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Chapter 113 Everything is up to you from now on

Chapter 113 Everything is up to you from now on
Ye Xi, who stood behind the door and quietly eavesdropped on the conversation outside, took a bite of the chestnut cold cake in his hand, and felt depressed, thinking that the character design that the team had helped her establish over the years might collapse after recording a show Gotta clean up.


Ye Xi finished cursing secretly, thinking of Jiang Chun's frequent anger, he called her family's dog man.

All the men in the world probably have the same approach but the same effect. Qin, when you think about it, is sometimes quite stupid.

While thinking, there was a knock on the door outside.

Opening the door, the assistant came in with some delicious cold chestnut cakes: "Sister, let me tell you that the business in that shop is really booming. "


Xiaotang spoke enthusiastically in the middle, and stopped: "Sister, what did you eat, it looks familiar."

"Chestnut cold cake."


The air was silent, and the assistant asked unwillingly: "The benefits from the program team?"

Woohoo, she was a long queue for nearly half an hour.

Seeing the aggrieved look on the assistant's face, Ye Xi took the last bite, patted her on the head and comforted her: "The taste of this restaurant is very authentic, leave it alone, I will eat it later."


Xiaotang happily entered the living room with the cold cake in her arms.

After an hour's break in the afternoon, when I got up at four o'clock, there were dozens of unread messages in the program group.

Ye Xi stretched her waist and came to the window, clicked on it and browsed through it. It was about the dinner arrangement for tonight. Liang Yin asked for everyone's opinions on what to eat, and during the period, he even @ her.

She was asleep at the time, so she didn't reply. In the end, the group decided to eat hot pot, and there were so many people.

The wechat group is very quiet now, Ye Xi suddenly remembered that Jin Xiwei added her wechat before.

I casually clicked on the members of the group, searched around, and found that the Golden Shadow Queen hadn't been pulled in yet.

Ye Xi looked at his profile picture, wondering if he should change it.

After all, now is not the time to let Jin Xiwei know about her relationship with Qin Chen, but if you want to change, not only the profile picture, but also the WeChat ID and nickname.

Too troublesome.

Ye Xi frowned, pondered for a moment, and decided to just change his profile picture.

If you find it, you will find it out. People may not necessarily click on her homepage when they are full and have nothing to do.

After finishing his profile picture, he glanced at the cold cake on the coffee table next to him from the corner of his eye, and Ye Xi was a little greedy again.

Looking at the time, there are still two hours before dinner, so it shouldn't matter if you eat a little.

She sat on the sofa with her mobile phone, opened the list of actors who participated in the show, and started to eat while studying their play.

There are 42 artists in total, 60.00% of them are rookies who have just debuted for less than two years.

The rest are fourth- and fifth-tier old white actors who have been in the theater for more than three years and have not caused any splashes, or are not blunt.

Ye Xi looked at it, and couldn't help but cast his gaze on Shen Jinfeng's name.

Two years ago, Shen Jinfeng made his debut with the popular boy group FTY. Because of his outstanding dance skills, by chance, he also served as the choreographer of the title song in Si Nong's last album.

He was supposed to shine on the road of singing and dancing singers, but because of an accident, he severely injured the ligaments of his legs. After the operation, he barely recovered to [-]%, but since then he lost his confidence in dancing, and thus transformed into a cross-border Be an actor.

And she knew Shen Jinfeng also because of that accident...

Around six o'clock, the group informed everyone to prepare and go downstairs for dinner.

Diagonally opposite the big director's WeChat message came over at the same time, asking her if she was awake.

Ye Xi started typing, saying that she was looking at the actor's profile and studying the competition system of the first period.

Qin Chen, who came out of the bathroom, read the wechat, his eyes darkened.

After two vibrations, she received a reply.

The big director praised her without hesitation, and finally asked her when she changed her profile picture.

Ye Xi: [Two hours ago. 】

Qin Chen: [It doesn't look good, replace it. 】

not good-looking?
Ye Xi glanced at her beautiful photo. It was a photo of her dress at a certain party. The brand was full of praise. At one time, it was a hot search for two whole days.

What is the vision of the great director?

After a while, there was a small voice over there.

She blinked, turned off the speaker, turned it on, and brought the phone closer.

The man's deep and magnetic voice drilled into his cochlea: "It's too revealing, change another one."

? ?
Ye Xi bit her lip and passed out on the sofa.

What is exposed, it is just a very common deep V design.

She is so depressed.

WeChat was quiet for a while, and someone sent another voice.

Ye Xi opened with a melancholy face.

"Hey, be obedient, change your profile picture."

In the man's low voice, there is gentleness and doting, but also a hint of strength that cannot be refuted.

She was silent, and zoomed in on the photo to take a closer look. It was black and deep V, with a slim mermaid skirt. At first glance, her chest was full of spring.

Well, she admitted that what the big director said had some truth.

However, as a female artist, it is inevitable to dress like this. Is it possible that she will be wrapped in rice dumplings in the future?
Old men are narrow-minded.

Ye Xi pursed her lips, poked open the photo album with her fingers, and reselected the photos.

There was no movement over there for a long time, Qin Chen thought she was losing her temper, and was about to make a call when her eyes fell on her head uncontrollably.

After a moment of silence, the man pursed his lips and nodded his head, and calmly saved the photo into his phone.

The next second after saving, Ye Xi reluctantly replied with a line.

[It's changed, Director Qin, let's take a look. 】

Qin Chen moved his eyes slightly to see her new profile picture, but it was a cute cartoon picture of zongzi.


Is this expressing dissatisfaction with him?
Looking at the round zongzi, the man's eyes dizzy with helplessness.

Ten minutes later, the artists went downstairs one after another.

When Ye Xi went out, the door diagonally opposite also opened.

She glanced at someone with a cold gaze, then turned back expressionlessly and walked towards the elevator.

The number of floors rose little by little, and the sound of footsteps in the corridor slowly approached and stopped beside her.

Qin Chen asked: "Why are you unhappy? Do you think I'm taking too much care?"

Ye Xi stayed silent and didn't speak.

He sighed softly, and stretched out his big hand to pull her into his arms, but she avoided it with a wooden face.

Qin Chen:  …

Ye Xi frowned and said, "Please be careful, Director Qin."

He laughed angrily.

What nonsense, on the show, I had to keep a distance from my girlfriend.

The floor numbers stopped, and the elevator door slowly opened.

Ye Xi was about to take a step, but was grabbed by the wrist by the man beside him, and pulled them into the elevator together.

At this time, Liang Yin appeared at the entrance of the corridor with the figure of the assistant director. Ye Xi took a tight breath and subconsciously wanted to pull out his hand, but saw the man press the close button without saying a word. Disappeared outside the elevator door.

As the floor went down, Qin Chen's grip on her wrist tightened slightly.

The air was quiet for a while.

"I was wrong."

His deep voice echoed in the elevator.

? ?
Ye Xi froze for a few seconds, then heard the man beside him sigh softly: "As long as you are happy, everything will be up to you in the future."

Qin Chen embraced her, bowed his head and kissed her forehead: "Smile, huh?"

She blinked, inexplicably a little nervous.

 Babies, there are still no monthly tickets, the author's pitiful eyes~

(End of this chapter)

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