Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 450 The 6th Year of Natural Disasters

Chapter 450 The Sixth Year of Natural Disasters

But there are rules between parallel spaces. In order to prevent future space-time chaos, it is forbidden to tamper with the past at will, so even if other parallel spaces want to attack me, they will be subject to the same restrictions as me, that is, to do anything, you must rely on your native land human hand,
Therefore, as long as the four-dimensional protective shield is completed, Blue Star will be safe. As for the rest, they should be directed at me. When I leave, they will leave with me, so there is no need to worry. "

"The control of floating in space is not an easy task for Blue Star's current technology!"

Jiang Wan suddenly thought of a sentence, if you fall behind, you will be beaten.

"The console is not difficult to make. The materials used are available on the blue star, but the antimatter is a bit more difficult to deal with. Isn't there a bunch of mild antimatter in your space that can be studied? Using your words, you can't copy the answer? "

Tang Xiyuan was slightly contemptuous, and it turned out that teaching children to walk is the most difficult thing.

"Come on, collect all the specimens, my task has been completed, just wait for the console to be made, and help you complete the four-dimensional shield, I should go back!"

"Let's go so soon!"

In the blink of an eye, it has been almost five years, and I am really reluctant.

"It's early, you haven't even studied how to use anti-matter, who knows when you can make the console!"

Tang Xiyuan hummed twice and stopped talking.

The research institute is very crude. After digging out a space and laying infrastructure such as water and electricity, it will be put into use. Scientists will devote themselves to the research of antimatter.

These technologies are not Jiang Wan's strong point. Everything in the research institute is managed by the Alliance of Contributors. Professionals will supervise the progress and step by step. Jiang Wan focuses on the construction of Datong society.

In the fifth year of the natural disaster, in June, the strife in each base came to an end.

Jiang Wan could have guessed the ending a long time ago. The masses rose up, and the big chaebols hid in Hongxin Ridge to protect themselves. As for the remaining medium-sized enterprises that are not qualified to enter Hongxin Ridge, they will eventually be overwhelmed by the masses.

In order to demonstrate their determination to support the construction of a Datong society, the masses directly rushed to these medium-sized enterprises, hijacked their supplies and robbed them of all their property, and finally gathered together and became a petition to the Wanqing Group.

The medium-sized enterprises that moved out of the Yuzhou base at the beginning never expected such an ending. They only realized their regret when their supplies were robbed and they had nothing left.

If they hadn't left the Yuzhou base before, their supplies could be exchanged for the Wanqing Group's consumer card, but now they have nothing, nothing left.

Faced with these nomination certificates, Jiang Wan accepted all of them, and then sent people to station them. According to the plan of implementing Datong society in Yuzhou base, it was implemented in other bases simultaneously.

Also reopen the metaverse farm game to them, along with cheap food and medicine.

It can be said that, except for the Meteorite base, all bases in the country have defected to the Wanqing Group.

From now on, this is Jiang Wan's world, and it's also the world's people!

As for Redheart Ridge, all the powerful and plutocrats are gathered there, but their masses have rushed to a better future, leaving them alone.

For this, the Meteorite Base was very angry, and Jiang Wan stole their home inexplicably, and there was nothing they could do!
When they approached Jiang Wan again, they were all angry.

"Jiang Wan, what are you going to do?"

This time, it was no longer Xi Jun who contacted Jiang Wan, but Hualong Kingdom's number one think tank, Master Jun!
"You are such a smart person, you have seen what I am doing, why do you want to join? Do you Hongxinling really recognize Datong society? Can you let go of your wealth and power?"

Jiang Wan raised her eyebrows in a ruffian manner, acting like a fool!

Master Jun saw Jiang Wan's expression through the screen, and he was suffocating, "We are uniting with other countries, and we are unifying the outside world. What are you doing? Are you stealing a home?"

"Then you should be clear, according to the speed of your technology issuance, when that advanced civilization destroys the blue star, you will just be powerless to resist, what's the use?
Besides, the masses are on my side now, and I am also doing things to save Blue Star. You don’t need to be on the side of righteousness. Of course, I am still very generous. If at any time, you are interested in Datong society , I am always welcome. "

Jiang Wan spoke very bluntly, now that everything has been laid out, there is nothing to hide, and it is a pleasure.

"There is a shortage of materials now, and it is wishful thinking to build a Datong society at this time!"

"The people are deeply desperate now. It is an excellent time to establish a Datong society at this time!"

Jiang Wan refused to give way, but insisted on being tough!
She, with a fire in her stomach, has no good attitude towards them.

Master Jun was silent for a moment, and continued, "Now that the enemy is at hand, I hope you can let go of your prejudices and agree with the outside world. I apologize to you for what happened in the past!"

"I don't need to join hands with you, I can do it myself!"

"The technology at the meteorite base is much more advanced than your research institute!"

Jiang Wan smiled and said, "Then what aspect are you referring to? 6G network, nuclear crystal kinetic energy converter, or blade material, aren't these all given to you by me?

If you really want to cooperate, then let go of your status and join in the construction of a Datong society, otherwise there will be no discussion! "

Jiang Wan is very determined. These people want her future technology and don't want to give up their social status. How can there be so many good things? It's too greedy.

Relying on her food, the penetrating power of the Contributor Alliance, the materials sent by the Guanshi Group and various bases, and the future technology of Tang Xiyuan.

What can't she get?What can she not get in exchange?Why do you need others to make trouble.

She has the resources in hand and the support of the people, this east wind is towards her.

After this turmoil, it feels like the world has quieted down, and everyone is busy with their own affairs!
The people in each base are busy with their own lives, actively responding to the construction of a Datong society. Following the technological steps given by Tang Xiyuan, the research institute is proceeding slowly and steadily, making the console step by step!
The Meteorite base only knows that Jiang Wan is researching antimatter, but they don't know what they are researching. They are conducting aerospace technology research according to their own ideas. The kinetic energy of nuclear crystals and edge materials are destined to advance by leaps and bounds in this field !

All people hold their own opinions and do their own things.

Time passed step by step until the sixth year of the natural disaster!
This is the year the sun rises, and it will be the year that changes the course of history!
Jiang Wan said that she wanted to make the sun really rise this year!

(End of this chapter)

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