Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 34 Is It So Evil?

Chapter 34 Is It So Evil?
"Okay!" Jiang Dad agreed, and the three of them were busy with their work. The ginger milk washed the vegetables, the ginger father made the pancakes, and the ginger mother cooked the vegetables. The division of labor was clear.

Seeing their busy figures, Jiang Wan thought it was a little funny, and felt that they were more excited than when she came out with the results of the college entrance examination.

"Eat with coconut." Jiang Wan couldn't be idle either. She poured dog food into coconut's dog basin, poured some fresh milk that had just been squeezed out of the space and soaked it, and then shoveled the cake in the dog litter basin. Get out and throw it in the trash.

Speaking of space, since Jiang Wan raised chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep in the space land, the time inside has been going on thirty times a day. In just these few days, the chickens and ducks have grown up,

Two broods of chickens and ducks hatched, the sheep gave birth to three cubs, and the cows were pregnant with cubs.

It is an extremely clean environment. The milk produced does not need to be sterilized at all. It is sweet and rich when drinking directly. It is the best milk she has ever drank.

Strawberries, watermelons, tomatoes, cucumbers and beans have also been harvested in batches. New seedlings have been replanted. Those fruit trees have begun to bloom and bear fruit. It can be said that there has been a bumper harvest and a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables have been stocked.

"It's time to eat." Jiang Ma shouted, and Jiang Wan came up to make pancakes, stir-fried vegetables, and boiled millet porridge.

Jiang Wan ate three pancakes in one go. The egg pancakes made at home can be said to be her favorite.

After eating, they simply cleaned up, and the family sat in the living room waiting for Jiang Wan to cast the screen.

Su Xiaoyao still started the broadcast on time at [-] o'clock. Just when Jiang Wan was busy casting the screen, a call came in. Jiang Wan looked at the display, it was Li Li!
"I'll take a call first!" Jiang Wan said to the person sitting on the sofa looking forward.

"Oh, hurry up, don't delay the business." Jiang Nian moved her buttocks, for fear of missing the most exciting moment.

"Okay, okay." Jiang Wan checked that there were still 2 minutes left, and pressed the connection, "Li Li, why did you remember to call me?"

A voice soon came from the other end, "Didn't you say you wanted to have dinner with you when you left? I can finally take two days off tomorrow and go out for a walk together."

The disaster was about to come, Jiang Wan had no time to go shopping, so she embarrassedly said, "No way, I've been very busy with starting a business recently, and I really can't spare the time."

"What are you busy with? How's your career going?" Li Li asked back.

Jiang Wan looked at Nanny Jiang pointing at the watch on the wall, showing her teeth and claws. She was obviously in a hurry. The broadcast will start in one minute. Can she not be in a hurry?

"Not bad, Su Xiaoyao's live broadcast room is going to sell my flour tonight, please support and buy more bags!" Jiang Wan obviously wanted to quickly end the chat.

But there was no sign of hanging up over there, "Isn't Su Xiaoyao a fashion blogger? Why is she still selling flour."

Jiang Wan watched helplessly as the time pointed to eight o'clock sharp, "I won't tell you that first, I have to go and see how the live broadcast is, you remember to watch it too, we will talk about the details later."

Li Li heard Jiang Wan's hurried voice and seemed to be really busy, so she said to each other and hung up the phone.

"You child, what call are you answering at this time?" Jiang Nian said.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if it's a minute or two away." Jiang Wan finished the screencast just in time for Su Xiaoyao to start broadcasting.

The number of fans entering the live broadcast room today is much faster than before. In just over ten minutes, the number of viewers has reached nearly [-] million. It seems that many people are waiting impatiently.

The speech area swiped, and Su Xiaoyao warmed up and said hello before entering the topic.

"Today, the anchor clarifies again that the vegetables I sell are only pollution-free green food, which tastes delicious, but cannot cure all diseases and have no therapeutic effect. Those who say that after eating morning sickness, their energy is much better. , maybe it's just more palatable, and there's no miraculous effect as reported on the Internet."

But clarification is clarification, as long as people on the Internet listen to a sentence, the popularity will not be so high.

I saw the people in the live broadcast room continue to swipe the screen, "It's just to cure morning sickness, I didn't believe it at first, then I bought it and went home to try it myself, and my appetite improved significantly. It's okay to say one or two, so many people say, how is it possible? No miracles."

"That's right. After I ate the fruit in the live broadcast room, the symptoms of insomnia were relieved. How can I explain this?"

"Why does this sound so wicked?"

"Could it be that there are too many uploads on the Internet, and those who buy vegetables will subconsciously feel that this vegetable has miraculous effects, and eating it can cure diseases. It is completely psychological."

"I can't tell if it's a psychological effect? ​​It's true that I can eat two more bowls of rice after eating strawberries."

"My friend is a medical major. I took it for him to test it. He said it was just vegetables. The only good thing was that there was no trace of pollution, and no other special effects were found in it."


Now people on the Internet are divided into two waves of quarrels. One wave says that their personal test is effective, which is true, and the other wave says that those who feel good are completely their own psychological effects, and have nothing to do with dishes, otherwise why can't they be detected.

Jiang Wan just wanted to say that it is normal that the nutrients produced by future technology cannot be detected by current technology.

"What's going on? Why is there still a quarrel in the speaking area? What's the matter with eating vegetables to cure all diseases?" Jiang Mama ate the melon seeds, but the more she ate it, the more she didn't understand.

"I don't know, ask my daughter." Dad Jiang was also confused. He didn't usually play Douyin, so naturally he didn't know the latest hot topics.

"It's nothing, it's Su Xiaoyao's marketing tactic to create popularity." Jiang Wan made a sloppy look.

Jiang Ma shook her head, "Nowadays, people on the Internet are really stupid. They can believe that eating vegetables can cure all diseases, and they are rushing to buy them."

The problem is that many netizens don't believe it, but eating it will improve a lot of physical conditions. You can't believe it if you don't believe it.

Su Xiaoyao is equally helpless. She has been clarifying in the live broadcast room every day recently. Some people don't believe her clarification at all, and they firmly believe in their own thoughts.

Looking at the comments in the message area, Su Xiaoyao said again, "Today, instead of selling vegetables, we will sell flour. There are a lot of them. Everyone can buy it with confidence. Once again, the flour is just ordinary flour, which does not cure diseases and has no special effects. It is just eaten at home. flour."

Can fans listen to this?Of course not, but if they listened to it, they wouldn't all squat and wait for Su Xiaoyao to join in the fun.

But no matter whether the audience believes it or not, what Su Xiaoyao should say is still to say, don't buy it and take it home and eat it, it won't have any effect, and later say she is a liar, she is a vegetable seller, not a medicine seller, where can the efficacy come from ?

(End of this chapter)

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