The host wants to be human today

Chapter 903 Telling My Identity I Scared You To Death 16

Chapter 903 Telling My Identity I Scared You To Death 16
Staring at the little hand passing through him, Song Lizhao frowned slightly, his eyes darkened.

After a while, he pursed his lips and moved to the side to make room for her.

The little girl in her sleep didn't realize anything at all, her little face unconsciously rubbed against the sofa, sleeping soundly.

The boy put away the lighter, found a good posture to lie down, and subconsciously thought, do ghosts also want to sleep?
Just thinking about what happened today, I also fell asleep.


The next day.

When everyone woke up, the rain outside had stopped and the weather was fine.

After groping to find disposable toiletries in the villa, everyone tidied up and prepared to leave.

While others were tidying up their things, Song Lizhao was standing in front of the sofa, looking at a certain little girl who was still asleep, with a serious expression on his face.

Looking again, she had fallen asleep and moved to the edge of the sofa, about to fall off.

Although he didn't know if the little girl would feel the pain, the boy couldn't help but remind him.

"It's going to fall."

Just as soon as the voice fell, the other party had already rolled down.

Li Tang fell a little dazed, and subconsciously stretched out her hand to rub her little butt.

Then I saw the young man looking at himself with some doubts in his eyes.

She moved her head a little dazedly.

He heard the other party whispering.

"Would it hurt to fall?"

The little girl raised her eyes in a daze, and finally realized something, she got up and wanted to beat him up, so fiercely.

As a result, because he couldn't stand firmly, the whole person followed him through him and hit the wall behind him.


Litang raised her paw to cover her forehead, feeling a little depressed.

"Why, I can't meet anyone."

Watching this scene, Song Lizhao bent his lips a little funny, then turned to look at her.

"Can't touch people, but can touch other objects?"

To this, the little girl threw him a little emoticon of what did you say.

Logically speaking, she can't touch anything, but in order to sleep, Li Tang deliberately let the system modify the settings, so that she can control these by herself.

It's just that things related to people are still out of touch, such as the clothes on the body.

After all, he is also a god of death, what if he can meet someone and accidentally take away someone else's soul?
Seeing the little girl's unhappy face, the boy coughed and changed the subject.

"Let's go, it's time to leave."

Li Tang blinked, and subconsciously looked outside, only to realize what was going on at this time, so she raised her hand to put on the hood, and nodded.

"it is good."

Seeing this, the young man couldn't help but take a second look.

"Can't you see the sun?"

If you can't see the sun, there may be some troubles along the way.

Just as he was thinking, the little girl shook her head with a soft voice.

"No, it's just too hot."

She lowered her small head, her long hair was scattered behind her shoulders, and her whole body was covered by a wide cloak, making her look extraordinarily petite.

Sensing his gaze, Li Tang raised her eyes to look at him, a little confused.

"Aren't you going?"

The young man responded lightly, looked away, and led her out again.

The little girl obediently floated by his side along the way, saw him open the car door, and floated to the co-pilot to sit down by herself.

Song Lizhao paused and lowered his head in doubt.

But I saw the little girl sitting there obediently, with her hands still on her knees.

He was silent for two seconds, then closed the car door, walked to the other side and sat down.

After such a short time, the others have also packed up.

There are a total of five people in the group, and they drive three cars, so there is no shortage of such a seat.

(End of this chapter)

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