Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 92 Did you kill a family member?

Chapter 92 Is the family killed?

Jiang Wan was able to be ruthless because she was tricked again and again in her previous life. She didn't expect Nanny Jiang and Momma Jiang to accept the law of survival in the end times and grow up overnight. That would be too cruel.

She just needs to tell them little by little, let her slowly build up mental preparation, and they will adapt to it one day.

Ten years of natural disasters and countless hardships can make them happy for one year.

"I know what you said, I just see her as pitiful, your grandfather left early, I brought up your father and your aunt, how much suffering and suffering I have suffered, only I know. It's not easy for those two old people to have such an ignorant grandson!" Jiang Nian sat down and sighed.

Jiang Wan comforted her, "Tomorrow is the day of receiving the relief food. They still have stutters. The child did not eat it because he did it himself. It's not pitiful."

When it comes to receiving relief food, since Jiang Wan was injured, Jiang Nian will not let her go with her after saying anything, and let her recuperate at home.

Where is Jiang Wan willing to follow, I don't know who is behind, she is staring at her home, she said that she can't be separated from her family, with the help of Jiang's father, Jiang Wan is slightly better, but Jiang Nian finally failed. Can't beat her.

After lunch the next day, the family packed up and prepared to collect relief food. When they went out, Ye Chu and Yi Chen had already pressed the elevator and waited for them.

"Would you like to take the stairs?" Jiang Wan asked tentatively.

She remembered that the power outage should have been around this time, but she couldn't remember the exact day. It's better to take the stairs for safety, otherwise it would be dangerous to be trapped in the elevator due to a sudden power outage.

Yi Chen watched the elevator come down from above, and stopped at their floor, "The elevator is here, it's on the 20th floor, and it's tiring to walk down."

The elevator door called, and there were still a lot of people inside. Today is the day to receive relief food. Many people go out at this time. Jiang Wan is relieved when she sees that there are two or three people in the elevator. At least she doesn't have to find other reasons. .

"If you can't sit down, take the stairs!" Jiang Wan felt that compared to Xiaoming, being tired was nothing.

Looking at the crowded people in the elevator, Jiang Wan didn't know when the power would be cut off, so she had no excuse to remind others not to let them sit.

If it is said that there may be a power outage in the past two days and they are not allowed to sit, it is estimated that no one will believe it. No one wants to climb up and down in a twenty or thirty-story building.

Yi Chen saw that he really couldn't squeeze so many people, and said, "There are many people taking the elevator today, why don't we two go down first, you can wait for the next ride, and we will take the seats separately."

"Don't." Halfway through Jiang Wan's words, a figure rushed over and stood in the elevator very quickly. After a closer look, it was the boy in Room 2504.

Yesterday, after the old man called the old lady back, he was so angry that he smashed the door of this bear boy with a wrench, whipped him with a leather whip, and screamed and screamed in the middle of the night.

It seems that the bear child is still going to be beaten. Today, he doesn't dislike the heavy rain outside. He even took a plastic bag and went with him to collect the relief food.

"Hey? How did you grab the elevator?" Ye Chu couldn't get past the theory.

Jiang Wanzheng was worried that he had no excuses, and the excuses came, "Forget it, let's take the stairs, you stay at home all day long and panic, just in time for activities, it's the same when you are tired and sit down. ."

Ye Chu watched the two old men also come and get on the elevator. Now they can't get in at all, and there is no need to discuss who sits, so they can only take the stairs first.

Jiang Mama and Jiang Nian had no objection, just in time to move their muscles and bones, and the group chatted while walking.

After about ten layers, Ye Chu and Yi Chen were out of breath. On the other hand, Jiang Wan's family was still walking down leisurely, like a normal person.

You said that Dad Jiang, Jiang Wan, is not afraid of getting tired. This is true, but Nanny Jiang is so old that she doesn't even breathe. Going down the stairs is like taking a walk.

Ye Chu and Yi Chen looked at each other, is Jiang Nian in good health, or are they both too weak, why are they not as good as an old man when they exercise?

The inexplicable competitive spirit arises from the bottom of their hearts. The two people who originally thought of stopping and resting, suffocated the thought back, and the two young men exercised, and they were not as good as an old man. Think about it. .

A loud noise came, and the hearts of several people who were frightened trembled, and then, all the induction lights in the entire stairwell went out, and it was pitch black.

"Power outage?" Ye Chu fumbled for his mobile phone and turned on the light, "What was the sound just now?"

Speaking of this, he was a little scared and didn't dare to say any more.

"It was the elevator that fell." Jiang Wan continued his words.

It is said that after the power failure of the elevator, it will be stuck in the middle of the road and will not fall, but some will fall quickly because of the failure. If it falls from the upper floor, the possibility of survival of the people inside is almost zero.

Unfortunately, such a malfunction was encountered by the elevator in this building.

When Jiang Wan and the others arrived on the first floor, someone had already opened the elevator door and carried out the people inside. No one survived, and everyone was shattered and bloodied.

Nanny Jiang, Momma Jiang, don't look away, and Ye Chu hides behind Yi Chen, afraid that such a picture will cast a shadow on him.

Only Jiang Wan stared at the people inside. She seemed to see a familiar person, and she couldn't see clearly. She even took two steps forward and illuminated it with the flash on her mobile phone. It was actually in Room 2504. Two old men and the bear child.

"Dad, didn't they go out with us? The elevator is so fast, they should have gone downstairs long ago, why are they still in the elevator?" Jiang Wan asked.

Dad Jiang shook his head and couldn't bear to look directly at the bloody scene, "I don't know! Let's go quickly, don't scare your mother and your grandma."

The three of them did go downstairs a long time ago, but it was not long before they went out. The arrogant boy said that his mobile phone was out of power and that he forgot to bring the power bank. He had to go back to get it.

In the end, there was no way, the two old people accompanied them back to get the power bank, just in time for the elevator.

This bear child, in the end, killed his whole family. If his family knew that this would be the result, and whether he would be born, they would have strangled him to death.

I don't think so, if they can educate him early, don't spoil him so much, and they won't raise their children like this.

The acid rain has been falling for two months, and many reservoirs and dams have been washed away. The flood water rushed down and washed away countless fields and towns. The water conservancy power stations along the way were washed away by the floods, and the telephone poles were washed down. This is the cause of the closure. The direct cause of large-scale power outages in the city.

(End of this chapter)

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