Chapter 279

Hiroshi Kimura is already very familiar with the backstage of the Night HIT show. He has been here countless times since he became an idol singer in the past two years. According to his current status, even if he comes to record the show every week If so, there is no problem.

But the frequency of his nightly HIT program is not very high, almost once a month. Among the popular idol singers, this is considered to be the least frequent one. For example, Akina Nakamori will come almost every week, especially During the period of playing new songs, we will never miss a single game.

When I came to the backstage of the show, the guests I met and the staff of the TV station were almost all acquaintances. It has been almost two years since his debut, and he has come here more than a dozen times. With his fame, it is difficult not to know him.

"Kimura-san, you are here. It's really been a long time." Just when Kimura Hiroshi finished greeting the people he knew one by one, he heard a soft voice greet him, and turned to look at him. I saw the oval face, aimed at Kikuchi Momoko who was full of smiles.

They haven't seen each other for a long time. Since they gave Kikuchi Momoko their last single in November last year, they haven't seen each other again, and it's been almost five months now.

After VAP used the single created by Hiroshi Kimura to make Kikuchi Momoko popular and took the position of a first-line idol singer, he began to consciously reduce his dependence on the singles provided by Kimura Hiroshi. This is a relatively normal operation. Relying on the singles provided by Hiroshi Kimura can make the record sell well, then it is equivalent to the binding of Momoko Kikuchi and Hiroshi Kimura, which is not a good thing for VAP, they cannot bear the manipulation of their first-line idols by others.

Therefore, although the producer Watanabe Kawasaku who was in charge of Kikuchi Momoko asked Kikuchi Momoko to continue to maintain a relatively close relationship with Kimura Hiroshi, Kikuchi Momoko did not need Kimura Hiroshi to provide a single.

"Ah, it's peach jam. It's really been a long time. How's it going? Are you here to promote a new song today?" Naturally, Hiroshi Kimura would not ignore the other party just because the other party stopped singing his own song. Things are completely determined by the firm and the record company, Kikuchi Momoko can't decide.

Seeing Hiroshi Kimura's calm attitude and willingness to chat with her, Momoko Kikuchi was very happy, but when talking about the recent events, she felt a little depressed, "Thank you for your concern, Kimura-san. It's been good recently, but I'm a little tired. The idol is really too busy. Yeah, it's a little out of breath."

In today's entertainment industry where idols are flying all over the sky, although it has reached the front line, it is destined to be busy if it wants to maintain it. Hiroshi Kimura can't help with this kind of thing. The firm and the record company act like a baby and ask them to reduce their workload."

Unexpectedly, Hiroshi Kimura would say such a suggestion, and Momoko Kikuchi couldn't help laughing, "Kimura-san is really cute, how can you reduce the workload by acting like a baby."

"Hey, isn't this Kimura-san? I'm chatting with my younger generation. What are you talking about? Can I listen?" While the two were chatting, a person came over, and when Kimura Hiroshi heard this voice, he suddenly Surprised, he was too familiar with this voice, it was Seiko Matsuda.

Sure enough, he turned his head and saw Matsuda Seiko with short hair. She walked towards this side with a smile, then raised her arm, and patted Kimura Hiroshi's shoulder affectionately, as if they The relationship is very good as well.

I never expected to meet Seiko Matsuda in the backstage of the show. It doesn't make sense. The live breakup incident in January had a great impact on her. She almost disappeared from the TV show for more than a month. Why did she suddenly appear on the TV show? here?

"Oh, it's Shengzijiang, hey, why did you come to participate in Ye HIT today?" Kimura Hiroshi asked very politely after taking two steps back, trying to stay away from this woman.

Unexpectedly, Kimura Hiroshi took two steps back, and Matsuda Seiko immediately took two steps closer to him, just to get closer to him, and said, "Ah, there is no way, you juniors are so powerful, there is no way for me as a senior not to work hard , even if a big thing happened to me recently, and I was heartbroken, I still have to come on the show, you can see that I am so miserable, but Kimura-san is not willing to cooperate with me once."

