Chapter 54

"It's better to be called Tang Element Yuan!" the system said.

Jiang Wan pondered, "It sounds pretty good, but is there a surname Tang? Why do you want to be surnamed Tang? Your creator's surname is Tang?"

Of course not because its creator is surnamed Tang, but once before it became an intelligent center, it accepted a task to test its stability.

The host of that mission was named Tang, whose name was Su Tang.

It was this person named Su Tang who made the new birth not have too much contact with human beings, and had some rectal systems, and understood what it means to be sinister.

During the period of its mission, it fell in love with Su Tang and killed each other. Su Tang could catch the loopholes in its words time and time again, and then use a set of human fallacies.Coming to flicker, it can't make up her mind, and it succeeds in making a profit for herself.

Su Tang wanted to fool his cunning time and time again, and he looked like a dog's leg.

Therefore, it did not want to chat with Jiang Wan, nor did it take her words.

Jiang Wan saw that the system ignored her and was a little embarrassed. After planting the land by herself, she didn't go out to sleep as usual, but turned left and right in the space.

Especially when I looked at the lit specimen grids for a long time and didn't see why.

Jiang Wan said leisurely again, "System. No, Tang Shiyuan, how do these specimen grids light up? What energy are they using to support them, is it electricity?"

Tang Xiyuan ignored her.

Seeing that this trick wouldn't work, Jiang Wan simply broke the jar and threw it, "Oh, don't be so stingy, if it's powered by electricity, you can give me some use, I can't use much."

Tang Xiyuan's slightly smiling voice sounded, "After talking so much nonsense, you finally show your true colors?"

Jiang Wan sneered and said, "How can it be nonsense? Isn't this a name for you? How big a space you can support, just give me a little current is enough for me, don't you think?"

What is Jiang Wanneng thinking?She just wanted to squeeze some juice from the fruit and save it. The juicer needs to run on electricity, and she was thinking about the most convenient way to see if the system could give her an electrical interface to use.

If the system really doesn't give it, she can only get a large battery to fully charge it and use it, but it's a little more troublesome to charge back and forth.

To her surprise, the system actually agreed, but this is conditional.

"It's not impossible to give you some electricity. The premise is that you have to collect [-] kinds of non-special specimens."

Tang Xiyuan could see it during this period of time. Since Jiang Wan spent all the money in her hand and prepared almost all the supplies for the end of the world, she began to lie down, guarding her one acre at home day by day. One-third, eat, drink, and do nothing.

This time, the virus caused the death of batches of animals outside. Apart from talking about it, she was not in a hurry to find a way to continue collecting specimens.

Now that she has something to ask for, how could Tang Xiyuan easily satisfy her request?

"3 species?" Jiang Wan was very helpless. She only collected more than 1 non-special specimens now, and she had to collect more than [-] more.

Now that there is poisonous fog outside, where can she collect more than 1 kinds, not to mention that she already has all the common animals and plants in the market, and then collects, not to mention rare, at least not very common.

"No discussion." Before Jiang Wan could say anything, Tang Xiyuan directly blocked her way.

"Okay, I'll think of a way."

Seeing that Tang Xiyuan didn't give her any room for negotiation, Jiang Wan simply left the space, lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a long time, and found that there seemed to be no good solution for the time being.

Rubbing her empty stomach, Jiang Wan didn't even think about it anymore. This is not something that will happen for a while. Take it slow. Take out a portion of braised prawns from the space, and then take out a cup of fruit tea and put it on the bedside table.

Going to move a small stool to eat and sleep well, I turned my head and collided with Coconut's sparkling eyes.

Jiang Wan saw the corners of Coconut's mouth gradually widening, and looked at her with bright eyes. If Coconut could speak, it would look like he was saying, 'Hey, I've finally caught me stealing delicious food! '

Jiang Wan smacked her lips, why did she forget about the coconut in her bedroom?Now that I have been seen, I can't eat alone.

So one person and one dog eat supper together, Jiang Wan eats shrimp, coconut eats shrimp head and shrimp shell, the division of labor is clear, and no one grabs the other.

One person and one dog who are full will go to sleep satisfied.

When he woke up in the morning, Jiang Wan walked out of the bedroom door and saw Jiang's mother, Jiang's mother, and Jiang's milk, twisting around in the living room following the square dance on the TV. It seemed that they were all locked up at home.

The whole community can have such a leisurely atmosphere, and it is only their family, and at most two young people from Room 2502 next door can be added.

When everyone else felt that life was difficult, officials came out in a timely manner to soothe the emotions of the masses.

It is said that all units have been operating, and some deficiencies have been improved. In a few days, large supermarkets in various places will reopen.
Support people to shop online, someone will deliver it to your door, and the price will be reasonably controlled. Let everyone stick to it and cooperate with the work of the government. I believe that with the efforts of the people across the country, the difficulties will be overcome soon.

Jiang Wan watched the news on the Internet and knew that the Zhengfu should have started to integrate resources at this time. Jiang Wan thought about it, someone should call Jiang's mother in the next two days to talk about the supermarket acquisition.

"What, what did you say? My supermarket was stolen?" Jiang Ma got up from the sofa after receiving the call, and asked again in disbelief.

Jiang Wan was also a little stunned listening to it. In her previous life, Jiang's parents and Jiang's mother sold the things in the supermarket early, and there was nothing to do later.

This time, she kept stopping her and didn't let Jiang's father and mother sell the things in the supermarket. How could she have been stolen until now?
"Okay, I'll go take a look now." Jiang Ma hung up the phone after saying this.

"What happened, what was stolen?" Jiang Nian asked eagerly.

Jiang Ma was a little anxious. "The supermarket was stolen by thieves last night, and the door was smashed. The police officer is investigating at the supermarket. If we have protective clothing, try to go to the scene to see."

"Let's go, then go and have a look." Dad Jiang was also a little anxious.

There are hundreds of thousands of goods in the supermarket. Even if they have moved several times before, for a supermarket of [-] to [-] square meters, what they moved is only a small part. Now it has been stolen, but it is not small. loss.

Having said that, Jiang's father and mother are going to wear protective clothing to go out.

"I'll go too." Jiang Wan said after him, and she wanted to follow him to check the situation.

Jiang Nian watched several people go out, and she stood at the door and said worriedly, "You guys wear masks for protection."

When Jiang Wan and the others drove to the supermarket, they saw the glass door being smashed open from a distance, and the glass was shattered.
The contents of the supermarket were turned over in a mess, and there were several people in protective clothing collecting the information left at the scene, which should be the police who called Jiang Ma.

"What's the matter? Do you know who did it?" Jiang Ma stepped forward and asked.

 The system is a system with a story. The Su Tang mentioned here is the protagonist in the author's last book.

  If you want to see the system and Su Tang fall in love and kill each other, you can read the author's concluding article [The eldest daughter of the emperor has begun to build a city wildly]

  It doesn't matter if you haven't read it, the two books are independent stories and will not affect the reading of this book.

(End of this chapter)

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