Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 36 How to spend money?

Chapter 36 How to spend money?
It is also a plant that is easy to harvest and take care of. For example, when the cabbage and radish are harvested, they can be directly pulled out one by one.

For example, tomatoes and cucumbers need to be put on shelves, and sweet potatoes and potatoes need to be planed out one by one. At most, when you want to eat a small piece, it is impossible for her to grow more.

Even if everything is simplified as much as possible, Jiang Wan is still a little melancholy. After collecting more things and more and more land, what should she do if she can't plant it.

But thinking about this now is a bit far, and when disaster strikes, it will not be so easy to think about collecting specimens.

In the past few days, the popularity on the Internet that the vegetables sold in Su Xiaoyao's live broadcast room can cure diseases has begun to gradually decline. The reason is that on the one hand, those who buy flour have recently received one after another.
After I went home and couldn’t wait to cook two meals, I found that it really didn’t have such a magical effect. It was said that it was rumored on the Internet, and I felt that I was being fooled.

However, the anchor has repeatedly emphasized that vegetables have no effect on curing diseases, and this flour is quite affordable, so it is not a disadvantage to buy it.

After a lot of people ate it with no effect, those people who shouted that vegetables can cure diseases were defeated, but they felt aggrieved. This flour can't cure diseases, but the vegetables they bought at the beginning can indeed cure diseases.

It's a pity that the amount of vegetables and fruits sold every day was only a few hundred copies, and there were not many people who grabbed it. No one believed that there was such a small group of people shouting there, and the popularity gradually subsided.

On the other hand, a new hot topic appeared in Douyin, which suppressed the original topic. The new topic was naturally about the weird weather outside.

Nowadays, when people go out for a meal and feed a stray dog ​​on the street, they have to shoot a video and post a post. How could they let go of the dark clouds that have been churning in the sky for several days outside.

When it was sent out, people all over the country felt that something was wrong. You said it is not surprising that the weather in one place is like this. Why are the videos sent out by other cities like this? This is that the whole country is covered by dark clouds.

Before everyone could discuss what was going on, the netizens of those people in foreign countries also posted news, saying that the same situation is happening abroad, and no matter how stupid people are, they know that this is not normal.

Some ingeniously flipped through the weather forecast for the last few days and saw, my dear, the whole world is shrouded in such dark clouds, and there is no place where the sun shines.

"What the hell kind of weather is this, it's rare to see it in a thousand years!"

"I'm afraid it's not some immortal friend who is flying through the catastrophe?"

"I'm afraid that the upstairs is not poisoned by online novels. Now is the era of technology. If you want to go to heaven, you have to take a rocket."

"But why does the weather get scarier the more you think about it?"

"What is the concept of the world being enveloped by dark clouds?"


Many netizens are not calm, and they have to explain the official accounts of Aite.

Maybe there was a lot of noise on the Internet, and the official accounts came out one after another, "It's just that the climate has changed a bit recently, and the official is already testing it, but it's just a large area of ​​cumulonimbus clouds, and when they gather to a certain extent, the rain will fall. "

Netizens naturally don't pay for such an explanation. What kind of cumulonimbus can be so abundant that it can cover the entire earth?

The voices on the Internet became more and more noisy as the days passed, and some clever people had already begun to secretly store food for emergencies.

Jiang Wan didn't know if the country had realized something now, or what was the reason for deliberately saying these words to comfort people. In short, she knew that when the rain came down, countless lives would die.

Jiang Wan, who was following the latest situation online, received a text message to remind her. When she opened it, she saw that Su Xiaoyao had paid her the money for selling flour.

After deducting the tax, it was 310 million. Her next task was to exchange the 310 million for supplies within three days. She must not let the money go to waste in her own hands.

But how to spend the money, Jiang Wan has been pondering for a few days, and has a preliminary plan in his heart.

"Grandma, I'm going to talk about a business, and I may not be back in the next two days. You can tell my parents at night." Jiang Wan shouted to Nanny Jiang, who was watching TV in the living room, and took her small bag to go out. .

"Where are you going? Not far? When will you be back?" After Jiang Nian heard it, she hurried over to ask.

"It's not far, it's still in our city, but I might be busy these days and won't come back to live, it's only a matter of three or two days." Jiang Wan explained.

Jiang Nian took an umbrella and handed it to Jiang Wan, "Then be careful, remember to bring an umbrella when you go out. I don't know when it will rain."

"Okay, don't worry." Jiang Wan took the umbrella, touched the dog's head that came over to the coconut, and went out.

Due to the dark clouds in the sky outside, even at [-] noon, it is still dark outside. The street lights, the lights of the storefronts on both sides are turned on, and the cars on the road are also turning on their lights, giving people a heavy oppression sense.

Jiang Wan drove all the way to the south of the city. If you want to spend the money quickly, you can only do it with a big ticket. It is a waste of time to collect it slowly like before.

She has thought about it for the past two days. She has already purchased all the supplies for her own household. The money will be exchanged for important supplies that will be used in the next ten years, that is, grain and salt. These will be the most practical and useful capital in the future.

Jiang Wan has read a lot on the website in the past two days, and found a few that are relatively close. In the flour processing factory that was sold for sale, she directly ordered one, and then purchased a large amount of grain and salt.

"Look at our flour mill. Although it's not very big, it has all the facilities. If it weren't for my other businesses waiting for money, I wouldn't be in a hurry to sell it." A man in his 40s took Jiang Wan Visit around.

The area of ​​this flour mill is not very large, only about [-] square meters. On the edge of the county town, Jiang Wan chose the flour mill here first because there are more grain points in the county town below, which is convenient for her to purchase later.

"Are you planning to rent or sell?" Jiang Wan has no other requirements now, the only requirement is to be fast, to go through the formalities quickly, and to do everything quickly.

As soon as the boss heard the show, he quickly said attentively, "I also rent this factory, and there is still one year's rent. I can sublease it to you. You can directly find the landlord to renew the lease later. I will sell the equipment to you at a low price. As for There is still some grain and flour in it, if you want it, I will resell it to you at the market price, and if you don't want it, I will take it away."

Jiang Wan went in and looked around, and there was no problem, "I can take over all the things in you, but there is only one requirement, that is to complete the important procedures today, and you have to dismiss all the employees inside, I don't need."

"Don't want employees? You also need people to open a factory later. It's hard to recruit people these days." The boss was a little puzzled.

"This is my business, I have my own plans." Jiang Wan replied.

"Okay, as you said." As long as the boss can transfer the factory, he doesn't care so much.

(End of this chapter)

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