Lu Guangxiang and asked, "Dad patient, has your son been very weak since he was born and often gets sick easily."

"Dr. Huang, you are worthy of being the genius doctor of our grassland city. I didn't say anything, and you already know everything. Since my son was born, his health has been very bad."

Speaking of this, Lu Guangxiang looked at the three experts who were working on the side, and said angrily: "I have been to many hospitals, and every time I have prescribed a lot of drugs, but they have never been cured. I think some people are just It's just a show, it's just bragging."

Satirized by Lu Guangxiang with a gun and a stick, the members of the expert group who had just sneered are now as black as charcoal, and even Lao Lao's color has become unsightly.

After many unsuccessful attempts to seek medical treatment, Lu Guangxiang had already developed distrust in Western medicine. Seeing them targeting flavin in such a way, he naturally felt uncomfortable, and his words were a bit unpleasant.

Huang Su's medical skills are recognized by the people of Prairie City, how can others be allowed to provoke the pride of Prairie City.

"Dr. Huang, since you know that my son has been frail and sick since childhood, do you have a cure?" Lu Guangxiang looked at Huang Su with hopeful eyes as if seeing the light.

Huang Su replied, "Wait until I take your son's pulse."

Having said that, Lu Guangxiang put his son's right wrist on the pulse pillow.

Huang Su's three fingers were placed on the three parts of Lu Taotao's cunguan and chi, and the patient's pulse was weak and weak, and the pulse was extremely soft to the touch.

Normal young children, because their innate qi is very abundant, often show a strong beating in the pulse, especially the strength of adults.

The patient's thin and weak pulse, especially the deeper pulse of the right cun and right chi, just confirmed the original diagnosis of flavin.

Weak pulse is a syndrome of deficiency of both qi and blood, yin and yang. Insufficient yin and blood cannot fill the channel, yang is weak and qi is less, and it is unable to agitate and promote blood flow. Therefore, the pulse is heavy and soft, and a weak pulse is formed.

Huang Su released Lu Taotao's left wrist and asked, "Your son usually coughs up phlegm."

"Yes. We gave him a lot of medicines prescribed by western medicine, and he could get relief after taking it. As long as he stopped taking it, he would relapse immediately." Lu Guangxiang said with a sad face.

This is to say that Chinese and Western medicine have different perceptions of phlegm.

Phlegm in traditional Chinese medicine mainly refers to the product caused by the disturbance of body fluid circulation, which is mainly related to the dysfunction of lung, spleen and kidney.In Chinese medicine, phlegm is divided into visible phlegm and invisible phlegm. Visible phlegm refers to some phlegm that can be seen, such as spit phlegm and throat phlegm manifested by asthma.Invisible phlegm is generally invisible, such as some phlegm caused by madness, phlegm confuses the heart orifices, and the deformation of hand, foot joints caused by rheumatic arthralgia.

In Western medicine, phlegm is the fluid secreted by the respiratory tract that is stimulated, also called sputum.

Due to the difference in cognition, what Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine say about resolving phlegm are completely different things. In fact, the purpose of resolving phlegm in Western medicine is to dilute sputum to promote the purpose of expelling sputum. Commonly used drugs are acetylcysteine. , Ambroxol Hydrochloride, Carbocisteine ​​Oral Liquid, etc.

Huang Su nodded and continued to ask, "How is the child's bowel movements?"

"There's nothing wrong with urination. It's just that you have diarrhea when you have a cold stool or eat something cold. The usual stool is normal." Lu Guangxiang pondered the situation on both sides of his son, looked up at Huang Su and said, "Director Huang, my son What is going on with his condition, can you treat the hair on his body and gums?"

"Patient's father, don't worry. I can basically confirm that your son's gum growth must be related to your son's congenital deficiency, acquired dystrophy, weak spleen and stomach, and insufficient kidney essence. My treatment plan is to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and nourish the kidney and fill the essence."

This is traditional Chinese medicine. The symptoms of a patient are never an important consideration in traditional Chinese medicine. Because of the theoretical support, even if you have never seen a disease or even an extremely rare incurable disease, as long as the four diagnostics are combined to determine the patient's syndrome, there will be specific symptoms. treatment plan.

This is the case with syringomyelia, today’s gingival complications, several major outbreaks, SARS, bird flu, and the new crown.

When a new disease breaks out suddenly, when a doctor is helpless about it, he can only use the patient as a guinea pig to continuously try various drugs. After four diagnosis and ginseng, traditional Chinese medicine will soon come up with effective drugs. treatment plan.

Hearing that Huang Su had a cure, Lu Guangxiang asked eagerly, "Director Huang, how should my son be treated?"

