My love life with the Yuanzu singer

Chapter 481 Girlfriend Is A Little Drunkard

Chapter 481 Girlfriend Is A Little Drunkard

Entering August, Nakamori Akina's single "Arashi's Suyan" released two months ago sold more than 60 copies, becoming her second single album with sales of more than 60 copies this year, which also made Nakamori Akina popular this year. Still unabated, becoming the only top female singer.

Although many newcomers have become popular recently, such as Shizuka Kudo who came out of the Kitten Club, Miho Nakayama who has been popular since last year, Yoko Minano and Seiko Matsuda who returned to the entertainment industry after giving birth, etc., only However, none of these newcomers can achieve the dominance that Nakamori Akina had before or even now, and they still cannot be regarded as top singers.

And now Nakamori Akina's status in the entertainment industry is quite high, which is mainly due to her extraordinary achievements over the years. In popular shows like Ye HIT, she has been able to serve as the lead singer after the joint singing. You need to have enough status and achievements.

It's just that Akina Nakamori doesn't really care about these things now. The reason why she still stays in the entertainment circle is that apart from her liking to sing, it's basically because continuing to work can help Hiroshi Kimura.

It’s just that Nakamori Akina, who doesn’t care much about her grades and status, is still very serious about her work, and she will complete the program seriously, even if she knows that Hiroshi Kimura is already waiting for her outside, waiting for her to return to Kiyose, watch movies, watch mother , eat saury.

It's just that when the show ended, Akina Nakamori couldn't wait any longer. She talked to Yoshizawa Akiyuki, changed her costume, and ran towards the underground parking lot of the TV station without even taking off her makeup.

Before leaving for work today, Kimura Hiroshi had already told her what car she would drive, so when she arrived at the parking lot, she quickly found the car, walked up to it, opened the door, and got in.

"Have you been waiting for a long time, Hong-kun, are you in a hurry?" Akina Nakamori asked.

Waving his hand, Hiroshi Kimura said, "No, I just came here not long ago, but I see that you are in a hurry, and you haven't even removed your makeup. If you go out like this, you will definitely be recognized."

Akina Nakamori with makeup is the same as she usually appears on TV shows, and it is also the appearance that most people see her the most, so the chances of being recognized are very high when she goes out like this. Nakamori Akina without makeup feels the same, age Even smaller, especially with those ugly black-rimmed glasses, it is even harder to be recognized.

"Hee hee, I'm prepared. I've brought the makeup remover box with me. Hong-jun, hurry up and drive, otherwise it will be very late, and there will be no time. I will remove my makeup in the car." Obviously Akina Nakamori had already prepared , took out his makeup remover box, and said to Kimura Hiroshi with a smile.

He was really careful, so Kimura Hiroshi didn't say much, turned and drove out of the parking space, out of the underground garage, and then drove in the direction of Kiyose. It was already past five o'clock in the afternoon, and he returned to Kiyose It was about six o'clock in the evening, and there was still time.

Because it was not the rush hour for getting off work, the road was not very congested at this time. Hiroshi Kimura drove steadily and fast, but at six o'clock, they arrived in Kiyose, and went directly to Chieko's residence.

After not returning to Kiyose for a long time, Akina Nakamori seemed a little excited. When the car stopped at the door, she yelled into the room, "Mom, Mom, I'm back."

Then he turned around and said to Hiro Kimura, "I'll go in and open the door. Hong Jun parked the car in the yard, and then went to eat saury with his mother."

Nakamori Akina had planned everything, and Kimura Hiroshi naturally didn't say much, he nodded and said, "No problem, everything will be arranged by Ms. Akina."

"Great Hong-kun, you performed very well. I will give you a reward when I get back." After finishing speaking, Nakamori Akina got off the car very happily. At this time, Chieko who heard the shout came over and opened the door. She saw Nakamori Akina and Kimura Hong came to see her, and she also had a smile on her face.

"Akina and Kimura are here, come in quickly, have you had dinner yet?" Compared to Chieko who had just finished treatment before, her complexion has recovered a lot, her mental state is also very good, and her speech is stronger.

