Under, Chinese medicine flavin

Chapter 349 The Harm of Inferior Chinese Medicine

Chapter 349 The Harm of Inferior Chinese Medicine
"Director Huang, here!"

Doctor Fang looked at the door of the emergency room cubicle, and saw Huang Su coming over and quickly raised his hand to shake.

The doctor and the room passed through the curtain, and Huang Su saw a 50-year-old obese man lying on the hospital bed.

The obese man was already in a coma, and the wrist and finger joints of his left arm were severely constricted, unable to stretch naturally, like crooked chicken feet.

"Who are the family members?"


A man in his 20s walked up to Huang Su: "I am the patient's son, Director Huang. We all know that you are very good at treating strokes. You must save my father. He is only under 50 years old."

With the addition of the title of deputy mayor, the news that Huang Su cured Zhao Weizhong's father who had suffered a stroke for many years had already spread throughout Grassland City.

In addition, Huang Su successfully rescued many critically ill patients with stroke.

Everyone in Grassland City knows that the treatment of stroke requires the director Huang of the city hospital.

This is why, when a stroke patient is sent to the emergency department, instead of contacting the neurology department first, Huang Su is notified.

"Patient's family, don't worry! I will definitely get close to the right!" Huang Su calmed down the anxiety of the patient's family and asked, "Did your father have any symptoms before he had a stroke?"

The young man pondered for a while and said: "My dad woke up this morning and said he had a pain in the right side of his head. My dad is a high school teacher. The pressure of students entering school made him have migraines all the time. We didn't take it seriously. Every time he just sleeps it will be fine."

"But after waking up, my dad not only had a worse headache, but also said that he was dizzy and nauseous, and passed out not long after. I hurriedly called 120 and sent him to the city hospital."

Knowing the patient's symptoms before the onset of the disease, Huang Su went to the bed and began to diagnose the patient's pulse.

Judging from the symptoms reported by the patient's family members, flavin can determine that the patient's stroke is not caused by excessive liver fire or liver wind.

Often the liver fire is strong, and the stroke caused by the liver wind is short and rapid, and it will not appear, and the patient will not be given time to sleep and relax.

Stroke caused by phlegm obsessing the heart orifice often requires a damp and hot external force like alcohol.

Huang Su's three fingers rest on the patient's wrist, the left guanxian is heavy and strong, and the left chi is short and weak.The string on the right is slippery, and the right ruler is big.

If the patient has strong liver fire and liver wind, the pulse of the left hand should be stronger than the pulse of the right hand.

Zuo Guan's pulse should be similar to Gao Yun's at noon, stringy and vigorous.

The patient is now full of right and left empty, which is a sign of excess of yin and yang.

Huang Su let go of the patient's right hand, turned to look at the patient's son and asked, "Is your father usually afraid of the cold and prefers the heat?"

The young man nodded and said: "Director Huang, that's right! My dad is usually very afraid of the cold, and when the weather turned cold in autumn, he changed into all his long johns. , but he is also particularly afraid of the cold."

"We have always wondered, isn't it said that fat people are afraid of heat but not cold, but my dad is just the opposite."

The young man looked at Huang Su suspiciously, and asked tentatively: "You mean, my dad's illness is related to his fear of cold and love of heat."

Huang Su nodded: "Judging from the pulse condition, your father's kidney qi is weak, the water is deficient and the wood is prosperous, and he is obese. He has a constitution of qi deficiency and phlegm dampness. Because the college entrance examination is approaching, the patient is troubled and worried, so the five aspirations, qi and fire are intertwined. The wind blows, and the phlegm dampness disturbs the brain, resulting in a stroke."

Huang Su said to Doctor Fang: "Give the patient an Angong Niuhuang Pill and feed it through the nose!"


Doctor Fang wrote the benefit prescription and handed it to the nurse.

The nurse took the prescription and went to the emergency pharmacy to get the medicine.

The patient's stroke is a type of stroke that often occurs in the elderly and rarely occurs in the young and middle-aged.

Because in old age, the kidney qi weakens, the kidney water dries up, the liver wood becomes vigorous, and when the liver is vigorous, it is easy to get angry, and it is easy to have a stroke.

The young man asked: "Director Huang, is my dad still recovering from his illness? He is a teacher. If he is paralyzed, he will bid farewell to the podium."

The young man was very emotional and could see that the profession of teaching was important to his father.

"Don't worry, we will do our best to treat patients."

Huang Su skillfully sterilized the silver needles and exsanguinated the patients ten times.

The purpose of Shixuan bloodletting is to lower the patient's blood pressure and intracranial pressure, so as to prevent the patient's condition from deteriorating further.

At this time, the nurse also came in with the melted Angong Niuhuang Pills, ripped open the nasal feeding tube, and administered nasal feeding to the patient.

After the nurse fed the drug through nasal feeding, Huang Su gave the patient acupuncture and moxibustion treatment.

