Chapter 50: Bittersweet
The north mainly distributes flour, and the south distributes rice, but not too much. Although you can't eat enough, you won't be hungry. This is much better than the high-priced food they buy from vegetable vendors.

The ones in the community are distributed in the hall with glass doors on the first floor, the corridors are disinfected, and people can go downstairs without worrying about infection.

Some old communities, as well as people in rural areas, will have special personnel to deliver materials to their door.

This good news caused a burst of cheers from netizens.

"Finally, I don't have to buy food from the vegetable vendor. Now a bag of flour and a bag of rice from the vegetable vendor has risen to thousands of dollars."

"That's right, all the savings that have been saved through hard work have gone into the pockets of the vegetable sellers, and they can be regarded as making a lot of money."

"If you want me to say, we should rectify and rectify those vegetable vendors, and let them make a fortune one by one."

"That being said, five liters of water is not enough for a person to drink for three days. What should I do when I wash?"

"What's going on now, I thought it was the same as before, I don't need money for water, anyway, if I don't go out at home, I can't wash it if I can, hurry up and pass this bad day and wait for the virus to be eliminated. ."

"The good thing is that our country still has food subsidies. I heard that foreign countries are going crazy, because there is no food, and there are countless people who go out to loot. Some people are not afraid of death. They have to go out and get infected. Much more than us."


There are all kinds of comments on the Internet, and many corporate stars have come forward to donate money and materials. Jiang Wan knows that at this time, the country has begun to integrate resources.

There are more than one billion people in the country. Even if the relief food is distributed according to the minimum standards, it is not a small amount every day, month or even a year.

In addition to donations from various parties, we are now investigating and punishing those profit-seeking vegetable vendors. Those who are honest and obedient will be fined and their property will be confiscated. If they are disobedient, they will still be fined and confiscated.

Jiang Wan sucked the last mouthful of noodles in the bowl into his mouth, patted his full stomach, and then put down his chopsticks contentedly.

At noon today, Jiang Ma made shredded pork noodles with green peppers, and put a little cabbage in it for decoration, as well as sweet and sour pork loin and scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

These are all home-cooked dishes that Jiang Wan likes to eat, especially when watching people on the Internet mourning and shouting that they have no vegetables to eat, no meat, no water to drink, Jiang Wan feels that the taste of their own meals is even more wonderful.

He got up and went to the study to pour dog food into the dog bowl of coconut. Taking advantage of the family's inattentiveness, he put some milk from the cows in the space and soaked it. The coconut is delicious.

When Jiang Wan was free, she secretly fed Coconut some fruits produced in the space, as well as milk and eggs.

It may be that the vegetables grown in the black soil of the space contain some special nutrients. The coconut has grown a circle this month than when it was just brought back. It is round and strong, and the hair on the body is smooth and soft, white. A fluffy blob.

In addition, Coconut itself is a descendant of competition-level dogs. Jiang Wan felt that Coconut could participate in the dog beauty contest, and it should not be a problem to win a championship or something.

"Let's go down and get the relief food. Didn't the person who came to check each household in the morning said that he could get things in the afternoon?" Dad Jiang saw that the whole family was full, and after cleaning up the dishes, he opened his mouth. road.

Jiang Nian became interested as soon as she heard the gift, "Is it free?"

"It's free." Dad Jiang laughed.

Jiang Nian clapped her hands excitedly, and took small steps to go out, "You don't say it early, walk around, you will be robbed by others."

"Grandma, there is something that can't be grabbed. Everyone has it. The group hasn't notified it yet. Many people should not know it yet. There are not many people below." Jiang Wan said with a smile.

Although the situation is not optimistic, who can refuse free things?
"Then go quickly." Jiang Nian urged.

Jiang Wan reminded, "Bring your ID card, so many people must be registered."

Several people ran back to the house and found their ID cards and put them in her arms. Jiang Ma said worriedly, "All put on masks, goggles, and a bottle of alcohol spray, although the corridors are all disinfected. Well, it's better to be careful."

After a few people were all packed up, holding their ID cards, and wearing masks, they opened the door and went out.

Seeing that the whole family was going to leave, Coconut didn't mean to take it with him at all. He stood at the door humming and circling in circles, and even barked twice when he was very anxious.

"Take the coconut with you, I'm afraid I'll be suffocated after staying at home for a month, even if it's just a walk downstairs." Jiang Nian blinked innocently at the coconut, and couldn't bear to speak.

In the past, Jiang Nian went to the park to walk the dog. After Coconut went out, the happy one was called a lively one. Now, staying at home this month, everyone is going to be bored and sick, let alone the dog.

Jiang Wan put Coconut's muzzle on, and took out the leash to tie it up, and the family closed the door and went out.

Taking the elevator to the first floor, he saw four white-clothed people in protective suits busy moving things. Jiang Wan guessed that these four people should be in charge of their building.

The first floor of their building is a large hall with glass doors outside to isolate the fog from the outside.

Because they came down early, in the hall of the meeting, except for the people from the four communities, they were busy unpacking and distributing them to people.

The group has not been notified to come down to pick up the things. These people should have seen it upstairs, there are trucks carrying things here, and the news said that relief food will be distributed today, so I came down to take a look.

After all, there is basically not much to eat at home now, and now the water can't be drunk, so there is no way to cook without water.

"Smack, smack, look at this dog's shiny oil. It's fed a lot of good things, right? Now that people don't have anything to eat, why waste food to feed the dog?"

As soon as Jiang Wan and the others walked into the hall, they heard someone speak sourly. Some people are like this, no matter how well they are, they just can't see that others are doing better than themselves.

When I see that I have not had a good life, I will ridicule with disdain, show my sense of superiority, and I will feel jealous when I see a better life than myself.

Now, when there is no food or drink, Jiang Wan can keep the dog so round and strong, and it looks like they are doing better than them. listen.

Jiang Wan followed the voice and cast a sideways glance at the man. He was a man in his 40s with a sarcastic look. He was too lazy to talk to such a man and walked straight past with a coconut in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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