Chapter 22 Is that so?

Jiang Wan drove to look at Nanny Jiang, who was sighing in the back, and comforted, "Grandma, don't be angry, it's not the first day you know the character of my sister-in-law."

Jiang Nian sighed again, "I came here because I knew her character. If you didn't tell me this, I really didn't expect her to count on her own family.
The affection of kissing again in a day or two will be calculated and lost. Your sister-in-law looks smart, but she is actually a no-brainer, alas. "

In fact, Jiang Wan knew what Jiang Nian was thinking, she just wanted Jiang Yan to pay back the money, and then apologized to Dad Jiang, warmed Dad Jiang's cool down heart, and eased the relationship between the two brothers and sisters.

Jiang Yan is Jiang Nian's daughter in the end. No matter how angry she is, she still thinks of her, but today, Jiang Yan's mindless words will really hurt Jiang Nian's heart.

"Don't be angry anymore, I'll take you to the shopping mall to buy clothes, you don't want this." Jiang Wan comforted.

"If only your aunt was half as smart as you." Jiang Nian looked at her good granddaughter, and she felt a lot better.

"I didn't inherit my smartness from my dad. My dad inherited yours. In the end, it's grandma's smartness." Jiang Wan said with a smile.

"Just your sweet mouth."

Jiang Wan took Jiang Nanny to buy a lot of clothes for spring, summer, autumn and winter. Jiang Pacifier said no, but when she saw the things her granddaughter bought for herself, she was still very happy.

Jiang Yan's sullen mood just now dissipated a lot after this walk.

After eating outside again at noon, Nanny Jiang was thinking about what to feed the chickens at home, so she went home.

Jiang Wan looked at the vegetables planted on the balcony. After Jiang Nian's careful care for the past two days, they had sprouted.
The germination rate on the flower stand in the corner with soil seeds dug out of the space black soil is obviously higher than that on the other two stands.
And the seedlings grow stronger, and the emerald green ones look much looser than other pots.

It seems that these soils are very effective even if they are taken out to grow things. Although they do not grow as fast as in the space, the plants that grow out are as strong as those in the space.

Jiang Wan picked up a pinch of soil and found that it seemed to be no different from the soil in ordinary black soil. How could it be so different?

When Jiang Nian saw her climbing the research vegetable pot, she was also surprised, "You said the same seeds, I watered the same way, how come the pot in front of you grows the best, and the vegetable sprouts that come out are many and strong, A few pots here won't work."

Jiang Wan was stopped by Jiang Nui, she couldn't say that she had changed the soil, so she said perfunctorily, "Probably, it's probably because the sun here is good, it grows well, um, it must be like this ."

"Is that so?" Jiang Nian stretched her head suspiciously and looked at it, "That's too big a gap."

"It must be like this, otherwise, why does it look good on this flower stand?"

Jiang Wan thought about it as she spoke. It seemed that she had to change the soil for the remaining two flower stands when she was fine. Otherwise, the gap between the vegetables on the two sides was getting bigger and bigger, and she couldn't explain it.

"That's because the land in the space uses nutrient soil." The system that was silent for a long time suddenly came out to explain,
"The nutrient soil developed by Future World contains ingredients that can improve plant diseases to a certain extent, and can also deliver some of the nutrients in the nutrient soil to plants. If the vegetative soil grown on it is eaten by humans, or fed to animals, it can also make The physique of the eater has been improved and strengthened to a certain extent.”

Jiang Wan was taken aback by the sudden voice, and hurried to see Jiang Nian, and found that Jiang Nian didn't respond and didn't hear it at all,

I asked in my heart, "Then what do you mean, the vegetables grown on the black soil have the effect of strengthening the body and improving the physique?"

"That's understandable." The system replied.

These soils were brought over from the future world. After the natural disaster in the future world, the environment has deteriorated, and survival has become the primary problem.
In order to survive, both people, animals and plants are trying to adapt to the new environment.

In order to survive better, people create this kind of nutrient soil containing certain elements. Plants absorb nutrients from the soil, and people absorb nutrients from plants, thereby improving their physique and better adapting to the poor living environment.

Jiang Wan's eyes were so bright that this was really exciting news. Although she didn't know how much she could improve her body by eating these vegetables, it was always good.

The system continued to say calmly, "One more thing, since you can grow plants on the land, you must be able to raise animals. I don't know if you don't want to raise it or you haven't noticed it at all.
With an IQ like yours, I'm beginning to wonder if choosing you as the host is the right choice. "

Jiang Wan's mouth twitched after hearing this. She had never thought about this question. She had been immersed in harvesting fruits and vegetables for the past few days, and had never thought about raising some poultry.

But how could she admit that she was stupid, and she said, "I, of course I thought of it, but I've been too busy these two days, so I don't have time to start raising it."

The system was noncommittal about what she said.

Jiang Wan entered the space and watched the acre of land divided into small plots of 12 yuan. Vegetables and fruits were neatly planted on it, thinking that the land was too small and not enough, and it was full before planting anything. up.

There was really no other way, so Jiang Wan put a fence around the No. [-] land for fruit trees and No. [-] for grapes, and planned to raise some chickens and ducks there.

When she went back to pick up Jiang Nian from her hometown last time, she cut down a lot of trees on the mountain. She didn't have to worry about the branches at all. She took out the bull-killing knife she bought for self-defense to cut the branches.

Not to mention, this bull-killing knife is as long as the forearm, and the sharp blade glows with a cold light. Just holding it in your hand is full of security, and it takes no effort to cut branches.

She surrounded the [-]st and [-]rd places, tied some branches horizontally, and finally planted climbing roses on the edge of the fence.
When the roses fill the fence, the animals inside will not come out to steal her vegetables.

The ground is also sprinkled with grass that animals like to eat, and then there is no space. Just wait for the grass and roses to grow up, and then put animals in to raise them.

As soon as Jiang Wan opened her eyes, she saw Nanny Jiang's face magnified countless times in front of her, and she was frightened and fell behind the sofa, "Grandma, what are you doing? You scared me to death."

"Just now you were sitting here motionless, no matter how you told you to stay still, I thought what happened to you, you scared me." Jiang Nian patted her chest and sat on the side to breathe a sigh of relief. .

Just now, she called Jiang Wan to bring the vegetable leaves she had accumulated in the kitchen to feed the chickens, but no one responded after calling several times.

Turning her head and seeing that the child was sitting there motionless in a daze, she stepped forward and pushed it, but it still didn't move.

 I don't know what to say!
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(End of this chapter)

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