exclusive favor

Chapter 128 I Was Scared By Him

Chapter 128 I Was Scared By Him
With the air conditioner in the car, Ye Xi touched his cold arm and lowered the window a little.

Then he asked back with a half-smile: "Director Qin, you...do you focus on the first half of the sentence, or the second half?"

Hearing the teasing in her tone, the man beside her remained silent.

Seeing someone's heart being poked, Ye Xi couldn't help laughing: "I said, as a director, can't you let go of your heart a little bit?"

She is not a heterosexual insulator, isn't it normal to talk to male artists?

Moreover, the tutors in the back are divided into groups, so it is inevitable to deal with the students from time to time. What should I do at that time? If she sees someone getting close to her, the big director will have to soak himself in jealousy.

"I'm afraid you have misunderstood the director."

Qin Chen glanced at her and said leisurely, "Directors are actually the most careful, especially like me."

Ye Xi couldn't help but burst out laughing.

With a clear cough: "How are you? If one day I really cheated, would you—"

Qin Chen stepped on the brake, and her voice stopped suddenly.

The yellow light in front flickered twice and turned red, Ye Xi silently turned his head away, looked at the man's side face which had cooled instantly, and was about to speak, he unbuckled his seat belt, leaned over and pressed the back of her head and kissed her.

The lips are slightly cool, this is a kiss with punishment and sullenness.

She didn't dare to resist, because she knew he was angry.

"Qin Chen..."

Ye Xi tremblingly called out to him.

The man remained indifferent, and took her breath even harder.

The hand on her waist was like a hot iron.

For half a minute, the red light turned green, and the surrounding vehicles began to flow slowly.

She was a little anxious, and put her hand on his shoulder to push him away.

There were cars honking their horns in the back, and the piercing sound of the horn called back Qin Chen's reason.

Finally, he let her go.

Ye Xi's eyes were full of mist, her red lips were bright, and she looked at him a little helplessly.

Amidst the sirens, Qin Chen stroked her hot cheeks with his fingertips, and covered her thin lips again. This time, he only kissed the corners of her lips gently twice, and left.

He turned around to fasten his seat belt, restarted the car with a calm face.

For the rest of the journey, neither of them spoke.

Ye Xi felt wronged and didn't want to talk to him.

Twenty minutes later, when he drove into the underground parking lot where the restaurant was located, Qin Chen turned off the car and turned his head to look over.

The surrounding light was dim, which made the contours of his face more deep and stern.

Qin Chen looked at her beautiful and indifferent side face, frowned slightly, feeling reluctance and guilt in his heart.

After a moment of silence, he sighed softly and scratched her nose with his hands, then asked in a low voice, "Were you scared just now?"

Ye Xi lowered his eyes and turned his head out of the window.

"Feel sorry."

He pinched her chin with his fingers and gently turned her face back.

Within a short breath, Ye Xi met the man's dark eyes.

"Regarding your contact with the opposite sex, give me some time, and I will slowly adjust my mentality."

Qin Chen's voice was hoarse, and there was a hint of restraint in his voice: "But if you say something like that in the future, I will still punish you severely."

"You are so domineering, do I dare to cheat?"

Ye Xi sniffed, his eyes were red, it was okay not to mention, but when he mentioned what happened just now, his heart felt sore and wronged.

Looking at her slightly red and swollen lips, Qin Chen's heart softened again. He reached out and pulled her into his arms, and patted her on the back comfortingly: "It was my fault just now, next time I will do it differently."

She mumbled blankly, "What way."

"Just try it and you'll know."

The man's smiling low voice tickled her cochlea, and Ye Xi beat him with his hand: "You're not apologizing, you're fooling a three-year-old, right?"

"I wish you were like a child."

She snorted softly, "What are you doing? Director Qin wants to raise a daughter."

"That way you can rely on me wholeheartedly." The man kissed the top of her hair, and slowly tightened his big hands around his waist: "If you want, I don't mind raising you as a daughter."


Ye Xi looked at him quietly.

"Go to the grave and ask my dad if he agrees."

"He will agree."


Qin Chen rubbed her cheek with his chin, and said in a doting tone, "Because there is one more person in this world who loves you as much as your father, he will be very happy."

Oh, that makes sense.

Ye Xi ducked his head back.

"Director Qin, you haven't shaved for a few days."

"I shaved it last night."

last night?

She stroked his chin with her finger: "Why is it only one night, it's just so prickly, didn't it clean?"


The man grabbed her hand and kissed her lips: "So you come to my room tonight and help me shave."

Ye Xi's eyes flickered slightly, and he hummed twice.

"If you want to trick me into going to your place, and then do something inappropriate for children, don't even think about it."


Qin Chen was amused by her expression of seeing through everything, and pinched her nose: "Is it okay to just sleep?"

"Do I believe it?"

She withdrew her hand: "I'm hungry."

After finishing speaking, my stomach protested with dignity.

The topic of whether to go to his room at night stopped here.

Qin Chen raised his wrist and looked at the time, it was almost seven o'clock.

His Ye Xi is hungry, so eat first.

The two got out of the car one after the other. Ye Xi put on the mask, looked around, and then walked into the elevator with the director on his arm.

Back at the hotel at night, Ye Xi went to the living room with his mobile phone after taking a shower, and made a video with Jiang Chun while applying a mask.

At this point, the employees in the consulting office almost left work one after another, leaving Boss Jiang alone to eat late at night and chat with her in Nanshi for nearly an hour.

"Have you thought about it clearly, do you really want to break up with Fu Tangzhou?"

Jiang Chun sneered: "Why don't you keep it, my parents only have me as a daughter, and he was mad at him to death, who will die for the old couple in the future."

Ye Xi said seriously: "If there is such a day, I will definitely not let my uncle and aunt do nothing, you can rest assured about this."


Jiang Chun put down his chopsticks, stared at the video in silence for a while, then got up to throw away the lunch box.

When he came back again, he was in a daze when he saw Ye Xi tearing off the mask to reveal a fair and shiny face.

"Do you think I look good?" She asked suddenly.

The air is still for two seconds.

Ye Xi came to his senses and jokingly said, "Dr. Jiang, who has always been confident in his appearance, is here for a man tonight. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that I can't hang myself on a tree and miss the large forest outside."

Now that she has a good appearance and good figure, she still can't get Fu Tangzhou to treat her wholeheartedly, let alone getting old and fading in the future.

Jiang Chun has actually figured it out a long time ago, if a man really loves you, it doesn't matter what his status is, no matter what kind of environment he is in and how many opposite sexes he surrounds, he will discipline himself.

Fu Tangzhou always swore to her that he never took the initiative to provoke those women, but he didn't even realize it himself. In her opinion, such a statement was so childish and ridiculous.

At both ends of the video, across the screen, Ye Xi could feel the deep powerlessness of his best friend.

If there is no two-way rush in love, it is really unfair to the other party.

If she likes that Fu Tangzhou is so tired, then she hopes that Jiang Chun can let it go.

But, can you really let go?
Ye Xi thought of the three years between her and Qin Chen.

Out of selfishness, she didn't want her best friend to repeat her mistakes.

After all, how many three years can there be in life...

(End of this chapter)

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