Chapter 77 Am I Wrong?

Jiang Nian asked Jiang Yan to pay back the money, which warmed the heart of Jiang's father and mother. In the future, when she was old, Jiang Yan had something to do, and Jiang's father would still be willing to help her.

Jiang Nian was thinking about Jiang Yan's future, but Jiang Yan misunderstood that Jiang Nian forced her to pay back the money, because she looked down on Jiang's father and looked down on her, which really chilled Jiang Nian's heart.

Jiang Nian stood on the spot and didn't speak. I don't know if she was very sad and didn't want to care about her anymore.

Seeing that Jiang Nian didn't say anything for a long time, Jiang Yan thought she said she had won, and was secretly happy, "You can tell me whether you can help me or not, it's all from my own family, and you are reporting it too. It's really cruel."

"No help, as long as you take care of your family, you won't be reduced to this level. Don't use your family to press your brother now. Wang Tiancheng should be punished for his wrongdoing, and let him stay in there for more time. Time to reflect and reflect." Jiang Nian said sternly.

Jiang Nian always felt that being a person should be down-to-earth and worthy of her heart. Now that the child has gone the wrong way, she can't control it, so let the state take care of it.

"Mom, brother, sister-in-law, you must help Wang Tiancheng. I'm begging you. If you don't help, he will be executed."

She knows not many people who are capable. Many people hide from her after hearing about Wang Tiancheng's accident. Now the only people who can help her are her family members.

put to death?

Jiang Wanpin said something was wrong, what Wang Tiancheng committed was not so serious!

At this time, no matter how big or small the crime is, as long as you participate in it, you will be convicted, and there is only one case.
"Tell me the truth, what did Wang Tiancheng do?" Jiang Wan took two steps forward and stared at Jiang Yan.

If it was as she thought, Dad Jiang showed the letter of understanding and went to bail Wang Tiancheng, that is, jumping into the fire pit.
Don't even think about the title of outstanding citizen that Team Liu applied for their family. Jiang Yan is pulling her family into the water together.

Jiang Yan was stared at by Jiang Wan's straight eyes and felt guilty, wiped the tears from her face, "Just stealing, reselling, what other charges can there be."

"It's really just like this? How can they be executed for these crimes?" Jiang Wan continued to question.

As soon as her words came out, Jiang's parents and Jiang's mother froze for a while, and then they reacted. What Jiang Yan said just now, executed?capital offense?

"Xiao Wan, what do you mean by that? How hard is it that Wang Tiancheng committed a murder case?" Jiang Ma asked in a trembling voice.

"I'm going to ask her about it." Jiang Wan stared at Jiang Yan and sneered, "It's already at this point, aren't you telling the truth?"

"I'm telling the truth, I just want you to help him, maybe he won't have to die." Jiang Yan did hide something, she was afraid to say it, and Dad Jiang was unwilling to help her.

"I really don't know if you are ignorant or naive. If Wang Tiancheng was involved in the virus mineral water case, no one could help him. If my family tried to save him by showing a letter of understanding, it would also implicate my family. You don't know this. , or pretending not to know?"

Jiang Wan's voice was cold. She didn't know whether Jiang Yan was really ill and went to the doctor and asked for her own home, or she knew that her home would be implicated and deliberately concealed and pulled her home into the water.

"What did you say?" Jiang Nian staggered two steps in disbelief after hearing this. She couldn't believe Wang Tiancheng would do such a thing.

She hated those who murdered people the most. Jiang Nian couldn't understand, can money be more important than life?

Now that I know that the people around me are involved, and it is my son-in-law, how can I feel better.

"Wang Tiancheng was confused for a while, but he was really confused for a while. Now he knows he was wrong. Help me think of a way. I really don't know what to do." Jiang Yan's mind was pierced, and she burst into tears. Open your mouth.

Jiang Nian pointed at Jiang Yan's hand and couldn't help trembling, "He's confused? He knows he's wrong? What did those who bought water from him and died of infection did wrong? He dared to kill for money? "

Jiang Yan shook his head violently, "No, he was deceived. When he was selling water, he didn't know that the mineral water had viruses."

"How can he be convicted if he doesn't know? I'm afraid he knew it." Jiang Wan said coldly.

Jiang Nian took a few breaths and was unable to speak, "I ask you, did you know about Wang Tiancheng's sale of poisonous mineral water?"

"I, I, I don't know!" Jiang Yan dodged.

Does she not know?Of course she knew that when Wang Tiancheng secretly contacted her with another phone number, he told her that there was a big business that could make a lot of money. The two of them would not be able to make money in a few lifetimes, but it was very dangerous and even broke the law. He didn't know whether to do it or not.

It was Jiang Yan who made the final decision, and came out after talking about the limelight. She was wrapped tightly in protective clothing, and no one would find out who sold the water. At most, he would be charged with stealing and absconding, and he could get a lot of money after being locked in for a few days. wealth.

I have to say that the more ignorant people are sometimes, the more intelligent they think they are.

"Go away, from now on, I don't have a daughter like you, I don't have such a vicious daughter." Jiang Nian glared at her.

Jiang Yan was raised by Jiang's milk, doesn't she understand her own daughter?Seeing her talking and gnawing on Baba, she had an answer in her heart.

"Mom" Jiang Yan stubbornly refused to leave, standing still.

"I said, don't call my mother, I can't be your mother, hurry up, hurry up!"

Seeing Jiang Yan standing there motionless, Nanny Jiang picked up the broom at the door and hit her on top of her, murmuring to get out of the way, get out quickly, tears fell like beads with broken threads.

When Jiang's father and mother saw this situation, don't make Jiang's mad anymore, and quickly grabbed the broom in Jiang's hand. The two dragged them together and helped Jiang's into the room, so that she could calm down.

Jiang Yan wiped the tears from her face and stared at Jiang Wan, "I just want to make money and be looked up to, is it wrong?"

"It's not about how much money you have to make others look up to you, it's not about how much money you have, whether you can straighten your back, whether you can do things with humility, and whether you're right or not, it's a god who stands three feet above your head."

The eyes are the windows to the soul, what your heart is like is what the world you see is like.

If you want others to look up to you, you must look up to yourself first, and only when you are proud of yourself, then no matter how others look at you, you will think it is a compliment.

It's a pity that Jiang Yan didn't understand this truth, so she would go wrong step by step.

Jiang Wan thought that if she didn't sell things from the supermarket to Jiang Yan, she would rest her mind on reselling, but they chose to steal.

(End of this chapter)

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