What she said was so pitiful, especially coupled with her weeping look, it really made people think that she was really suffering, and even Kikuchi Momoko who was next to her cast a pity look at her, It seems that he really believed the nonsense of Seiko Matsuda.

This woman's acting skills are really getting better and better, and her performance is becoming more and more natural. It's really scary. Will Hiroshi Kimura be deceived by her and break his heart?Anyone who is sad will not be sad. I guess you have hooked up with your future tool husband husband Kanda by now.

"Sorry, I'm really busy, I don't have time to cooperate with Shengzijiang, and you don't lack cooperation partners, well, I still have something to discuss with the program team, so let's go first." Said Hiroshi Kimura and prepared Find a reason to run away.

But Seiko Matsuda managed to catch Hiroshi Kimura, and she never had the chance to touch him, so she was willing to let him go so easily. She first bowed and smiled at Momoko Kikuchi as an apology, and then followed immediately Hiroshi Kimura.

Hiroshi Kimura, who was walking away quickly, never thought that Seiko Matsuda would follow, his brows were slightly frowned, this woman was really difficult, he stopped and asked, "Shoko, what do you want to do?" Well?"

His attitude was not very good, but Matsuda Seiko didn't mind very much, and said with a smile on his face, "I just want to cooperate with Kimura-san once. Didn't Kimura-san mind me getting married before, but now I'm single Now, does Kimura-san have any scruples?"

The scalp is numb, that's just an excuse to refuse, why not cooperate, it doesn't matter whether you get married or not, Kimura Hiroshi gritted his teeth, don't think about maintaining any superficial relationship at this time, we must get rid of this woman as soon as possible, Hiroshi Kimura said, "I just simply don't want to cooperate with Shengzijiang, it has nothing to do with whether you are married or not."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left quickly. The words were said to have torn apart the superficial relationship, but Matsuda Seiko still chased after him. There were tears in his eyes, but he still asked stubbornly, "Why? I always feel that Kimura-san is biased against me, I just want to know why?"

There were tears in her eyes, but she had a stubborn look, and Hiroshi Kimura was stunned. For a while, Hiroshi Kimura couldn't figure out whether Seiko Matsuda's appearance was real or just a disguise. He did have a prejudice against Seiko Matsuda. He invited him out to play when they met for the first time. Coupled with the rumors from his previous life, he decided to stay away from this woman.

But I couldn't say this directly to Matsuda Seiko, because he didn't have any evidence, even if he didn't see it with his own eyes, Kimura Hiroshi really didn't know how to answer for a while.

At this moment, Hiroshi Kimura saw Nakamori Akina walking over with his manager and assistant, and immediately felt that the great savior had come again. He hurriedly said, "Ah, Akina-san is here, I'll go make a call with her." call."

Akina Nakamori, who just rushed over from another TV station, also saw Hiroshi Kimura. She first showed joy on her face, but then she saw Seiko Matsuda next to him, and it seemed that Seiko Matsuda was about to cry. Not happy.

"Akina-san, you're here." Kimura Hiroshi walked to Nakamori Akina, heaved a sigh of relief, and greeted her at the same time.

Nodding, Akina Nakamori returned "Well, Kimura-san, nice to meet you."

The reply was very cold, and the eyes were full of questions. Hiroshi Kimura fell in love with Akina Mori's eyes, and felt that the hairs all over his body were standing on end, but it's hard to explain at this time.

At this time, Matsuda Seiko also came over, the expression on his face had recovered, and he greeted Nakamori Akina, "Akina-chan, long time no see."

"Yeah, long time no see, Sheng Zijiang, why do you feel unwell?" Akina Nakamori asked with a little concern.

When Akina Nakamori asked, Seiko Matsuda glanced at Hiroshi Kimura resentfully, and said, "It's nothing, it's just that some people said something that made people sad, so I couldn't help but want to cry."

Master, really a master, just this one look is telling everyone that this matter has nothing to do with him, Kimura Hiroshi. Sure enough, Nakamori Akina looked at him even more wrongly, as if asking him what the hell What's the matter.

 Thank you Qi Yunfang for your 100-point reward, thank you Yuanqi Shangchouyi for your 100-point reward, and thank you book friend 20220428233557811 for your 100-point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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