Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 24 Not a person inside or outside

Chapter 24 Not a person inside or outside

Su Xiaoyao took it suspiciously and looked at it. The strawberries have many diseases and are not easy to support. Many of them are grown in greenhouses. Only by watering with various pesticides can the growth and harvest of strawberries be maintained. Naturally, the taste is not much better.

She bought strawberries in the supermarket once before, and when she took them back, they tasted nothing and had a strong smell of pesticides. Since then, she has been unwilling to eat strawberries of average quality.

Su Xiaoyao looked at the average variety of red strawberries in her hand. First of all, it was not as good-looking as Danxue. How could its taste be comparable to Danxue strawberries?

"Try it." Seeing her indecision, Jiang Wan squeezed one and put it in her mouth first. The strawberry felt free.

Su Xiaoyao shoved it into her mouth, thinking in her heart that the pesticide-flavored strawberry was not poisoned to her back then, so eating more of this one is not a problem.
The most important thing is that it is still not completely clear, what is the relationship between this girl and Song Rui, it is not easy to offend.

If she is not Song Rui's suitor, but a friend or something, and offends her, wouldn't she be sentenced to death directly.

If Jiang Wan knew these things that Su Xiaoyao was thinking, she would definitely sigh on her forehead. She was here to repair the car, nothing.

The strawberry that Su Xiaoyao thought was not very tasty, instantly aroused her taste buds with amazement. The pure sweet taste, without a hint of sourness,

Taste it carefully, with a hint of creamy sweetness. This kind of taste is already the best among strawberries.

She looked at Jiang Wan in disbelief, "Sure enough, the taste is comparable to the light snow strawberry, or even better. Where is the origin of this strawberry?"

"I planted it." Jiang Wan pulled out another grape and handed it to her, "Try this."

"It's not the season for grapes to ripen now." Su Xiaoyao smiled, but still tasted it. The sweet and sour taste was just right, not too sour, not too sweet, very refreshing and appetizing.

"Try another tomato, cucumber, and watermelon, would you like to cut it up and try it?" Jiang Wan handed Su Xiaoyao what she could eat.

Every time Su Xiaoyao tasted one, it was a new surprise. She never knew that tomatoes and cucumbers tasted so good when eaten alone. Tomatoes are sweet and sour, and cucumbers are crisp and sweet.

These vegetables and fruits are hard to buy in the world, just like they are taken out casually, and their taste is the leader of the category.

Su Xiaoyao seemed to have some interest in this meeting. She held a lettuce and looked at it. The green leaves seemed to have a lustrous jade texture. If they were just placed on the table, they might be regarded as ornaments, "These are all yours. planted?"

"Yeah." Jiang Wan lied casually very skillfully, "It was planted in Nanshan, watered by forest and mountain springs, grown with organic fertilizer, no pesticides, pure natural and pollution-free, with such quality, I think it should be Don't worry about selling it?"

"I can bring these back to my team for quality inspection. If they pass the quality inspection, they can be sold in my live broadcast room." Su Xiaoyao smiled.

It's not that Su Xiaoyao was convinced by the taste of these vegetables, but that she felt that fruits and vegetables of this quality could attract people's attention and admiration.

She is a fashion blogger who suddenly sells vegetables, and it's still such a high-quality food. Maybe it can create a wave of popularity for her.

This unexpectedly went well, which surprised Jiang Wan and took Su Xiaoyao's hand, "Then wish us a happy cooperation."

Jiang Wan looked at Song Rui, who was still working hard. After so long, why didn't he see him rest.

"Are you familiar with Song Rui?" Su Xiaoyao asked tentatively.

"I don't know each other. We met once, and he drove my car away. Today is my first time here." Jiang Wan shook her head.

".So you didn't like Song Rui, so you bought the RV and modified it for him, and then took the opportunity to approach him?" Su Xiaoyao said speechlessly.

Jiang Wan was stunned, "No, he looks like a playful kid, what's there to like, besides I don't know him."

When she said this, she felt something was wrong. "Then what are you doing sitting there for so long? Not waiting for the car to be repaired? Do you like him?"

Jiang Wan pointed to Song Rui to look at Su Xiaoyao again. No wonder they had been chatting for so long. Su Xiaoyao was not ready to leave, and she sat facing Song Rui's direction, her eyes raised from time to time.

No wonder, no wonder why a big anchor of hers would suddenly talk to her, she thought she was here to find Song Rui on purpose.

"I just came to see the car. I'm not familiar with Song Rui." Jiang Wan explained again, it would be bad if she was somehow regarded as a rival in love.

"That's it." Su Xiaoyao felt relieved, "Then let's add a friend. If your food can be sold, I will contact you."

"Okay." Jiang Wan said with a smile after adding friends to her, "I went to Song Rui to ask about the RV and left. I won't bother you here to accompany him."

After speaking, he said hello to Su Xiaoyao and walked in Song Rui's direction. After a while, it was estimated that it would be dark. Is this person so focused in his work?
Jiang Wan squatted on the ground and shouted at Song Rui who was drilling under the car, "Are you free? Come out and talk?"

Song Rui showed his head, "Didn't you have a good chat with Su Xiaoyao just now? Did you know you came to see me?"

"So you've seen it all. I thought you were busy repairing the car and didn't have time to pay attention to me." Jiang Wan looked back at Su Xiaoyao who was sitting there upright, and replied with a smile.

Song Rui looked at Jiang Wan vigilantly, "You two aren't in the same group, are you?"

These words made Jiang Wan ask inexplicably, "What group, with whom?"

"Su Xiaoyao." Song Rui was lying on the skateboard, pouting in the direction of the rest area, "She blocks me when she's okay, I don't want to talk to her, she's very annoying, I won't plan to change her moves now. , let me ask you for help."

Jiang Wan: "." Dareqing, she is not a human inside or outside, both sides think she has bad intentions.

"I don't know her. It's the first time I saw her today. It's not a helper. I'm here today to see the progress of the RV and ask you something by the way." Jiang Wan said while holding her forehead.

"That's good, what are you talking about?" Song Rui breathed a sigh of relief and got out of the car.

"Do you have a channel to buy gasoline? I want to buy some gasoline." Jiang Wan said in a low voice.

Song Rui's eyes widened, "You still said you weren't with Su Xiaoyao?"

"I, why am I with her? I just want to buy some gasoline." Jiang Wan was speechless.

"We've only met once. How do you know that most of the private gas stations in this area are owned by my family. They come to me to buy gasoline. Who else can I tell you except Su Xiaoyao?"

"I, I" Jiang Wan was confused by the situation in front of her, and after a long time, she said, "I don't know that your family runs a gas station. It's just because you open a refit shop, I want to ask if you have any. channel."

 By the way, I really ate strawberries that smelled pesticides a few days ago, that kind of weird pesticide smell... eh...

(End of this chapter)

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