Chapter 498
Although the music form of enka has begun to decline in Neon, the entire music scene can be said to be completely dominated by pop and rock music after entering the 80s. The songs that once dominated the Neon music scene have now begun to fail to occupy the mainstream.

However, Enka is a form of music that originated in Neon, and Neon people still have a special feeling for it, including the TV station Bin of Neon, which did not abandon it because of the decline of Enka. Each TV station still retains some performances exclusively for enka singers. The program is like the Enka program of TBS TV station that Hiroshi Kimura came to today.

Hiroshi Kimura, who has never participated in any enka show, came to the backstage of the show. His appearance can be said to have attracted the attention of most of the people present. Everyone knows him, and everyone knows that he is good at rock and pop music, but they have never seen him sing or perform in any enka program.

And Hiroshi Kimura, who came to the backstage of the show, had a smile on his face, and greeted the guests of the show with a smile. There was no way, the singers were almost all older singers, and everyone could say they were his. Senior, he could only greet with a smile.

He greeted with a smile, and everyone present would smile back at him no matter they were familiar or unfamiliar. Although he was young and a junior, he had a high status in the neon music scene, and he was also a member of the Composers Association. Give him three points of thin noodles.

However, his appearance here has aroused the curiosity of many acquaintances, such as Masako Mori, an enka singer who has met many times on the show and communicated with her. She was a powerful faction known as the Hanami Trio with Momoe Yamaguchi and Junko Sakurada. Singer, who debuted as an idol singer, and then transformed into an enka singer, is still very popular now.

"Kimura-san, why are you here? Are you here to perform Enka?" Masako Mori pulled Kimura Hiroshi aside, and asked very curiously. She had never thought about Kimura Hiroshi performing Enka.

Masako Mori, who is only 30 years old now, has the charm of a mature woman, especially she gives people a sense of intelligence. Hiroshi Kimura still has a good impression of this kind of big sister-type woman, so he didn't hide it, and replied: "Ah, no, Miss Masako, I'm here today to perform with Ms. Misora, and I wrote an enka single for her."

"Oh, Kimura-san wrote an enka single for Ms. Misora?" Masako Mori was stunned. She never thought that Kimura Hiroshi would write an enka single. She knew that Kimura Hiroshi was very talented. , is very good at writing pop and rock singles, but I didn't expect him to write enka.

It seems that this is the first time he has written an enka single, and he actually found a collaboration with a hall-level enka singer like Hibari Misora, which means that the quality of the single written by Hiroshi Kimura must be very good, otherwise Hibari Misora ​​would not watch it At this time, Masako Mori felt like she had lost [-] million yuan. If she had known that Hiroshi Kimura would write enka, she would definitely ask the firm to apply for cooperation. Whether it was successful or not, at least she had to try.

"That's not true. It was chosen by my girlfriend. I didn't expect to be recognized by Hibari-san. If I go back and talk to her, I believe she will be very happy." Skylark would think it is very tasteful, seeing the fashion sense of his little girlfriend is really nothing to say.

Holding the arms of the people around her, Misora ​​Hibari stood firm, then smiled and shook her head and said, "I'm fine, I'm worrying Kimura-san."

And Kimura Hiroshi did not take two steps away, and met the staff next to Misora ​​Hibari. When he saw him, he immediately took him to the lounge where Misora ​​Hibari was. Because of her status and physical reasons, the program team specially gave her An exclusive lounge is prepared.

Hearing Kimura Hiroshi's praise, Misora ​​Hibari smiled and said, "Kimura-san, your outfit today is not bad, well, the windbreaker and red tie are very tasteful, but this is not what you usually wear , Is it the suggestion of the stylist?"

"Hayaku-san, today's outfit is very beautiful." Walking into the lounge, Kimura Hiroshi greeted and praised Misora ​​Hibari's outfit today. She was wearing a sky blue dress and put on makeup, looking very elegant , but the disease afflicted her, and the aging on her face could hardly be concealed.

Masako Mori, who was immersed in shock, nodded and asked Kimura Hiroshi to leave without staying. As soon as Kimura Hiroshi left, other enka singers came up to ask.

With a long sigh, Masako Mori said, "He came to cooperate with the promotion. Kimura-san wrote an enka single for Ms. Misora. I came to cooperate with her promotion today. I really didn't expect him to write enka."

"Ah, it's Akina-san, right? Well, I usually see her dress up on stage very well, and I've also heard that she can design her own styles. Now it seems that she is really good. You can wear Kimura-san in a while." ..." As she spoke, Misora ​​Hibari wanted to stand up, but when she just stood up, her legs gave way and she was about to fall down.

Hearing this, the enka singers present all showed surprise expressions, most of them didn't speak, and seemed to be shocked, some seemed very annoyed, they only found out about this now, and some were ready to move, now that they knew Hiroshi Kimura Knowing how to write enka, although he didn't win the first place, but if he can get follow-up cooperation, it will definitely be a huge boost to his popularity.

"Changzi-san, what is Kimura-san doing here?"

Fortunately, Hiroshi Kimura had quick eyes and hands, and he rushed forward, and supported Hibari Misora. The staff next to her were not slow to respond, and immediately stepped forward to help her. Seeing her like this, Hiroshi Kimura carefully asked, "Are you okay, Hibari-san?" ?”

"Yeah, isn't he a pop singer? What's the purpose of coming to the enka show?"

"Yes, Miss Masako, I'm here to cooperate with the publicity, well, I need to go there, they are already waiting for me." Hiroshi Kimura did not intend to continue chatting with Masako Mori, after all, time is urgent, so hurry up In the past, the publicity process must be confirmed for a while.

This made him start to think, if he doesn't become an artist in the future, should he create a clothing brand for Akina Nakamori? With her fashion sense, maybe she can create a fashion brand.

It’s just that Misora ​​Hibari’s mouth does not necessarily mean that it’s okay, and Kimura Hiroshi said tentatively, “Hayaku-san, your current body is really not suitable for continuing the performance. If possible, how about suspending the performance?”

Knowing that Hiroshi Kimura was kind, Hibari Misora ​​shook his head again and said, "Thank you for your concern, but Kimura-san, do you know that I have been performing since I was seven years old, and I have been on stage all my life. If I can't perform, I will I don’t even know what I can do, so as long as I can continue to perform, then I will stand on that stage.”

Now Hiroshi Kimura has nothing to say, he knows Hibari Misora's state of mind, like a soldier who has fought all his life, if he is asked to stop suddenly, he will be at a loss.

"Okay, then let's discuss the stage performance for a while." Since this is the case, Hiroshi Kimura has no intention of continuing, and began to discuss the process of the performance with Hibari Misora.

(End of this chapter)

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