Chapter 71

People are talking about the virus is gone, life can finally get back on track, work where it's time to go to work, and money where it's time to make money.

At this time, many Moonlight Clan realized the importance of money, and vowed to make good money in the future, save money, and never make as much money as they spend.

"The virus has disappeared, but the dark clouds that have been rolling in the sky for several months have no sign of dispersing at all. I heard that many plants are slowly withering because there is no sunlight."

"It's true what you said, but don't make any more fuss. God bless, clear the clouds and see the sun as soon as possible, and life will return to normal."

It is impossible to clear the clouds and see the sun, and it is almost the same as clearing the clouds and seeing the rain. As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a drop of water hit his face.

Immediately afterwards, raindrops the size of beans began to fall down, pouring down, instantly drenching the people outside.

Because of the previous virus, people have an inexplicable fear of water in their hearts. Seeing that they are about to be soaked by the rain, those who used to play happily rushed into the building in panic, for fear that the rainwater that fell this day still contains viruses. .

"Mom, mom, my body hurts so much, am I going to die?" a little girl in her teens cried, rubbing her skin indiscriminately.

Her mother hurried to check to see if there was any bruise.

Immediately afterwards, many people began to realize that something was wrong. They felt that the skin on their bodies was hot and slightly painful after being exposed to the rain.

"No, it's acid rain, everyone go back and rinse with clean water." Some people who knew it reminded loudly.

According to the smell of this acid rain, it has not yet reached the level of corrosion and rotten skin, so there should be no problem if you go back and wash it off quickly.

Jiang Nian was lying on the window, dumbfounded at what happened suddenly downstairs.

"Oh my God! Don't something big happen again?" Jiang Nian was so frightened that her voice trembled.

She stood upstairs and couldn't see it clearly, she could only see the mess downstairs. People were crowded and mad as if they were drilling into the building, as if there were man-eating monsters chasing them.

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother were sitting at the dining table, urging Jiang Wan, who was not in a hurry, to eat quickly. I have never seen a person who can't wait to chew a bun for 2 minutes.

Hearing Jiang Nian's exclamation, he hurried over to see what happened, and saw the scene downstairs.

"It's just that the dark clouds that have been churning for a few months have rained. It is estimated that after this rain, the dark clouds will dissipate and everything will return to normal, right?" Jiang Ma said this with a guilty conscience.

If it was as she said, everyone would be happy, but reality told her that things didn't seem to be that simple.

Dad Jiang's original desire to go out to play also disappeared, frowning and turning on his mobile phone to see if there is any new news on the Internet.

It looked like a long silence.

Global acid rain!

What kind of concept is this?

Acid rain will reduce the immunity of children, increase the incidence of chronic pharyngitis and bronchial asthma, and increase the incidence of eye and respiratory tract in the elderly.

In addition, acid rain will also change the acidity and alkalinity of the land, making the land no longer suitable for plant growth, changing the acidity and alkalinity of the lake, and causing the organisms in the lake to die in pieces, which is an indirect harm to humans.

Moreover, the buildings are built with alkaline substances, and the acid rain for a long time will accelerate the corrosion of the buildings.

If the global earthquake is to tell people that the end of the world is coming, then now is the time for the real disaster to come quietly.

It is no wonder that Tang Xianyuan would say that natural disasters in the past ten years have caused the extinction of most of the creatures. It is just the virus and acid rain. These two disasters have killed many small creatures.

In a short period of time, people's original excitement disappeared, followed by fear and worry about the future. Everyone prayed that this acid rain would stop soon.

But nature has also turned to human beings for help. It tells human beings with small disasters that it has already been overwhelmed, and it needs human beings to stop and help it repair its dilapidated body.

Mining is riddled with holes, holes in oil extraction, pollution caused by garbage, the death of marine life, and the spread of yellow sand all imply that it can no longer survive.

However, humans did not hear its prayers, and instead consumed it even more.

How can nature hear human prayers these days?It can only choose to repair itself, it can only choose to break and stand.

As for humans?Just let each one's destiny, it can't do anything.

Fortunately, the acid rain this time is not heavy acid rain.

As long as you don't go out to get in the rain and take precautions, it won't cause too much harm to humans in the short term, but animals and plants will not be spared.

If it continues like this, the harm to animals and plants will be immeasurable, and it will also bring a great blow to human beings at that time. For example, the land will not be able to grow crops, the fresh water will not be drinkable, the water resources will be scarce, and the animals will not be able to feed.

Without these, what should humans eat and drink?
Thinking of this, Jiang Wan wanted to pull her hair. She couldn't sit still, she had to collect another batch of animal and plant specimens before many animals and plants died in the acid rain.

She directly set her sights on major enterprises, flower farming enterprises, forestry enterprises, herbal farming and so on.

The virus has caused major losses to the animal breeding industry, but the virus does not have much impact on plants, and plants can be directly watered with virus-laden water.

It's just that I haven't seen the sun for half a year, and I'm afraid some delicate plants will die in the last batch.

"Hey, Jiang Wan, come out to eat, I have to thank you very much."

Jiang Wan was lying on the bed in a daze, the phone rang, and Li Li's voice came from there.

When Jiang Wan resigned from the company, the two said they had time to eat together, but then they were busy with each other. It's been half a year, and the two of them haven't eaten together yet.

Jiang Wan's interest was lacking, "Everywhere outside is closed, where to eat, even if a restaurant opens, I'm afraid you won't be able to bring out even a piece of green vegetables or even a piece of meat."

"My family spent a lot of money to buy some frozen steaks in the past two days. Come and make steaks for you." Li Li invited.

"Don't go, it's not easy for you to buy steak at this time, so keep it for yourself."

After this short half year of consumption, the food in the world is getting more and more scarce, fresh vegetables and fruits are almost impossible to buy, and fresh meat is very rare.

There are also frozen meat and various packaged foods, and some can still be bought on the market, but not too much, and the price is not cheap. After all, there are not enough things to consume after the shutdown of production for so long.

(End of this chapter)

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