Under, Chinese medicine flavin

Chapter 285 The Teaching of Flavin

Chapter 285 The Teaching of Flavin

Li Yan led a middle-aged man in his 40s into the consultation room.

The middle-aged man sat down, and Huang Su asked, "Name, age!"

"Gao Chengliang, 42 years old!"

After seeing Li Yan recording the patient's basic information in the medical record book, she stopped the pen in her hand.

Huang Su asked: "Are you uncomfortable there?"

Gao Chengliang glanced at Li Yan and Niu Jie with his eyes, opened his mouth to say something, but closed his mouth again, but he refused to speak.

With Gao Chengliang's hesitant expression, Huang Su also had a rough guess about his condition, and looking at his pale complexion, he became even more certain.

"Since you have chosen to seek medical treatment, you can't be afraid of your illness. Only by telling your condition can our doctors take medicines according to the symptoms, and your illness will be cured."

After listening to Huang Su's persuasion, Gao Chengliang said hesitantly, "Director Huang, I believe in your medical skills, but there are two female doctors here, so I'm a little embarrassed to say it."

"There are only doctors here, no men and women. There are male doctors in the obstetrics and gynecology department, and there is no female patient who does not treat the disease."

Gao Chengliang nodded silently, and after thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth and said with determination: "I have been impotent for two years, and I have no desire at all for the past six months, and I have not had sex for half a year. Quarrel with me, Director Huang, I waited in line for more than a month before I got your number!"

Speaking of his condition, the middle-aged man in his 40s is now flushed, but he is looking at Huang Su with burning eyes, full of confidence in Huang Su.

After the story of flavin's cure spread.

Among the people of Prairie City, Huang Su has become a magic doctor who can cure all diseases.

It also made the people no longer afraid of diseases. This is the influence of a famous doctor on the city.

Gao Chengliang belongs to Chen Ji on impotence, and Huang Su continued to ask: "Before the impotence did not lift, did you have premature ejaculation of spermatorrhea and unsteady lifting?"

"Yes! My intercourse time is never very long, and it's only about 5 minutes each time."

Having already stated his condition, Gao Chengliang seemed to let go of all his restrained burdens and continued: "Because of the short time and not hard enough, I also consulted other Chinese medicine practitioners. At that time, you hadn't come to the city hospital to work, and they gave me a prescription. Lailugui Pills, Yougui Pills, Wuzi Yanzong Pills, they are effective every time they are taken, but as long as they are not taken, they will have no effect after a while.”

Li Yan sat across from him and carefully recorded the symptoms described by Gao Chengliang.

"Put out your tongue and I'll take a look at the tongue coating."

Gao Chengliang stuck out his tongue, which was fat, pale, and thin.

After Li Yan also checked the tongue image, Huang Su nodded: "Stretch out your hand, I will diagnose the pulse."

Li Yan also put down the gel pen in her hand and said, "Give me the other hand!"

Huang Su's three fingers rested on Gao Chengliang's pulse, feeling that the patient's wrist was cold, he reached out to hold the other's hand, and his right hand was cold and wet.

After examining the patient's pulse in both hands, Huang Su and Li Yan asked again, "Are the hands and feet cold, whether there is weakness in the lower limbs, and whether the waist and abdomen are cold."

Gao Chengliang replied, "Director Huang, I have all the situations you mentioned, and I am particularly afraid of the cold."

Li Yan recorded Gao Chengliang's symptoms one by one again.

From the question and answer between the master and the patient, Li Yan preliminarily judged that the patient was kidney yang deficiency.

Huang Su seemed to see through Li Yan's mind and said, "You have seen the patient's tongue and pulse, and tell me the patient's symptoms."

Li Yan picked up the medical record book, carefully read the patient's symptoms recorded by herself, and sorted out the words in her mind.

"The patient's pulse is slow, especially two feet, pale tongue, white and thin tongue coating, cold hands and feet, weak lower limbs, cold waist and abdomen, which are symptoms of kidney yang deficiency, and should be treated with the method of invigorating the kidney and strengthening yang."

Huang Su did not comment on Li Yan's dialectics, but instead asked: "Since it is treated with the method of invigorating the kidney and strengthening yang, why does the patient take Lugui Pills and Yougui Pills that warm the yang and invigorate the kidneys? invalid?"

The question raised by Huang Su instantly caused Li Yan to fall into contemplation.

Seeing Li Yan frowning in thought but not speaking, Huang Su reminded: "You can re-examine the patient's pulse for two days."

After listening to Huang Su's words, Li Yan took Gao Chengliang's hand again and pressed his three fingers on the other side's inch, inch, and ruler.