For stroke caused by excessive liver fire and phlegm obsessing the heart orifice, acupuncture and moxibustion mainly use purging method, purging the fire of excess yang and purging the turbidity of phlegm and dampness.

Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment caused by the gradual decline of kidney qi and water-deficiency and wood flourishing should take into account the combination of nourishing and reducing, not only the fire of the vigorous purging wood and the fire of phlegm-dampness, but also the nourishing of kidney qi and nourishing water.

After acupuncture by Huang Su Xie method, the patient slowly opened his eyes and woke up.

"Dad, you're awake!"

Seeing the patient wake up, the young man excitedly stepped forward to ask about his father's situation.

"The patient needs to rest quietly now, don't disturb him, and help me not to take off the patient's clothes."

The young man helped Huang Su take off the patient's shirt and rolled up his trousers.

Huang Su first used the reducing method to acupuncture the patient's Jalan, Fengchi, Taichong, and Fenglong, and then used the reinforcing method to acupuncture Taixi and Fuliu.

Huang Su continued to acupuncture the shoulders, arms, Shousanli, Hegu, Waiguan, and Baxie of the patient's two arms, using the purging method on the right arm and the reinforcing method on the left arm.

Just as Huang Su was doing the acupuncture, there was the sound of messy footsteps outside the clinic.

When Huang Su used the purging method to prick Baxie on the right hand and finished acupuncture, He Hui, Na Risong, Li Yan, and Qin Liang hurried into the consulting room.

"Master, how is the patient?"

"Director, what's the patient's condition?"

Huang Su left the silver needle with his right hand, turned to the four people and said, "The patient suffered from a stroke caused by water deficiency and wood flourishing."

"Li Yan help the patient transfer to the Chinese medicine department!"

Huang Su said to Doctor Fang: "We will just walk the patient."

"no problem!"

Huang Su looked at He Hui again: "He Hui memorizes the prescription and prescribes the medicine for the patient."


The prescription formulated by Huang Su is Zuogui Pills and Uncaria Wendan Decoction, which mainly focuses on strengthening the kidney water, assisting in calming the liver and calming the wind, resolving phlegm and clearing the orifices.

"Qin Liang, analyze my way of doing acupuncture."

Huang Su called Qin Liang to his side and tested him.

Qin Liang observed the patient's physical condition by himself, and saw that the arm was convulsed again. Combined with what Huang Su said, the patient was suffering from deficiency of water and hyperactivity of fire, and he already had a plan in mind.

Qin Liang said tentatively: "Director, I infer that you used the method of purging the jaundice, Fengchi, Taichong, Fenglong, Xiejayan, and Fengchi to clear the evil turbidity of the empty orifice by purging the floating yang. Purging Taichong is to calm the liver and subdue yang, and purging Fenglong is to settle the turbid phlegm, and acupuncture Taixi and Fuliu with tonifying method, and tonifying Taixi and Fuliu have the effect of nourishing water and culminating trees."

Huang Su nodded in satisfaction: "Keep talking!"

After Huang Su's encouragement, Qin Liang became more courageous: "The patient's left hand is convulsed. Director, you should use the reducing method on the right arm and the reinforcing method on the left arm. I guess the patient's pulse should be solid in the right and empty in the left. The pulse is greater than that of the left hand."

Acupuncture and moxibustion pay attention to treating right diseases and treating left diseases, which is consistent with Western medicine, where the left brain controls the right side of the body and the right brain controls the left side of the body.

Huang Su nodded approvingly: "Very good, the future acupuncture treatment of this patient will be entrusted to you."

With the departure of old Chinese medicine doctor Liu, Huang Su's work is very busy. All the patient care work in the inpatient department is given to the doctors and nurses in the inpatient department.

As a doctor of acupuncture and moxibustion, it is also right for Huang Su to hand over the patient to Qin Liang.

Half an hour later, Huang Su gave the patient an injection.

"The inpatient department where you transferred the patient, I will go back to the outpatient room first."

Huang Su raised his hand to look at the time, and it was past his afternoon consultation time.

"Director Huang, go and do your work! Just leave it to us." Doctor Fang said politely.

Chinese Medicine Clinic.

Looking at the patients who had been waiting for a long time in the corridor, Huang Su clasped his hands and bowed to apologize to all the patients who saw the doctor.

"I'm sorry, everyone! I'm a little late after dealing with a patient in the emergency department."

The patient also said in a very reasonable manner: "Director Huang, it's okay! It's important to save lives!"

Just as Huang Su sat down, a young woman with a very bad spirit walked into the consulting room.

The young woman sits weak and listless opposite Huang Su.

Huang Su asked, "What's wrong with you?"

The young woman said distressedly and shyly: "My left RF has recently shrunk, and now it has shrunk to half the size of the right. I have gone to many hospitals for checkups, blood tests, laboratory tests, and CT. The money is not short. Hua, but I haven't found out the reason, Director Huang, I know that you are a famous doctor in our Grassland City, and I place all my hopes on you."

The young woman looked at Huang Su with hopeful eyes.