Huang Su said: "My treatment is divided into two steps. The first step is to use Xiangsha Liujunzi Decoction to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and to strengthen the source of biochemistry. In the second step, we use Liuwei Dihuang Tang is used to invigorate the kidney and nourish the marrow.”

Seeing that Huang Su didn't say anything about the growth of his son's gums, Lu Guangxiang hurriedly continued to ask: "Doctor Huang, you are only good at strengthening the spleen and kidneys, why didn't you say anything about my child's gum growth."

Huang Su can only explain patiently: "Your son's symptoms are weak spleen and stomach and insufficient kidney essence. Through treatment, as long as your son's spleen and stomach are healthy and kidney essence is full, I believe that the gums will heal on their own."

Huang Su is the first doctor who is willing to prescribe medicine for his child since Lu Guangxiang sought medical treatment for more than a month. In addition, the people of Prairie City trust Huang Su.

Lu Guangxiang said cheerfully: "Director Huang, I will listen to you, you can prescribe the medicine!"


In the recipe, ginseng, Atractylodes, Poria, Licorice tonify qi and invigorate the spleen; Pinellia, tangerine peel, Amomum, Muxiang regulate qi and resolve phlegm. Considering the patient's loss of appetite, the Divine Comedy and stir-fried malt are added, which can make the patient recover the spleen and stomach more quickly. .

Huang Su took He Hui's prescription and read it carefully. After confirming that there was no problem, he handed the prescription to Lu Guangxiang and said, "This is a medicine. Let the child take it for half a month, and then come back for a follow-up. We According to the child's physical recovery, the next treatment plan will be developed."

Lu Guangxiang carefully put away the prescription, got up and bowed his thanks to Huang Su, with a hopeful smile on his face, he walked out of the consultation room with his son in his arms.

Seeing Lu Guangxiang walking out of the consultation room, Yang Lao walked up to Huang Su and said, "Dr. Huang, I want to discuss something with you. This case of gum growth is too rare. I hope that in the original cancer case, there will be more Add this case to the assessment of case tracking."

Huang Su said in a lukewarm tone: "Old Yang, you are the leader of the evaluation expert group. It is your right to evaluate how you want to be evaluated. You don't need to discuss it with me. As a doctor in a city hospital, I will actively cooperate with the evaluation. the work of the expert group.”

Listening to Huang Su's official tone with a sense of distance, Mr. Yang knew that the rashness of some people in the jury panel had completely angered the other party.

Mr. Yang knew very well that if the doctor on the review panel did not apologize, the two sides would never be able to restore the harmony they had when they met.

Mr. Yang knew better what kind of person the member of the evaluation expert group was just now. He always had an inexplicable sense of superiority to traditional Chinese medicine, and he had no door to apologize to him, probably not even a window.

As the leader of the team, Mr. Yang can only try to ease the relationship between the two parties and complete the work smoothly.

Yang Lao smiled and said, "Dr. Huang, since you agree, then we will take Lu Taotao's medical case as the investigation target of this case tracking. Dr. Huang, you must give me a detailed medical record of the patient as soon as possible."

Huang Su ignored Mr. Yang, turned his head to look at Risong and said, "That Risong, please sort out Lu Taotao's medical records as soon as possible, and give a copy to the review expert team."

Seeing that Huang Su's tone is still a thousand miles away, but he has made an attitude of actively cooperating with his work, Yang Lao can't find any fault, he can only shake his head helplessly, and sit back in his seat .

Huang Su didn't even bother to look at them, and continued to say to Na Risong, "That Risong, go and call the next patient."

"Director, I see!"

With that said, Risong got up and walked out of the clinic.

Not long after, I saw a woman in her 20s helping a thin middle-aged man into the ward.

Huang Su carefully looked at the patient's face and demeanor, and saw that the middle-aged man's face was dark and pitted, as if covered with acne, but there were no pustules, and many parts of his cheeks were broken, covered with blood scabs, and the corners of his mouth on both sides. Festering has also occurred.

Then look at the patient's spirit is very lethargic, the hair on the head has become very thin.

As a doctoral student of Professor Sun, I have experienced a lot of clinical experience in cancer with Professor Sun, and I am very familiar with the patient's face.

Flavin can be determined at a glance, the middle-aged man in front of him is likely to be taking targeted drugs, resulting in adverse reactions.

Common side effects of targeted drugs include rash, nausea, diarrhea, mucositis, mouth ulcers, and hair loss.

The appearance of severe acne on a man's face is actually the most common side effect of targeted drugs, rash.

No matter how suave you used to be and your appearance is better than Pan An, as long as you take targeted drugs, it will be like disfigurement.

Look at the way the young woman is intimate with the middle-aged man.

Huang Su speculates that the man is not very old, but has become extraordinarily old under the double ravages of cancer and drugs.

(End of this chapter)

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