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Chapter 109 Missing a Heroine

Chapter 109
In an instant, a certain idea was ready to come out of my mind.

When the man's stern face was fully exposed in front of the three of them, Jin Xiwei was the first to speak out in surprise. He was so shocked that he stood up from the sofa directly: "Qin Chen?"

Compared with the Golden Shadow Queen, Chen Chuhe's eyes were full of surprises, but after raising his eyebrows a little, he quickly regained his composure.

"It's really unexpected that the show crew hired you all." After Chen Chuhe sighed slowly, he asked Qin Chen jokingly, "Didn't you want to prepare a new show at the end of the year? Why do you have time to be on the show?"

"The new play has been temporarily put on hold, and no suitable protagonist has been found."

There was only one vacant seat left, and Qin Chen sat down with a calm expression. His gaze inadvertently glanced at the bewildered face of the opposite person, and he pulled his lips: "I heard that Director Chen's new play should also start."

Hearing this sentence, Chen Chuhe coughed unnaturally, looked at Ye Xi who was sitting across from him, and looked a little distracted: "The phone can't be turned on, the reason is the same as yours, the heroine hasn't been decided yet."

So the people below gave an idea to come here to hunt for treasure.

Specifically what treasure to look for, Chen Chuhe glanced at Qin who was next to him, I am afraid he should be very clear.

During the whole process, the two directors were chatting, and the two actresses sat motionless on the sofa, unable to recover for a long time.

Ye Xi recalled in his mind that when he just woke up in the morning, someone said that he came here to work.

What the hell is this man trying to do.

His new play on hold?How could she not know.

And for such a big event on the show, he actually played hide-and-seek with her.

Fortunately, he had shamelessly raised conditions with her last night. In the end, the mysterious mentor was himself. She didn't get the answer, and instead let the man enter the door of the master bedroom.

At this moment, seeing the great director sitting across from him chatting and laughing happily with his colleagues, she took a breath, and felt a... unspeakable feeling in her heart.

Be angry, not enough.

But in the next two months of recording, the two of them will have to act so hard in front of the screen, and their behavior will not make any mistakes. Thinking about it, I feel tired...

Chatting over there, as if sensing the resentment in her heart, Qin Chen moved his eyes slightly, and looked at his Ye Xi gently.

After receiving the man's gaze, Ye Xi reluctantly pulled back his thoughts.

Then, in front of the other two, she smiled and greeted him: "Director Qin, what are you up to lately, long time no see."

haven't seen you for a long time……

Qin Chen's eyes were warm, he looked at her quietly, and said casually, "I remember we met only ten minutes ago."

"Just met?" Chen Chuhe asked with great interest: "When did Ye Xi arrive before you?"

Jin Xiwei, who had been silent beside him, interjected at the right time: "Qin Chen should have arrived long ago, maybe Ye Xi didn't recognize his car."

Ye Xi glanced at the side without any trace, and said lightly, "Why don't you know me, the license plate ends with 097."

As soon as these words came out, Jin Xiwei was stunned.

The air froze for a few seconds.

Just now, Ye Xi also realized that something was wrong with the unconscious sentence just now, and was thinking about how to round up the words, when Chen Chuhe on the opposite side had already started to tease her.

"Ye Xi has a good memory. After filming so many movies, I'm afraid no heroine can still remember my license plate."

"She has a really good memory."

Qin Chen took the conversation with a normal face, tapped the armrest of the sofa with his fingers, and smiled half-smile: "The only shortcoming is that I don't recognize people very much."

After recording the show today, when we meet again next time, she has to say in front of the camera that Director Qin has been gone for a long time.

His Ye Xi was just too cautious, but there was no need for him to be there.

Chen Chuhe couldn't help laughing again after listening to it. He had watched the talk show of the public welfare film before, especially the part where the host asked Qin Chen to call Ye Xi on the spot to confirm that he was blocked. He watched it several times with relish. .

Even Qin Chen dared to blackmail, looking at the entire showbiz, Ye Xi is No.1.

The goddess has excellent acting skills, dedication and humility without sticking to small details. Chen Chuhe thinks that his movie just lacks such a heroine with personality.

Compared with the strange feeling that flowed in the air when he first entered the door, the atmosphere among the instructors at this time began to slowly become more natural under the impetus of Chen Chuhe.

The room is harmonious, Director Qin Da, who has always been unsmiling, seems to be a lot more easy-going today.

It was rare to see such a side of Qin Chen, Jin Xiwei smiled the whole time, but felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

In just two months of filming a public welfare film, he was able to joke casually with a female artist, which showed that the relationship between the two was not as bad as rumored.

Ye Xi even blackmailed Qin Chen.

Only others have been included in his blacklist. Why is Ye Xi so special? Not only does he not care about it, but when he meets again, he is still willing to talk to her and joke with her.

Jin Xiwei's memory is still fresh. When she was filming Qin Chen's movie two years ago, this man hardly had a smiling face all day long, and he had a big temper. He was extremely strict with actors.

It's only been half a year since the last time, the change of a person can really be like this...

At this point in my thoughts, there was movement at the door, and Liang Yin, the leader, came in with the program team full of glory.

The atmosphere was warm, and they greeted the four mentors one by one, first Chen Chuhe, then Qin Chen, then Jin Xiwei, and finally Ye Xi.

Having been in variety shows for many years, Liang Yin, who has been the main director of "The New Generation of Actors" for two consecutive seasons, naturally understands the importance of success.

Fangcaiyifan has nothing to do with status and status, but adhering to age and seniority. In the entertainment circle, it can be said that it has truly respected and understood actors.

After a while of pleasantries, everyone entered the hall next to it to hold the opening ceremony.

Before that, Liang Yin received a notice from the platform, saying that Mr. Feng would come in person later, and there was a delay of a few minutes.

The owner of the club personally came to preside over the ceremony, even when the first season of "The New Generation of Actors" was recorded, he didn't get this kind of treatment.

Liang Yin naturally knew that the main reason why Mr. Feng paid so much attention to this season's program was because of the super upgrade of the mentor lineup this time.

They never expected that a non-flavored competitive variety show not only attracted Ye Xi, the actress of Shuanggui, and senior directors like Chen Chuhe, but also got the favor of Qin Chen.

That's Qin Chen.

To be honest, up to now, the whole program group is still like a dream.

A few minutes later, Mr. Feng arrived at the start-up site.

The acquaintances met each other, greeted each other with pleasantries, and then saw that the program group abruptly disrupted the position just now, and deliberately arranged Director Qin and President Feng to stand together.

After the offering of incense, two red boards were erected on both sides of the crowd, on which were printed the "New Generation of Actors" recorders' self-discipline agreement, among which was a sentence of "obey the law and keep yourself clean", which made Ye Xi twitch his lips.

It's understandable. After all, this time is different from the first season. Among the four mentors, male directors accounted for two of them. It is most appropriate to use the word "clean and clean".

(End of this chapter)

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