Famine: I farmed and saved the world

Chapter 97 The fog is heavy

Chapter 97 The fog is heavy
"Liu team, is this really something a human can do?"

"I don't know! These people were flattened. This requires a lot of things, and it can only be done by falling from a height, and there are no tools for committing crimes at the scene." Liu Hongjin was also stunned!
"Liu team, I just asked the victims inside. They said that these people shouted ghosts before they died. It should be a female ghost, because they vaguely heard the voice of a woman."

"What the hell?"

Why is it still related to the gods nagging things?
"Liu team, see what I found?" One person pointed to a piece of iron on the ground to show Liu Hongjin.

"It's like a sheet of iron falling off a car!" This discovery made Liu Hongjin even more confused.

First of all, people were crushed to death by heavy objects, but they did not find other traces at the scene except for the traces of friction on the ground around the deceased.

For example, this heavy object was pulled over or transported away, there were no traces of driving and dragging on the road, and there was no tool for committing the crime at the scene, so how did it appear here, and how did it disappear after committing the crime?

Second, the victim in the house did not hear a lot of people making noises, indicating that the murderer was very few, and it was most likely a woman. The murderer was very scary, so people would be afraid to shout ghosts before death!

Third, the murderer may have come to seek revenge, because the gangster has done a lot of wicked things and hurt a lot of people, and then he was taken over by someone.

All in all, the case is foggy and strange.

In the center of the city, in a high-end residence, in a large flat mansion on the top floor, the lights are bright, and there are people walking back and forth between the corridors and corridors from time to time. A man of great skill.

At this time, there is still unlimited supply of electricity for private use, which shows that the people living in this mansion have unusual identities.

The water conservancy power station was washed away, the solar power station had no sun, and only the wind power station was left to operate. The electricity created was extremely precious and was only used by important production enterprises and government departments.

Even if it is a government official, or one of the top wealthy businessmen, who wants to use electricity privately, there is a time limit every day.

In the study room of the mansion, a man sat beside the huge desk, flipping through the files in his hand one by one.

His eyes were like water, his face was calm, and the slightly raised eyebrows from time to time indicated that he was worried about the things on the file at the moment.

Even so, the warm-toned lights shone on his side face, and the silhouette reflected on the carpet was still so delicate and clear.

"My lord!" A man in his 30s with a slight stubble on his face came in, breaking the cleanliness, "The last thing you asked attention about was the murder case near the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. A new case has appeared, and the modus operandi is almost exactly the same as that of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences."

Saying that, he handed the portfolio in his hand to the desk.

The man raised his head, opened it with his slender and powerful fingers, looked at the case inside and the photos of the scene, his eyebrows raised again, his voice was calm, and he was full of doubts, "Female ghost?"

He Yanzhong was also ashamed, but still bravely said respectfully, "According to the descriptions of the survivors, they did hear people shouting ghosts in unison before they died! The sound was so frightening that a heavy object hit the ground immediately. After that, there was a dead silence outside, and they vaguely heard the woman's conversation before, so there was a female ghost."

"Has the identity of the deceased been confirmed?"

"It's confirmed that the deceased in the two cases were all blacklisted by the government and had a criminal record."

"I see. If there is any new progress in the case, report it to me." He put the information back and put it aside.

When he came here, after encountering the case of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, he always felt that there was something wrong with the case, so people paid more attention to the things over there.
Now we have brought a new case. According to the above description, it is not right. It is simply anti-scientific.

But he really has no time to study these bizarre small cases, "How is the flood control progress?"

"The Zhengfu sent new data today. The river level is still rising slowly and steadily. The villages that are expected to be flooded are already preparing to relocate, and they are looking for new flood discharge points to direct floodwater into unmanned areas as much as possible. valleys and mitigate flood damage to cities and villages.”

"Now there is a large-scale power outage and the temperature is getting lower and lower, pay more attention to the lives and feedback of the people."

"Yes!" He Yanzhong responded and left.

With the passage of time of the power outage, many people's mobile phones are out of power, and they can only stay at home every day with big eyes.

When people are idle and have nothing to do, they like to think wildly. Thinking about a series of things that happened this year, the more you think about it, the more you get scared, and the more you think about it, the more you want to cry.

It's not good for the Zhengfu to look at this situation. It is necessary to appease the emotions of the people. A happy life for the people is the foundation of social stability.

So I thought of a way.

In the shopping malls where the relief food is received, a lot of self-collection power banks have been added, which are the ones that were often seen in hotel shopping malls before, and can be collected and used by scanning the code.

And modify the program, from deducting fees on time, to only 100 yuan for one use, as long as it is returned within a week, and [-] yuan will be deducted if it is not returned within a week, and the power bank will be owned by itself.

When you receive relief food, you can scan the code to get a few charging treasures. If nothing else, at least you can recharge your mobile phone while staying at home, watch TV, play games, etc., and it will not be too boring.

When you receive relief food every three days, you will return it, and then replace it with a fully charged power bank.

"The person who came up with this method is a genius!" Jiang Wan marveled at the rows of charging treasures.

There are all kinds of brands, and they are colorful. She suspects that in order to collect so many power banks, she has scoured all the surrounding stores.

The effect is also very significant. After people's mobile phones are powered on, they can chat and entertain on the Internet, and the smiles on their faces are more numerous. They are no longer the same as the previous two days.

Ye Chu came over with five charging treasures in his arms, happy like a silly boy, putting two in his pocket and the remaining three in Yi Chen's pocket, looking at Jiang Wan and the others and asking, "Don't you go get them? A power bank?"

Jiang Wan's family looked at each other, and finally Dad Jiang said, "How many do you get?"

They have batteries at home, and other people are frozen like something. They bake electric heating fans at home every day, and they are more comfortable watching small videos.

When the battery was dead, Jiang's father secretly stuffed it into the space while Jiang's mother and Jiang's mother were not paying attention, and replaced it with a fully charged one.

But such a good thing can't be told to others, Jiang Dad can only go to get a few charging treasures and come back to pretend.

(End of this chapter)

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