Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 69 Virus Mineral Water

Chapter 69 Virus Mineral Water

Speaking of the virus, it has been four or five months, and now it has entered August 3022. It is time to prepare for a new disaster.

Jiang Wan came out of the space, opened the bedroom door, and went downstairs with the family to collect relief food.

Since the last time when Yan Huai scolded the people around him and bought water from private hands and received relief food, Jiang Wan didn't bring coconuts downstairs.

But today Yan Huai still had an accident!This is not bad news!

The mineral water they bought from private hands was indeed pure water in the past.
Those traffickers put the virus-containing water into it and sold it as pure water. It was a matter of these two days.

This kind of thing didn't just happen in their building, the entire community, and even other communities also happened.

As soon as this incident came out, it quickly attracted the attention of the above, and began to collect evidence and hunt down the gang.

Those who committed the crime are very cunning. They seem to have guessed that the sale of this batch of problematic water will attract official attention.

After they made a quick buck, they quickly hid it, adding a lot of difficulty to the case handlers.

These people who sell virus mineral water, let alone murder, will kill people very easily in the future. Not only will they not have nightmares, but they will even be a little excited.

There are good people and despicable bad people in this world. In a legal society, those bad people suppressed their own nature one by one, obeyed the law, and looked no different from normal people.

When the order becomes chaotic in the future, when they think there is no legal restraint, those dark sides that they have suppressed in the depths of their hearts will burst out and become wicked people who do all evil.

At that time, kindness will only become the original sin that killed him.

"Is money that important to them?" Jiang Ma didn't understand. Can they really spend so much money in exchange for human life?
Jiang Wan said, "For some people, money is really important. Sometimes money represents not only wealth, but also rights and dignity. Many people are willing to take risks for this."

These viral mineral waters basically don't cost anything. They only need to take the risk this time to earn money that they can't earn for a few lifetimes. This is a very tempting thing.

Jiang Wan really wanted to see how wonderful the expressions on these people's faces were when the money they risked to earn after the global earthquake was completely reduced to waste paper.

Jiang Wan, who was thinking about it, heard a ding-dong sound from the mobile phone, took it out and took a look, and was immediately happy.

"Liu team sent me a message saying that we have applied for the honor of outstanding citizen for our family, and it should take a long time to apply for it." Jiang Wan told the good news to the family.

Jiang Ma pouted, "Donate hundreds of thousands of things and give them a useless title. I don't know what you think."

"Don't underestimate this title. There are very few people who can get it. If we hadn't donated the supermarket, and we had done a good job in reporting, we wouldn't necessarily have applied for it." Jiang Wan defended herself.

"Yeah, compared to other people who are desperately trying to snatch money from their homes, there are indeed very few people like you who donate half of their family assets."

Jiang Wan: .
"What report, who did you report? And did you catch the little thief who stole our supermarket?" Jiang Nian's focus seemed to be different.

When Jiang Wan heard Jiang Nian's question, he realized that he seemed to have leaked his mouth, and said vaguely, "I found it, it has been determined who stole it, and they are arresting everywhere."

Team Liu told her a few days ago that according to the investigation of Wang Tiancheng during this period, it was almost certain that the person who stole their supermarket was Wang Tiancheng.

Wang Tiancheng absconded in fear of the crime for a long time, and he never saw him back home again. The fog outside blocked the camera, which greatly hindered their arrest. So far, he has not been caught.

According to Jiang Wan's guess, there must be someone behind Wang Tiancheng to help him escape, otherwise, with Wang Tiancheng's IQ, it is impossible to escape the arrest of the police officer.

Wang Tiancheng was initially suspected by Jiang Wan. After providing it to Team Liu, Team Liu went to investigate this person and found the clues behind.

Afterwards, Jiang Wan actively cooperated and told Team Liu almost everything he knew. In addition, Wang Tiancheng was also Jiang Wan's uncle, and Team Liu gave Jiang Wan a credit for killing his relatives and having the courage to report.

"Who stole it? If you let me know, let's see if I can't scold him to death, and steal everything on our heads." Jiang Nian was very angry.

"No, no one, there is Team Liu to arrest people, we don't need to worry about this." Jiang Wan motioned to Jiang Nian to stay calm.

"No one is who? Didn't you say someone was found?" Jiang Nian looked at Jiang Wan, who was stammering, and then looked at Jiang's father and mother, who lowered her head and did not speak. She narrowed her eyes and suddenly felt that something was wrong. That's right, "You guys can honestly explain who stole it from the supermarket?"

Jiang Wan felt that since Jiang Nui ate the food in her space and her body became more and more healthy, her brain seemed to be getting better and better, and the atmosphere was a little wrong, but she actually felt it.

"It's Wang Tiancheng." Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Dad Jiang explained directly, "He took his accomplices to steal our supermarket, and took the food to resell. Team Liu found him, and he absconded in fear of the crime. Once caught, Jiang Yan and the child are all right, they are all at home."

"What? What did you say? I heard right, Wang Tiancheng stole our supermarket? Does Jiang Yan know about this?" Jiang Nian opened her mouth in disbelief.

"I should know. She even called to ask for food at the beginning, but we didn't give it to them, so they thought about stealing from the supermarket, but Jiang Yan told Team Liu that she didn't know, and Team Liu didn't hold her accountable. ." Jiang Wan explained.

"Okay, this bastard is doing very well. If he doesn't leave the right way, he actually starts to do this evil deed. Let's see how I clean up her." Jiang Nanny went to the balcony angrily and took out her old age machine, which should be for Jiang Yan called.

Although Jiang Wan wanted to let Nanny Jiang see Jiang Yan's face as soon as possible, but now that Nanny Jiang's face turned red, she felt distressed too!

Looking at Jiang Nian's face when she finally hung up the phone, I'm afraid she didn't take advantage of Jiang Yan again, and she was very angry.

The incident of the virus mineral water caused many people's anger. When the people stayed at home and watched the progress of the matter, Jiang Wan was already thinking about how to convince the family to go back to the countryside together.

Entering September, the poisonous fog is about to disappear, and a new disaster is coming.

"Do you remember what's going to happen next?" Tang Xiyuan knew that Jiang Wan was beginning to ponder, and asked her aloud when she returned to her hometown in the countryside.

Of course Jiang Wan remembered, how could she have forgotten it, the next is the real beginning of the end of the world.

 It will be listed on V tomorrow, and the update may be a little later, probably at noon tomorrow.

  When I wrote this book, I didn't expect to get the love and company of so many friends, and the author will try to update it in the future.

  Friends, try not to raise texts tomorrow, and support the first order! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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