Huang Su saw Li Yan's pulse-diagnosing gestures with index finger, ring finger, and middle finger, and nodded secretly with great satisfaction.

Spiritual people, with just a little bit of guidance, will be able to understand and even draw inferences from one case to another.A person without spirituality will be in a state of bewilderment even if you ask your face a hundred times.

This is Chinese medicine, a very gifted profession.

Why does Chinese medicine often appear? Although the grandparents and fathers are famous doctors, their children have not inherited their mantle, and even their descendants can only learn a little bit, relying on the prestige of their grandparents and fathers.

In the world of TCM, no talent is no talent.

As time passed slowly, Li Yan's eyebrows furrowed even tighter.

Even though Li Yan is extremely talented, he is also a rookie in Chinese medicine. Some similar pulse signs are often unclear.

Knowing Li Yan's weakness very well, he also reminded him at this time: "Keep your mind calm, adjust your breathing evenly, and let the patient's pulse synchronize with your own breathing."

In pulse diagnosis, slowness and slowness, number and disease, and deepness and weakness are all pulse symptoms that are difficult for novice Chinese medicine practitioners to distinguish.

Especially the slow and slow, count and rapid pulse, which is judged by the pulse rate.

New doctors often pay attention to the situation when they diagnose the pulse, pay attention to their own breathing rhythm, and ignore the beating frequency of the patient's pulse, or notice the frequency of the patient's pulse, but cannot synchronize with their own breathing.

Compared with the number and the disease, the obvious difference between five breaths and eight breaths is more difficult to distinguish between slow and slow. One breath less than four times is late, and one breath is four times slow.

In the novice of Chinese medicine, it can be said that the slow pulse is easy to distinguish, but the slow pulse is difficult to distinguish.

Not to mention the more difficult slowness and weak pulse.

Seeing that Li Yan still hadn't diagnosed the pulse of Liangguan, Huang Su asked Gao Chengliang remindingly, "Do you have a poor appetite and stomach bloating after eating."

Gao Chengliang nodded and said, "Director Huang, you are really amazing, you even know that I have a bad appetite, I haven't eaten much in the past two years, and it's even worse in the past six months. I don't even want to eat anymore."

After listening to Gao Chengliang's description of his condition, Li Yan's eyebrows also stretched out, and he checked the pulse again.

Knowing the symptoms of the disease, it is much easier to reverse the pulse.

After the two-hand diagnosis, Li Yan said, "The patient's two-foot-delayed and two-pass weak are the symptoms of deficiency of kidney yang, weakness of liver and spleen, and failure of the three internal organs."

Seeing that Huang Su agreed with Li Yan's answer, Gao Chengliang asked suspiciously: "Director Huang, you feel that my impotence has something to do with the liver, kidney and spleen. It's not that the impotence is caused by the kidneys. It has something to do with the liver and spleen.”

"In traditional Chinese medicine, the kidney is only one of the causes of impotence. For example, stagnation of the liver and qi, deficiency of both the heart and spleen, and damp-heat in the liver and gallbladder can all cause impotence. Huang Su continued to explain: "This is why you take Lugui Pills, right Gui Wan, Wuzi Yanzong Wan and other products for warming the kidney and strengthening yang are sometimes effective, sometimes ineffective, and ineffective for a long time. "

"Insufficient kidney yang, weak liver and spleen, but adhere to the method of 'invigorating kidney yang and promoting yang things', seeking completeness, can not cure it in the end, medicine is effective, not use is ineffective, long-term use is also ineffective. If you want to cure impotence, you can't For example, the liver, spleen and kidney should be supplemented together.”

"Li Yan Jifang!"

Hearing Huang Sudu's words, Li Yan immediately picked up the pen and waited.


While recording the prescription of flavin, Li Yan quickly thought about the efficacy of each herb in her brain.

After writing the recipe, Li Yan already knew that it was a recipe to supplement the three viscera and re-invigorate the kidney yang, and finally used Gorgon, keel, and lotus whiskers to consolidate the essence to treat premature ejaculation.

Li Yan handed the medical records and prescriptions written by herself to the flavin inspection.

Huang Su read the medical record and prescription, signed his name on the prescription, and handed it to Gao Chengliang to instruct: "This medicine, go back and drink ten doses, and come over for a follow-up consultation, please see how to lift the medicine, It is also forbidden to act.”

Gao Chengliang carefully took the recipe and glanced at it, carefully keeping it like a treasure, got up and bowed to Huang Su to thank him.

"Director Huang, thank you!"

This is Gao Chengliang regaining his dignity as a man, and it is not enough to be careful.

