Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 448 One Great Feat

Chapter 448 A Great Feat

Compared with the transition kinetic energy of nuclear crystals, antimatter is the indispensable kinetic energy of future advanced civilization.

The scientific research institute was built in the depths of the mountains, at the edge of the base. This is a place specially opened for the scientific research institute. A large number of workers were hired to dig day and night, striving to complete the construction as soon as possible.

On the other hand, the Yuzhou base is also taking a big step towards the establishment of a Datong society.

The first general election of managers was held.

The base has a total of [-] rings, and there are countless districts, which requires a lot of managers, ranging from high-level executives who participate in the base's decision-making, to the head of each district, and the sub-district offices. the manager.

The previous batch of managers all used connections, or took various backdoors to take office. It is not uncommon for all kinds of private pockets and bullying.

Afterwards, this situation of relying on relationships to gain positions will be completely abolished. Who can become a manager will no longer depend on relationships and contacts, but on ability and accomplishment, and whether they can win the hearts of the people.

For this reason, before the real general election, there is still a canvassing session.

Those who volunteer to be managers can sign up on their own, and the system will conduct a first screening to eliminate those who have criminal records and those whose education is too low.

This registration is completely open, and everyone has the opportunity to register.

This has led to some people who have not graduated from elementary school wanting to join in the fun, and they are also managers. If the education is too low, it is really unreasonable.

After passing the screening, the information of the qualified person will scroll back and forth on the screen in the street.

For example, those people are managers who compete for the [-]th Ring District [-], and their information will be scrolled repeatedly in the [-]th Ring District [-] for people to view.

If he competes for the manager of a certain street, his information will scroll repeatedly on this street.

Not only will their age, gender, and name be announced, but also their academic achievements and family background will be announced in detail.

Every member of the public is entitled to one vote, and can vote for the person he thinks is competent, and the person with the most votes will finally take office.

Being a manager is not for nothing. Depending on the position, the salary and treatment are also different, and the treatment is very good, which further increases the enthusiasm of competitors.

For this reason, the competition for positions is fierce, and all kinds of canvassing methods are in full bloom.

Those who do good deeds to gain favor, those who take care of the elderly and orphans, and those who hold a loudspeaker and shout that if they can take office, promise to do their best, they always use all the methods that can win favor.

The masses are even more happy.

"I think this Datong society is okay. Whoever can become an official has the final say. I think who will dare to fill their own pockets in the future."

"That's right, the administrator on my previous street tried to find ways to make money every day. Guess what, he even charged protection fees, saying that if he lived on his street, he would have to pay protection fees. Do you think he is He was sick, but he is fine now, let him step down."

"In the future, you don't have to be angry with these officials anymore. Look, in order to take office, one by one must first work hard to repay us and satisfy us before they can become officials."

"I understand that sentence now, return the world to the people in the world, put the rights in our hands, and let the people decide this world."

Seeing each of the competitors introduce their abilities vigorously with loudspeakers, their joyful faces almost wrinkled from laughter.

Some people rejoice and some worry!
The group who were forcibly ripped from their managerial positions were not happy.

The rights and positions they had worked so hard for were gone like this, without even giving an explanation, and their hearts were full of fire.

There are even malicious people who gather this group of aggrieved people together.

In a relatively remote street, a group of people gathered together quietly with their faces tightly covered.

"Are you willing to be dragged down like this without even an explanation? Do you know how much I spent to climb up to the position of district chief?"

Another person with a rag wrapped around his head was also indignant, "Who is not? There are tens of millions of people in the base, and the managers need such a few people. In order to climb up, who was not bankrupt to take care of the relationship, it was hard I climbed up, and now it’s gone if I say nothing.”

"It's useless to say these things now, just say what to do now!"

"Because of the reshuffling of the cards this time, do you know how many people in the base are dissatisfied?"

"I know that except for those who can't afford to eat, most people with a little ability are dissatisfied. They can live a better life than most people, but now they say that everyone is equal, and the supplies are forcibly taken away. The people are better off than they are, who cares about that.”

"The more people who are dissatisfied, the easier it is to deal with it. More people are more powerful."

Soon, news of a large-scale assassination spread in the base.

Those who were assassinated were the candidates with the highest number of votes.

However, their assassination did not succeed. When they sneaked into the candidates' homes, their death was already doomed.

In the eyes of the Contributors Alliance, their little actions are just child's play. They can let them go from planning to action just to make it easier to catch them all. If they don't do it, they really can't find an excuse to pay them off.

Just seized the opportunity to wipe out this group of traitors, so I can save my worries in the future.

As for the rest of those who have no courage, let them calm down.

That night, the continuous gunfire in the base frightened the crowd into bed one by one, not daring to leak their heads, for fear that the next bullet would explode their heads.

I didn't dare to get up until very late the next day, and when I went out to inquire, it turned out that someone was doing something.

"The base under the supervision of the Contributors Alliance dares to cause trouble. These people are either mentally ill or tired of working."

"It doesn't matter if they are beaten to death, but they are still not satisfied with such a good system in Datong society. At first glance, they are selfish and anti-social elements. It is a disaster to keep them."

"That's right. By the way, the administrator's competition vote is over today, and the new administrator should have been elected!"

"Elected out, all announced."

What was announced on the big screen was the results of the competition between the street administrator, the district chief, the deputy district chief, the ring chiefs of each ring, the deputy ring chiefs, and the senior management of the base. Those who got the most votes could take office at any time.

This round of elections is over, and there will be two or three rounds to continue to run for staff who serve the people.

In addition, medical institutions have been established in the base.

The price of seeing a doctor and picking up medicines inside is very cheap, even ordinary people can afford it.

This was another feat that stunned everyone.

Drugs, drugs that are more precious than food!
(End of this chapter)

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