Akina Nakamori, who entered the yard and was opening the gate, replied, "I haven't eaten yet, Mom, we are going to ask you to eat saury together, the first batch of saury should be on the market now, the saury at Aunt Hanako's is the best. "

The yard door opened, and Kimura Hiroshi parked the car in, but at this time Chieko smiled wryly, and said with some reproach, "Why didn't you call me before I came back, I'm already having dinner, where else can I eat?" Saury, you two go together, I will call Hanako later and arrange a good seat for you so that no one will disturb your date."

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Although she has been in love with Hiroshi Kimura for many years and her family has known her for a long time, she still doesn't feel comfortable being teased by her mother like this.

At this time, Hiroshi Kimura also got out of the car, and came up to greet Chieko, "Aunt Chieko, how are you doing recently?"

"It's not bad, the doctors are also very responsible, I can eat normally, thank you Kimura for your concern." Chieko said to Kimura Hiroshi very politely.

"Well, that's good. If you need anything, you can tell us. By the way, Akina, did you talk to Aunt Chieko about eating saury together?" Kimura Hiroshi asked Nakamori Akina who was standing next to Chieko.

With a sigh, Akina Nakamori said, "Let's talk, but mom has already had dinner and can't go with us, she asked us to go by ourselves."

"Yeah, I've already had dinner, and you know my current body, I can't eat too much, so you two go, I'll say hello to Hanako, who is very good at cooking saury, and I'll order one for you Good location." Qian Huizi also said with some regret.

Given that Chieko's body really can't eat too much now, Hiroshi Kimura will not force her to invite her, but can only say, "Well, if this is the case, Akina and I can only eat."

"Well, go, go, don't worry about me, what are young people doing with a person from the previous generation on a date, go, I think you are very busy and don't have much time, I am very happy to come back to see me It's gone." Chieko said as she pushed Hiroshi Kimura and Akina Nakamori out the door, telling them to do what they had to do quickly.

Knowing that only the two of them were going, Nakamori Akina and Kimura Hiroshi didn't stay any longer, and after leaving, they walked towards the small restaurant run by Aunt Hanako Nakamori Akina mentioned.

It was already dark, and there were dim street lights everywhere on the street. From time to time, pedestrians on bicycles and pedestrians hurried past. Kimura Hiroshi and Nakamori Akina were like two ordinary couples, walking hand in hand, feeling the rare leisure time.

"Aunt Chieko's complexion looks very good, and the effect of the doctor's treatment seems to be very good." Walking, Kimura Hiroshi chatted.

Shaking the clenched hand vigorously, Nakamori Akina was obviously in a good mood, and said, "Yeah, she looks pretty good, and she should be cured. I hope she can be safe and live for a long time."

For Nakamori Akina, her mother Chieko's position in her heart is really special, even if she did something wrong to herself, she would not blame her very much.

"Well, it will definitely be." Hiroshi Kimura said in agreement, but he knew in his heart that this disease can be suppressed for the time being, but it is not so easy to live a long life, especially since Chieko's body is not very healthy yet. Well, it's not clear when it will relapse again, but he can't say that.

Aunt Hanako’s small restaurant is not far away. The two of them arrived soon after wandering around. At this time, the lights were already on inside, and there was a lot of voices. Many office workers who did not work overtime were drinking, eating and chatting inside. sky.

The Neon people usually control their voices when they speak, but once they drink alcohol, their voices are very loud, so the whole small restaurant is full of voices.

The two entered the restaurant, and immediately a middle-aged woman with gray hair came over, looked at Akina Nakamori and then at Hiroshi Kimura who was wearing sunglasses to hide her face, and said a little excitedly, "It's Akina and Kimura, right? Just now Qian Huizi called me, please follow me, there is a semi-covered corner on the right, which is more secretive, don't worry, no one will disturb you."

"Ah, that's really troublesome Aunt Hanako." Nakamori Akina hurriedly thanked them. They used to be merchants on the same street, and they were very familiar with each other before.

"Thank you very much, Aunt Hanako." Hiroshi Kimura also followed Nakamori Akina's address to express his gratitude.

Hearing that Kimura Hiroshi also called herself auntie, Hanako became more excited, waved her hands repeatedly and said, "No trouble, no trouble, I am already very happy that you can come to my place, please come with me."

