Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 43 Saying Nothing About Love, Every Word Is Love

Chapter 43 Saying Nothing About Love, Every Word Is Love

After filling the trunks and back seats of the two cars with large and small bottles of mineral water, they were about to close the door of the supermarket and go home. At this time, a car came and parked beside their car from a distance.

Jiang Wan and Jiang Dad both looked vigilantly at the man who got out of the car, wearing a long black raincoat, a bit like the kind used on electric cars.

Wearing a motorcycle helmet on his head, the glass mirror in front was pulled down to wrap the whole head tightly, and a thick scarf was wrapped around his neck, as if the place where the helmet was ventilated was blocked.

As I got closer, I could see carefully that this man was wearing a thick winter mask inside his helmet and a small children's swimming goggles on his eyes.

Looking at his weird outfit, the two of them watched more vigilantly. Jiang Wan thought that it was not there yet, and she was so hungry that she started to rob.

"Hello, are you from this supermarket?" The man spoke very politely, sounding like the voice of a middle-aged man.

Dad Jiang took two steps forward to block Jiang Wan, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"Great, I want to buy something." The man was obviously excited when he heard that, looking at the protective suits Jiang Wan and the others were wearing, he couldn't help showing envious eyes.

At this time, protective clothing cannot be bought with money.

The two breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the man's attire. They should have been wrapped so tightly without protective equipment. Now they dared to go out under such circumstances.

Hearing this man's age, he thought he had a family, so Dad Jiang opened the door of the supermarket, "Go and choose."

"Oh, well, I bought a lot, you can count." After saying that, the man quickly started to carry things into his car.

Jiang Wan watched from the side, they were all rice noodles and oil, and some packaged bacon snacks, they were all eaten anyway.

"It's so dangerous now, how dare you come out?" Dad Jiang found a notebook and followed him to remember what he took, and chatted along the way.

The man's hands kept moving, and he replied, "The whole family is waiting for dinner. At this time, the shops outside are not open, and there is nowhere to buy. I live on the opposite side and see your supermarket like When the lights are on, I can't care about anything else, so I hurry down and take a look, I didn't expect the door to be opened."

Dad Jiang nodded sympathetically. Men can understand men best. As the head of the family, who can stand up if they don't stand up at this time?

But now he dares to take the risk and buy things, Dad Jiang admires him very much as a responsible person.

In the current situation, some people are afraid to go out even if they starve to death.

"You're really brave enough, and you're not afraid that the equipment on your body can't protect against viruses?" Dad Jiang sighed.

The man picked up two bags of rice, "Then what can we do? The two elderly people in the family are getting old, and their daughter-in-law is not in good health. It's even more troublesome to go to the hospital if you are hungry. Well, just carry more."

Jiang Wan stood aside and listened to her father Jiang in her previous life. She also protected her all the way regardless of the danger. Her nose suddenly became sour. This person, he doesn't mention love, every sentence is love.

There are still good people in the world, but it is a pity that good-hearted people are more likely to be killed in an environment where their humanity is revealed.

"Get some mineral water." Dad Jiang, seeing that the man was almost moved, pointed to the mineral water that fell high at the end of the supermarket and reminded him.

Fortunately, Jiang Ma saw that the weather was slowly getting warmer some time ago, and she entered a batch of mineral water, which was still a lot.

The man was taken aback for a moment, "No, if you don't lack water, you will lack food."

"You bought a lot of things, so it's a gift for you." Dad Jiang admired this man in his heart, thinking about raising his hand, let's help him.

"I'm so sorry." The man said so, since it was a gift, he wouldn't shirk.

Dad Jiang called Jiang Wan, and together they took ten buckets of ten liters of mineral water and threw them on the back seat of his car.

Finally, after calculating, this person took three barrels of [-] liters of edible oil, five bags of [-]-pound rice, five bags of [-]-pound flour, as well as various bacon, seasonings, frozen dumplings and buns.

"It's 350 yuan in total." Father Jiang made a rough calculation by comparing the labels on the shelves.

The man transferred 500 yuan to Jiang's father, "Thank you, your supermarket has helped me a lot by opening today."

"It's okay, go back quickly, put the things in the corridor and dry them well before taking them in." Dad Jiang said.

By the time they got home, it was past twelve o'clock in the morning. The two carefully carried the water twice by elevator and put it on the aisle outside the house.

Fortunately, no one dared to go out now, and no one met.

Dad Jiang removed all the packaging of the water, threw it into the elevator, took it to the parking lot and found a trash can to throw it away, fearing that there would be poisonous mist hidden in it and brought into the house.

They sprayed a lot of alcohol on these water bottles, and Dad Jiang and Jiang Wan also sprayed alcohol on each other, and then they started to move to the house and piled them on the edge of the restaurant.

Jiang Ma looked at the water, "It should be fine for us to drink it for two months at home."

Jiang Wan saw that it was almost enough. If it was not enough, she would secretly take out some of the water in the space. Anyway, there were so many bottles that no one would care about the extra bottles from time to time.

Before going to bed, Jiang Wan went to the space to collect vegetables, plant them, and add food and water in the animal stone trough.

Then I fell asleep and slept until noon the next day. I picked up the phone to check the time, and found that the group news of the owner group was 99+.

I looked through it roughly, and there were still some people who asked for help. One asked if there was food, and the other asked if there was rice. Most people knew the preciousness of food and wanted to keep it for themselves.

At this time, it shows how good the countryside is. The food stored in the family can't be eaten in a year. Although the wheat and corn with the skins are not delicious, at least they can't be hungry.

Room 2502, Building [-]: "Whose family? Whose family is stewing spare ribs so fragrant? There are carrots in it, it's a sin!"

Room 0604, Building [-]: "Are you a dog nose? The windows are so tightly sealed that you can still smell carrots inside."

Room 2502, Building [-]; "I can smell not only carrots, but also any seasonings in it, and I really want to eat meat!"


Jiang Wan, who lives in Building 2501 of the third building, is lying in bed and sniffing.

When I got up, Dad Jiang was coming out with a pressure cooker, and the steaming ribs inside suddenly evoked the greedy worms in Jiang Wan's stomach.

Ma Liu carried a bucket of mineral water to wash his face, brush his teeth, and went out to eat.

Put a bowl, first take a sip of soup, just a word of fragrant, and then eat a bite of spare ribs, it is very fragrant.

Coconut squatted on the ground beside him and stomped his feet greedily, Jiang Wan threw the bones to it, and Coconut squeaked happily.

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(End of this chapter)

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