Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 453 Post-disaster reconstruction

Chapter 453 Post-Disaster Reconstruction ([-])

The work of the Datong Society has been carried out very smoothly in Hualong Kingdom!
With the Alliance of Contributors staring at it, can it go well?

In the early stage, coercive means were used on some issues. The name of the Consecratory Alliance was originally a kind of suppression for the people.

But this is only in the early stage. After the establishment of the social order in Datong and the improvement of the quality of the people, this kind of coercive means will gradually weaken, relying on the quality of the whole people and the supervision of the whole people.

In just two years, a new society was rebuilt.

The same material distribution for everyone, free medical treatment, education, pension and other social services have solved all worries for people's lives.

At the beginning, some people doubted how the country could afford to support these three costly industries, which were open to the people for free. Later, they gradually discovered that the people are basically supporting these free institutions.

man!When there is no comparison and no worries about eating and drinking, this life is very comfortable.

When you are happy, you are more willing to give.

Unknowingly, they pay more attention to giving back to the society, and they think more about how to make this big home more beautiful and harmonious.

The concept of Datong society has completely gone abroad with the implementation of Hualong Kingdom.

Compared with domestic, foreign countries are not so stable!
They took advantage of the chaos to plunder land and resources to strive for greater benefits for themselves.

Even though it has been two years since the natural disaster ended, they will still be in the flames of war from time to time.

Do not suffer from scarcity but inequality, do not suffer from poverty but anxiety!

When injustice and uneasiness fill their lives, people only show selfishness and fear.

"The anti-matter weapons you asked to make have already been produced in large quantities."

On a balcony on the top of a building, flowers and plants were planted, coconuts and dolls were lying on the ground basking in the sun, their bellies turned up when they slept.

Jiang Wan, Yan Wen, and Zhou Ji were nestled in the hanging chair and playing games on their mobile phones.

It's another round of sweeping the enemy and eating the chicken. It's really boring to have no opponent.

What a pleasant time, what a pleasant scenery, but the topics they talked about seemed not so pleasant.

"Remember when we were in the Yuzhou base and first implemented the Datong society?" Jiang Wan pulled the two of them to start another round!

Yan Wen stared at the phone and replied, "Remember, use thunderous methods to kill all rebels, and the rest are the people waiting to be rescued!"

"Is the Consecrated Union, which has been immersed for two years, still motivated?"

"Yes, their faith has been realized, and they are full of the power to protect their faith!"

"Compatriots abroad are still in dire straits, they are waiting for salvation!

Then, let the entire Blue Star reshuffle the cards, break and build again! "

She wants Datong society to implement the entire Blue Star, and implement it into everyone's life!
The advanced civilization outside the solar system is still there, and the pace of human development cannot be stopped.

Not only Hualong Kingdom, but all human beings must be twisted into one rope.

"Okay, it's been a long time since I went to the battlefield!" Zhou Ji moved his arms, and his bones were itchy!
It's boring to eat chicken again!
Yan Wen put down his phone and looked at Jiang Wan with bright eyes, "When this matter is over and the world is stable, I wonder if I can buy you a glass of wine at that time, my wine making skills are excellent!"

Jiang Wan raised her head and smiled slightly, "Then let's talk about it when the world is stable!"

Looking at the green and vibrant scenery in the distance, she was in a good mood!
This world will eventually belong to the people of the world!

Nowhere is uneven, no one is hungry, no possibility of coercion, no need for attachment!


(End of this chapter)

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