After Gao Chengliang left, Li Yan asked inexplicably, "Master, why is the patient's spleen and stomach weak? I didn't see it on the tongue image. He has a tooth-marked tongue."

"You should first know how the dented tongue is formed. The dented tongue is caused by a deficiency of the spleen, which causes the body to become hypertrophic, so that the teeth can no longer fit the tongue. The tongue is under the bite of the upper teeth, forming dentition around the tongue."

Flavin paused for a while to let Li Yan digest it.

After seeing Li Yan pondering for a while, he understood the reasoning here.

Huang Su continued to speak: "So when a patient has a tooth-marked tongue, it can only mean that the patient's spleen deficiency is very serious. abnormal water metabolism."

Huang Su looked at Li Yan, paused for a while and continued: "So to determine whether a patient has spleen deficiency, the first thing to look at is whether the tongue is hypertrophic. You can look at the patient's tongue. The tongue is fat, pale, and coated. White thin."

For those who are new to TCM and not proficient in pulse diagnosis, how to exercise their ability in pulse diagnosis can be based on the dialectical syndromes of tongue diagnosis, infer the pulse appearance, familiarize themselves with various pulse appearances, and increase the proficiency in pulse diagnosis.

This is just a family's words, for reference only.

Some people will say that I am not proficient in tongue diagnosis, what should I do?

I can only advise you to change careers and not to study Chinese medicine, because you really have no talent.

Because among the four diagnostic methods, tongue diagnosis is the most pictorial and easiest to learn diagnosis method, and it is also the most accurate method for judging the disease and syndrome.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the four diagnostic methods are not allowed to look at the pulse, and the pulse is not allowed to look at the tongue.

Li Yan thought for a while, nodded and said, "Master, I understand!"

Niu Jie on the side stared at the master and apprentice with big eyes and small eyes. Listening to their conversation was like listening to a scripture from heaven.

The tongue can even reflect the changes of the five internal organs. Isn't the change in the tongue coating related to bacteria and diet? Isn't the shape of the tongue innate!
Now Niu Jie is completely in a state of ignorance.

Huang Sujian frowned and thought about Li Yan, and persuaded: "Okay, you have just contacted tongue diagnosis, and it is normal for you to not analyze the tongue image thoroughly. I will explain it to you in combination with the clinical practice. Don't think too much. Now, for Gao Chengliang’s disease, most Chinese medicine practitioners will treat it according to the kidney-invigorating and yang-boosting treatment.”

As far as the three-finger pressing method taught by the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is concerned, only one general pulse can be diagnosed, which is also very rare.

If you want them to diagnose the specific pulse of each part of Cunguanchi, it is obviously difficult for them.

This is also the reason why after 20 years of seeing the pulse of an old Chinese doctor, it feels like playing the piano on one's own wrist, but now the pulse diagnosis is done with three fingers.

Seeing Li Yan's eyebrows stretched out, Huang Su said, "Go and call the next patient!"

Li Yan nodded, got up and walked out of the consultation room to call the next patient.

The next morning's patients were all Li Yan's statement of her dialectical results, and Huang Su was pointing out where Li Yan's dialectical error was and why such a mistake occurred.

In one morning, the outpatient clinic received a total of 23 patients, and Li Yan was really correct in only three patients.

Looking at the clock on the wall, it was time to rest at noon.

Li Yan, who is like frost hitting an eggplant, praised Li Yan, "You have been able to correctly identify the patient's disease syndrome in less than a year of learning Chinese medicine. You are already very remarkable."

Huang Su didn't want to knock down his apprentice's self-confidence on the first day.

After hearing Huang Su's compliment, Li Yan was instantly refreshed and looked at Huang Su and asked, "Master, is what you said true?"

Huang Su nodded and said, "When did Master lie to you, you can ask that Risong and He Hui what their level was when they just graduated from university in five years. Years, and now can barely meet the standard of sitting clinic."

After listening to Huang Su's explanation, Li Yan's small face, which was wrinkled like a bun all morning, finally stretched out.

Li Yan knew more or less what happened to Risong and He Hui when they first came to the hospital, but she couldn't even diagnose the pulse.

In fact, Huang Su had already changed the fate of Risong and He Hui before he knew it.

If there is no flavin, then Risong and He Hui may also become the so-called "Chinese medicine" who only prescribes traditional Chinese medicine for laboratory tests.

Or, that Risong and He Hui had doubts about what they had learned about traditional Chinese medicine after experiencing many failures in treating patients.

Under the operation of Chief Bayin, the two gave up their doctor status.

Entered the health bureau and became a government worker in the medical system.

(End of this chapter)

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