Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 90 Not everyone is bad

Chapter 90 Not everyone is bad
Go to the hospital to quickly register her, find a doctor, disinfect and suture, and give her anti-inflammatory water.

Jiang Wan wanted to bandage it and then went back, but Mama Jiang and the others refused to let her, for fear of infection later, they insisted that she stay here for two days, observe and observe, and then pour some anti-inflammatory water.

Whoever goes home, Dad Jiang is not at ease. Let the whole family stay here. Taking advantage of the time to send Nanny Jiang and Mommy Jiang to go to the hospital cafeteria to buy food, Dad Jiang has time to ask Jiang Wan what happened.

Jiang Wan explained what happened today one by one, "Dad, someone is watching us, listening to their voice, they want our family's life, but I think about it, but I can't think of our family. Who is to blame?"

Dad Jiang was shocked to hear that his daughter was on the line of life and death today. What's even more disturbing is who wants to harm them.

If you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid that thieves will miss him. If this person is not found out for a day, their family will not be able to live in peace for a day.

"My mother and I have never offended anyone in business, and during this period of time, we have never had such a big grudge with anyone!" Dad Jiang also couldn't understand, "Could it be Jiang Yan? She even dared to plan to kill her. Wang Tiancheng, will you?"

Jiang Wan shook her head, "No, she harmed Wang Tiancheng because of their grievances accumulated over the years. Our family has lent her so much money over the years, and it's not bad for her.

Even if grandma asked her for money later, there was a conflict, after all, because of the blood relationship, she would not buy murder for this contradiction. With Wang Tiancheng's example before, she didn't have the guts to hurt others, and was afraid of sending herself in. "

"Then what should I do? Do you want to tell Team Liu?" Dad Jiang thought for a while, the feeling of being stared at from behind is quite scary.

Jiang Wan shook his head, "No, the dozen or so people were shot to death by my car, although I later knocked down the big truck and laid it on top of them to fake the scene of the accident. In front of professionals, you can see at a glance. It's not right, I can't fool them at all, and in turn they will ask me how to kill them, but they will reveal the secret.

They chose the place where they started. There were very few cameras around. I erased my traces on the spot. In addition, it was raining heavily and the sky was dark. The cameras on the road were basically useless. "

"Then we'll be more careful in the future, don't worry too much." Dad Jiang comforted, and his heart was sore again.

His daughter was obviously still a flower-like age, but now she was able to kill a dozen people, calmly deal with the scene, and then go home to analyze the case,

How much endurance does this require, and how many things have to be experienced to have such a strong psychological quality.

"What are you two talking about, with a deep look on your face!" Jiang Ma pushed open the door and came in, placing the lunch box bought from the cafeteria on the table by the bed, "You don't know, there aren't many meals in this cafeteria. It’s too expensive to die. The batter and multigrain rice I bought, and the vegetables were only fried mushrooms, and they didn’t look oily and watery, so I guess they weren’t very tasty.”

Jiang Wan looked at Jiang Ma's disgusted expression a little funny. The most correct decision she made was not to tell Jiang Nian and Jiang Ma about the end of the world.

Only then can they live as easily as they are now, complaining that life is difficult now, and she and Dad Jiang can carry everything on their shoulders.

If you let them know that people in the future will not even have to eat soil and tree roots, they will definitely not dislike the current food without oil and water.

Jiang Nian took out two boxes of milk from her bag, and handed it to Jiang Wan with an oil cake baked at home, "Let's just eat whatever you want. Xiao Wan is injured and needs to eat some good tonic."

This just happened to be seen by the bed next door, who came back from eating, and his envious eyes widened.

"You still have milk to drink. It's been so long, has it expired yet?"

The next bed is an old lady. It seems that her blood pressure has been a little high recently. She came for an infusion. She dislikes the expensive food in the hospital, and she is reluctant to eat fried mushrooms.
"Not long after the expiration date, the young people are in good health, can bear it, and won't have diarrhea after drinking it." Jiang Nian said.

When the old lady heard this, she suddenly stopped thinking. Young people can't drink diarrhea, but it doesn't mean old people can't drink it. It's not worthwhile to have diarrhea for a mouthful of milk.

Immediately, he looked eagerly at the oil cake in Jiang Wan's hand, and it was fragrant when he looked at it. "Did you make the oil cake at home? I haven't eaten the oil cake for a long time."

Jiang Ma looked at the old lady looking at the oil cake, like a child eating with her mouth, and it was pitiful enough.

At such an old age, he can still show this greedy appearance. It seems that he really wants to eat it, so he broke a small piece the size of a palm from Jiang Wan's hand and handed it to the old lady, "How about your craftsmanship? ."

"Ahhh!" The old lady was not polite, she hurriedly took it and ate it in small bites, squinting her eyes and grinning at the corners of her mouth from time to time, very satisfied.

When the old lady finished eating, she went to her bedside to rummage through the boxes and the cabinet. After she was done, she walked in front of Jiang Wan, shoved the things in her hand into Jiang Wan, and said with a smile, "Take it, this is a good thing that grandma hid, it's not good now. bought it."

Jiang Wan slowly opened her palm, it was a lollipop.

"Thank you grandma!" Jiang Wan smiled sweetly.

This makes Jiang Wan's cold heart a little warmer, look!Not all people in this world are bad people.

The next day, Jiang Wan changed the medicine, and after taking anti-inflammatory drugs, the family drove home.

Seeing that Jiang Wan was happy, Coconut never left, rubbed behind Jiang Wan, and turned into a whimper.

It was too late to die these two days. The dog food is not something that dogs eat. It is very unpalatable. It wants to eat chicken legs, milk, and small apples. And those two young people are really outrageous, pulling its hair every day.

Jiang Wan rubbed its head and went to the sofa, and Jiang Nanny would find all kinds of delicious food to put on the table. She is a wounded person now, and her treatment is different. All delicious food will be left to her first.

Jiang Wan enjoyed the treatment of being offered for a few days, eating, drinking, watching TV every day, and staying at home honestly without going out.

In just four or five days, Jiang Wan could feel the tingling on her arm. In Jiang Nian's words, it meant that the wound was growing new flesh and was about to heal.

The two boxes of milk that I took out before were said to be for Jiang Nanny and Jiang Mama, but they all entered her stomach.

She couldn't do it if she didn't drink it. Jiang Nian had to watch her drink it into her stomach every time, saying that milk was a good thing, and she could heal her injuries quickly. Jiang Wan had no choice but to give in.

"Come on, Xiaowan, have another bowl." Jiang Nian came over with a bowl of chicken soup and stuffed it into Jiang Wan's hand.

In order to heal Jiang Wan's wounds, Jiang Nian killed one of her precious chickens, simmered for a whole morning, and just drank a bowl, then Jiang Nian brought a second bowl of chicken soup.

Jiang Wan looked at the chicken soup wrinkled into a bitter gourd face, and people who are confinement don't eat it.

(End of this chapter)

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