The host wants to be human today

Chapter 138 The Delicate Lady 33

Chapter 138 The Delicate Lady 33
Li Tang blinked her eyes, then ran towards the car.

It's not too smelly, it needs to be hugged to be good.

A group of people gathered around.

"What's the matter? I can't even hold a knife steadily. Doesn't this make the young lady look down on us?"

The man snorted and threw the knife to him, showing a friendly smile.

"Is it light?"


Seeing the little girl approaching, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand to open the car door, and was thrown into his arms.

Li Tang buried herself in his arms and rubbed against him, her face was aggrieved, her voice was also soft, and she couldn't see the fierceness just now at all.

"They're ugly."

Jiang Chen smiled and squeezed her cheek.

"Would you like a biscuit?"

When I was in the mall before, I stocked up a lot. They are not as easy to spoil as small cakes. The shelf life of biscuits is long, and they are not easy to be pressed by other things when they are placed in the space. I specially vacated a small space for them.

Li Tang tilted her head and thought about it, then nodded seriously.


So when everyone came over after clearing the route, they saw the eldest lady eating a biscuit, her white and tender cheeks were puffed up a little, and she was still holding the rabbit doll in her arms, looking obedient and soft.

Just, the mood is a little delicate.

Sensing the gazes of several people, Jiang Chen raised his eyes slightly.

"what happened?"

A group of people came to their senses and started talking about business.

"It's such a boss. When we cleaned up the corpses just now, we searched in their heads, but we didn't see the crystal nucleus."

"Is it because evolution is not enough now?"

After all, who hasn't read the doomsday novels these days, and subconsciously flipped through them. Anyway, the zombies have evolved, and it doesn't seem strange to have crystal nuclei.

The man frowned slightly, and tapped his knee with his fingers.

"It's fine if you don't find it."

Crystal nuclei?
Li Tang bit the biscuit in his mouth, seemed to think of something, and spoke vaguely.

"What are you talking about?"

Everyone looked over subconsciously, and saw a yellow crystal lying on the young girl's white and tender palm, with sharp edges and corners, refracting beautiful light in the sunlight.

"This this this..."

Li Tang swallowed the biscuit in her mouth, and blinked innocently.

"Well, I think it looks pretty good, and I want to put it on the knife."

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows in surprise, then chuckled.

"Okay, put it on the knife for you."

After all, we all know that this is the case, so pay attention later, and bring some back to the base for research.

"lets go."

Afterwards, the journey went smoothly. It was a three-day journey, and everyone arrived at the research institute before dark.

It's just that there are several cars parked outside.

The driver looked at the map and felt a little strange.

"It's here. Did the base send other teams here besides us?"

This place is not good, except for some people in the management before the doomsday, they have not disclosed it to the public.

In addition, the various bases are quite far from here, and they are not in the same way, and I don't know how someone would find this place.

Jiang Chen frowned, his eyes fell on the base.

"Go in and have a look."


When they got out of the car and were about to go in, the people inside happened to come out.

At this time, it was dusk, and the blood-red sunset fell behind everyone, stretching the shadows very long.

The group on the opposite side narrowed their eyes and spoke first.

"May I ask which base you are from?"

Several people looked at the man subconsciously, and answered when they saw him nodding.

"Southeast Base."

The southeast base is also the base of City A. Even when the doomsday is approaching and the bases gradually change hands, this base is still under the control of the original government, and it is the largest refuge in the apocalypse.

(End of this chapter)

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