Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 48 Hey, I'm just greedy for you

Chapter 48 Hey, I'm just greedy for you

The group clapped together again. The other buildings were all jealous and jealous. The residents of Building No. [-] were clamoring to buy it. No matter how much money it cost, they just wanted to eat a bite of fresh vegetables and eggs.

Jiang Wan looked at the news that popped up one by one, and didn't answer a word again, hey, I just want you, hey, I just don't sell it to you.

Don't look at how loud the people in the group are, Jiang Wan knows that they are just yelling and shouting, and if they really can't eat, even if they are unwilling, they can only give up, and they won't do anything out of the ordinary.

Although there is a shortage of food now, one by one has not reached the point of dying of starvation, not to mention that the social order is still there, and no one will be robbed for a bite of green vegetables and then be caught and eaten in prison.

By the time people would do nothing but despise life for a bite to eat, she would have long since returned to her hometown with her family.

Room 1102, Building [-]: "I know their house. Her house runs a supermarket, and I often go shopping in the small supermarket not far away."

Room 2203, Building [-]: "Damn it, there really is a mine at home. Do you sell anything? As long as it's cheaper than the vegetable vendor's, we'll buy it at your house."

Before they could shout, Dad Jiang replied inside, "Without protective clothing, I can't go to the supermarket, and I can't sell anything?"

Those people think about it too, if you have gold and silver, what's the use if you can't get it back?They all feel pity.

But at this time, some thorns always come out to pick things up,
Room 1001, Building 100: "Aren't you a fool if you have money and don't make money? I pay a high price to buy things, do you sell them? What do you do when you open a supermarket and don't sell things? Besides, the infection is not [-]%, not necessarily Die, but money is not earned all the time."

The reason why bad people are bad people is because they always stand on self-interest. There is no good or evil, no right or wrong.

Jiang Wan didn't like this kind of person at all, and went back directly, "I won't raise the price, I'll sell it to you at the original price, you can get it yourself, do you dare to go? As long as you go, I will give my life to accompany you to open the supermarket door."

Room 1001, Building [-]: "Since you dare to go to the supermarket to open the door, why don't you take back the things I bought? How can you be so selfish? What's the matter with having to let me go to get it? I can't even pay you errands. ?"

Dad Jiang replied, "Our supermarket doesn't deliver to your door, you can buy it yourself if you want, don't think all day long that you can get it cheap and sell it well, you don't dare to go out because you are afraid of death, and urge others to die for you, I really don't know. You have a brain, or you don't have a brain."

Room 1001, Building [-]: "How do you speak?"

Property owner Liu: "Okay, okay, it's not easy for anyone now, your own life is your life, and others' lives are not your life. Some people are very good at talking when they talk about it, and it's like something cowardly when it comes to themselves. of."

Lao Liu didn't figure out the situation just now, so he posted the matter in the group, which would feel very sorry for Jiang Wanjia, so he quickly came out to speak for her, "I didn't figure out the situation just now, and I misunderstood the person of 2501, I'm here. Apologize."

Room 2502, Building [-]: "It's all a misunderstanding, it's enough to explain it clearly, everyone will be considerate of this situation."

Building 1403: "That's it."


Jiang Wan watched the people in the group talking, and simply turned off the phone and stopped watching.

The faces of these people, that is, humanity, will be slowly revealed in disasters. This is just the beginning, a beginning that is insignificant compared to what happened in the last ten years.

Jiang Wan, who had experienced it once, had nothing to say about it, but Jiang Ma was very angry, "Why are these people like this, first, they talk nonsense when they don't know the situation, and when it's over, it seems like it never happened, and the guy who buys things. Man, I don't know how he would say such selfish words."

Jiang Wan did not forget to give Jiang's mother a vaccination at this time, "Mom, you should not think too good of people in the future. When your own interests are violated, there are no good people."

Even Jiang Wan is the same. If someone dares to threaten the safety of her family in the future, she will also wipe out these dangerous elements. She will not take the initiative to provoke others, and others should not provoke her.

In the last days, being kind-hearted and soft-hearted means harming others and harming oneself. Jiang Wan is not worried about Jiang's father, but worried that Jiang's milk and Jiang's mother will be deceived by others because of their temporary soft-heartedness.

"Xiao Wan is right, we don't provoke others, and others don't provoke us, don't worry about their lack of food, the things in our supermarket are sitting idle there, look at you worrying about not enough food That person, he doesn't worry about whether you will be infected and die outside." Dad Jiang said.

Jiang Ma pursed her lips, "I'm not thinking about making more money?"

"When can you make money? There is no one outside now. What if someone is thinking about it and robs you of the protective clothing on the way? Although it will not make money and kill your life, how dangerous it is to lose the protective clothing. "Papa Jiang said again.

In the last life, Jiang's father and mother wanted to make money, so he went out to sell things early. Those people who were short of food were naturally grateful and had no chance to see people's faces.

In this life, Jiang Wan stopped them, and instilled them with the idea that human nature is inherently evil, so that they could prepare for the end of the world in advance.
When the selfish person talks about it again, my heart is full, and I always feel that the outside world is no longer a civilized and quality society.

Jiang Wan is very satisfied with this result, and she has to make persistent efforts.

I heard some good news from the Internet recently. After this period of mass production of protective clothing, it should not be too long before they can be distributed to the community. At that time, someone will take care of those profit-making vegetable vendors.

These vegetable sellers have raised the price of food again and again, causing many people to be angry and afraid to speak out. Now the community has not yet started to operate, no matter how expensive it is, they have to eat it, but if they keep eating like this, they have to eat for themselves and go bankrupt.

Now the whole world is facing the same disaster. Seeing that the situation is getting worse and worse, many companies and celebrities have come forward to donate money and materials at this time.

Kangkangfu Instant Noodles donated 80 boxes of Laotan sauerkraut noodles, and another 50 boxes of ham sausage, a certain company donated 15 tons of rice, a certain company donated 500 tons of flour, and a celebrity donated [-] million yuan
The lists of these donations, one by one, were repeatedly shown on TV, encouraging people to learn from them.

(End of this chapter)

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