Huang Su glanced at the patient's chest. Even though he was wearing clothes and a bra inside, he could still see the uneven size on both sides.

For this strange disease of RF atrophy, it was the first time for Huang Su to encounter this strange disease in two lives, and he had no idea for a while.

Huang Su asked: "Before your RF atrophy, did your body encounter anything special?"

Huang Su believes that RF atrophy does not appear for no reason, it must be caused by some external cause.

The young woman said: "Before I got this disease, I was in a car accident and lost a lot of blood and fractured my bones."

"After recovering from the fracture and being discharged from the hospital, I lost my appetite, my meals were not delicious, and I was not energetic at ordinary times, and I couldn't be interested in doing anything. It didn't take long for my left breast to shrink."

The young woman continued to worry and said: "I was afraid that there might be something like a tumor mass, so I hurried to the hospital for various examinations, and there was neither mass nor cancer. You know, besides doing various Examination, I don’t even know what disease I have.”

"Western medicine couldn't find the cause, so I also consulted Chinese medicine practitioners. They said that I had a weak spleen and stomach, or some kind of middle-jiao qi depression. They showed me Buzhong Yiqi Decoction, but I drank it for three months, and there was no effect. "

As she spoke, the woman took out the previous medical records from her bag and handed them to Huang Su.

Huang Su took the pathology book and read it carefully.

Just now the young woman said that her food was not delicious, her spirits were listless, and she was exhausted.

Huang Su suspected that her illness might be caused by weak spleen and stomach.

In particular, it was observed that the patient's complexion was yellowish, and the facial muscles also atrophied.

Huang Su became more sure of his judgment.

The spleen governs the strengthening of muscle function, so that qi and blood metaplasia are active, and the muscles will be strong and powerful.

And RF is the owner of Yangming, and this woman is suffering from a severe loss of energy and blood, because of the car accident causing heavy bleeding and the fear of a car accident.

As a result, the qi is trapped and the qi is deficient, the qi and blood repair the bones, and the RF is not replenished. Not only the RF shrinks, but also the facial muscles are reduced. There is a serious depression on the cheek, and the cheekbones become very prominent.

Huang Su continued to ask: "After you drank the Buzhong Yiqi Decoction, did your body change?"

After pondering, the young woman said doubtfully, "Basically, nothing has changed."

Huang Su clearly reminded: "Do you feel that your body is strong and your physical endurance has increased?"

The young woman pondered for a while, then nodded slightly and said, "This is a bit of a feeling."

It seems that Chinese medicine is right to prescribe the medicine.

"Give me your right hand, and I'll check the pulse."

Huang Su looked at the pulse and tongue.

Youguan is weak and weak, there are tooth marks on both sides of the tongue, and the center of the tongue is sunken, which is indeed spleen deficiency and qi depression.

Huang Su looked at the prescription prescribed by the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and it was a regular prescription of Buzhong Yiqi Decoction.

Huang Su explained: "That's right, Buzhong Yiqi Decoction is used to treat pulse deficiency, fatigue and burnout, and of course muscle contraction. But this soup still lacks a set of medicine primers. The efficacy of the medicine is all directed to RF, and it is estimated that the effect will be better."

As soon as the young woman heard the medicine primer, her eyes lit up and she said, "Director Huang, quickly put some medicine primers on me."

Huang Su added kudzu root, angelica dahurica, loofah and buliuxing to the original prescription.

Pueraria lobata root and Angelica dahurica are specially included in the Yangming meridian, reaching the RF of the head and face, which can strengthen the circulation of blood in the muscles and help the recovery of contracted muscles.

Loofah can dredge the RF meridian, can Wang Buliuxing clear the breast?
Both medicines are good medicines for breast disease.

Women's breast milk is blocked, and it can be opened quickly with Wang Buliu Xing and loofah, which shows that it is good at unblocking the meridians around rf/
Therefore, under the leadership of Loofah and Wang Buliuxing, the energy of Qi and blood is continuously directed towards RF.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that yang produces yin and grows. When the yang and middle qi of Buzhong Yiqi Decoction are continuously gathered in the RF under the leadership of kudzu root, angelica, loofah, and buliuxing, the muscles will gradually become plump. .

Huang Su quickly drew up the prescription and handed it to the woman: "Drink it for half a month when you go back, and then come back for a review."

At the same time, Huang Su also taught the woman to do chest expansion exercises, which can relieve chest depression.

Because of the atrophy of the disease, women must feel inferior, feel bad, and not think about eating. While nourishing the spleen and stomach, they must soothe the liver and relieve depression.In order to allow nutrients to go where they are needed.

Sending off the young female patient, Huang Su's busy afternoon began again.

Unknowingly, the sun has already slanted to the west, and the red light reflects the sky very beautifully.

Huang Su saw off the last patient and was about to pack up and leave work.

The phone rang suddenly.

Huang Su connected to the phone, and He Hui's anxious voice came from the phone: "Director, please come here quickly, the patient in the emergency department at noon had a stroke again."

(End of this chapter)

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