Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 66 You are killing me

Chapter 66 You are killing me

Putting the flour into the elevator and going upstairs, the family had moved the braised pork bucket to the elevator and waited for her. Seeing Jiang Wan carrying the flour up, it was a smile. Now what is important to have food?

She helped Jiang Wan put the braised pork buckets into the elevator one by one. When she was leaving, she paused and said to the family.
"When someone asks, can you just say, I bought a braised meat bucket from you? I bought it secretly, and my family doesn't know. If they knew that I bought a few of these things with a hundred catties of flour, My family will probably beat me up."

She can't take all the braised meat buckets home, otherwise she won't be able to take it into the space to make crayfish.

She had to take it home, or else she would ask in the group and go out with the flour, and the family would definitely ask, if she didn't bother to buy it elsewhere, she wouldn't ask in the owner group.

Another reason is that she was thinking of finding an excuse to take out some crayfish in the space and give it to her family. She always eats alone like this, and she feels very sorry.

The 40-year-old man nodded in agreement. If his child was such a prodigal, he would probably be so angry that he wanted to do it.

"Don't worry, we won't say it out." If we say it out, what will happen if the girl's family returns, and how could they be willing to return the flour they got.

Jiang Wan arrived at the parking lot and took the braised pork buckets out of the elevator one by one. This thing is not light. If she hadn't practiced taekwondo since childhood, she had some strength on her body, and she probably couldn't move it.

Move one into the back seat of the car, then sneak it into the space, move the next one, and then drive home when the last one is left.

Dad Jiang looked at Jiang Wan's tired and panting appearance when she opened the door, and helped her move the braised pork bucket into the house.

Jiang Nian looked at it and slammed her mouth, "Is this thing replaced with twenty pounds of flour?"

"Isn't it, what's the use of this? Can you eat or drink? Or do we have a lot of meat waiting to be marinated at home?" Jiang Ma said angrily.

Dad Jiang is very protective of Jiang Wan, "I bought it all back, what's the use of saying this?"

Jiang Wan took off the protective suit on her body, "When has your daughter ever let you down? Just wait, soon you will know what it can be used for."

When it was about evening, Lao Li sent a message to Jiang Wan, saying that the animals over there were all ready for her, and they could go over and take them away at any time.

Jiang Wan didn't expect the efficiency to be quite high, so she shouted Yi Chen next door and went out.

How difficult it is to find a customer now, Lao Li is afraid that Jiang Wan will regret it, and all the people who can use it are used, and they are busy moving animals. They didn't even sleep last night.

She and Yi Chen go to other places to drive the truck first. This is what Jiang Wan found before. Now many vehicles are idle, Jiang Wan is willing to rent food, there are a lot of vehicles for her to choose.

This truck is the kind of external trailer, which is very large. Yi Chen slowly became familiar with the operation for a while, and then slowly drove to the farm.

There were no vehicles on the road, but because of the fog and darkness, Yi Chen drove very slowly, and the slow Jiang Wan sat in the co-pilot and wanted to doze off.

Yi Chen looked at the sleepy Jiang Wan, "I'll be able to drive faster when I get familiar with the operation."

Jiang Wan looked at the time, it was after eight o'clock in the evening, and waved her hand, "Don't worry, don't worry, drive slowly, you don't have to go so early."

It's best that when she arrives, everyone in the farm is asleep, so don't run over enthusiastically to help her and cause her trouble.

By the time they arrived, it was almost twelve o'clock in the evening. Jiang Wan had to drive for more than an hour, but Yi Chen had to drive for more than three hours.

Jiang Wanzhen really didn't know if Yi Chen's speed was the same when he drove the wounded after the big earthquake in his previous life.

But this time was just right, and almost all the people in the factory should have slept.

"Just wait for me in the car." Jiang Wan greeted Yi Chen and jumped off the co-pilot.

Yi Chen was a little confused by Jiang Wan, so he drove such a big truck here, and even let him do nothing and just wait.

This truck can pull several tons of things, what is Jiang Wan trying to pull?But since he was asked to wait in the car, just wait, he might not be needed to move the goods.

After Jiang Wan walked into the factory building, Jiang Wan closed the door and locked it in case someone suddenly broke in and discovered her secret.

At this time, the sound of almost all birds and beasts resounded in the factory building. When I turned on the light and looked over, there were large and small animals in the circle, and they were everywhere.

There are various kinds of birds in the large bird cage, which may have been awakened by Jiang Wannong's movement, which would be chattering non-stop.

On the other side is a large fish pond, a fish tank, and a transparent bag filled with colorful, large and small fish.

Today is an eye-opener for Jiang Wan. The animals she has seen before are now gathered together, making Jiang Wan feel like she is in the animal world.

Fortunately, the factory is big enough, otherwise it really can't hold so many animals.

Jiang Wan first threw [-] tons of flour in a clean corner of the factory building, and then began to work.

It's good to collect so many specimens, but it's not a good job to pack all of them in the specimen grid.

When she puts anything into the space, she needs to come into contact with it first. Cats, dogs and hamsters are okay to say, they are generally docile and non-biting as pets.

When Jiang Wan stood in front of two golden pythons with cold eyes, staring straight at her, and spitting up blood-red letters, seriously, she flinched at this moment.

Look at the python that is thicker than her arm, just give her a bite of this thing, is she alive?
At this time, Jiang Wancai realized this serious problem later, "Tang Xiyuan, I found out that you are not helping me live, are you killing me?"

"How do you say this?" Tang Xiyuan said leisurely, and seemed to be in a good mood.

Jiang Wan was in a hurry, "Look at this thing in front of you, do I dare to touch it? If I dare to open the glass door and touch it, it won't kill me, but it has to strangle me, even if I don't die, If I go to collect animals like tigers and lions in the future, I will be eaten clean by them sooner or later."

Tang Xiyuan sighed, "Or I'll say, sometimes you are not very smart, the golden python is not poisonous, even if it bites you, you won't die. Besides, with me, can I make you die? ."

"You can!" Jiang Wan said decisively,
Pointing to the small fish tank on the side, a bright blue color said, "The golden python is not poisonous, is this thing not poisonous? This is a blue-ringed octopus,

It can poison a person with one bite, and no antidote has been developed yet. It is one of the most poisonous marine creatures. Will I still be alive after being bitten by it? "

Jiang Wan couldn't figure it out. There are so many cute pets who don't keep them. Why do people like to keep blue-ringed octopuses? It looks good, but it will kill you if you bite it!
(End of this chapter)

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