Following Aunt Hanako, they walked to a corner, where there was a screen erected at a [-]-degree right angle, with a small table inside, which just separated the outside, which seemed very private and would not be seen casually.

The two sat down, and Hiroshi Kimura handed over the ordering task to Akina Nakamori. After all, she is the one who is most familiar with this place and knows what is delicious and what is not, so just let her order.

As an acquaintance, Akina Nakamori also ordered quickly. He ordered two fried saury, a plate of saury roe, a fried vegetable, and a bottle of sake. This was their dinner today.

They came today mainly to eat saury, nothing else is important, just focus on eating fish.

This small restaurant should be quite famous for its saury. When Kimura Hiroshi came in just now, he saw many saury on the table, which also made the restaurant prepare some saury at any time, so the serving speed was very fast. After a while, everything they asked for arrived.

When the food arrived, Akina Nakamori poured another glass of sake for Hiroshi Kimura. Smelling the smell of wine, her little alcoholic complexion changed, and she said quite intoxicated, "After get off work, you should have two glasses, right? Come on, Hiroshi Sir, let's toast."

Going to drink two glasses after get off work is indeed the habit of Neon people. Naturally, Hiroshi Kimura would not refuse. He raised his glass and said, "Let's toast."

Hiroshi Kimura just sipped the wine glass lightly, because he had to drive back in a while. In fact, he can't drink, so he took a sip and regarded it as a companion drink. Akina Nakamori was different, she just had a drink I drank it down, and said intoxicatedly, "It's really good, the sake from Aunt Hanako's house still tastes the same."

With this intoxicated look on his face, there was something wrong with what he said. Kimura Hiroshi was very keen and found a major problem in it. He picked up a piece of fish for Nakamori Akina, and said thoughtfully, "Oh, I still remember this taste. Ah, I remember Akina made her debut at the age of 16, and she rarely went back to Kiyose after that, when did you drink wine from Aunt Hanako's house?"

Originally, she was going to taste the fish meat caught by Hiroshi Kimura, but when she heard what Hiroshi Kimura said, Akina Nakamori froze suddenly. She knew what she had exposed, so she quickly said, "It was a time when I came over for dinner after a long time since debut. Drink, Hong Jun, don’t get me wrong, how could I drink when I was so young.”

It's just that this kind of explanation is a cover-up. Hiroshi Kimura just smiled. Although Akina Nakamori was definitely not a bad girl when she was young, she was not very good. Obviously, this appearance must have been stolen when she was young.

"How does the fish taste?" Kimura Hiroshi didn't ask too much on this question, but asked Nakamori Akina how it tasted.

Akina Nakamori, who took a bite of saury, also looked satisfied, and said, "It's delicious, Hong-jun, you should try it quickly, it's really good, and it's even better than those in high-end restaurants."

"Really, then I'll have a good taste." Stretching out his chopsticks, Hiroshi Kimura also picked up a piece of fish. The saury meat is thick and has no spines. There is only one main spine, so you don't need to worry about fish bones when you eat it.

This saury is fried, the surface is golden, and the knife was changed during frying, and the sauce also entered the fish. After Hiroshi Kimura took a bite, the surface was crispy, and the white fish inside also had a taste. It was very fragrant and soft. The crispy fish skin is very good.

"It's really good, it's delicious, and the choice of Mingcai's restaurant is really full of surprises." Hiroshi Kimura said with admiration.

"Hee hee, not bad, Hong Jun likes it the best, so to celebrate that we found such a delicious restaurant, let's have another drink, with fish and sake, it's really a wonderful life after get off work." Akina Nakamori was very happy to be praised by Hiroshi Kimura, but she took the opportunity to drink again.

How can I not know Nakamori Akina's thoughts, usually in charge, but sometimes I have to let her indulge, Kimura Hiroshi raised the glass of wine that hadn't touched much, and said, "Cheers, but don't drink too much , otherwise when I go to the movies later, I'm afraid that it will be bad if you fall asleep in the movie theater."

"How is it possible, I'm never drunk for a thousand glasses, Hong-jun, cheers, I promise I won't fall asleep." After bumping into Hiroshi Kimura, Akina Nakamori drank another glass.

 Thank you book friend 20211103180300465 for the reward of 15000 points, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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