exclusive favor

Chapter 140 The principle is you

Chapter 140 The principle is you

In the end, somehow she was led by the man all the way out of the Olympic Sports Center. When she got into the car, Ye Xi was still in a daze.

She took a sip of the yogurt, stared blankly and said, "Why am I wearing a pair of flat shoes today? They still have laces."

Qin Chen started the car, seeing her look of unrequited love, he couldn't help laughing: "The thing has already happened, so don't think about it, sooner or later we will come to this step."

sooner or later……

Ye Xi's resentful eyes fell on the man beside him: "So now, as you wish, everyone will know about it, so let's be happy now."

"You're not happy, can I be happy?" He turned his head to look over, reached out and patted her on the head: "But it's a special period recently, I can understand being grumpy."


Ye Xi turned his face away, not wanting to talk to him.

After dinner, someone from Qin drove directly to the backup hotel.

Ye Xi felt bored, so after thinking about it, he took the laptop in his car upstairs with him.

Tonight at [-] o'clock, the first episode of "The New Generation of Actors" will start broadcasting, and it will be the first time to record a variety show. She is a little curious about the difference between her on-screen self and her usual filming.

After taking a shower, the director made two fruit plates and placed them on the coffee table. On the TV wall in front of him, a simple dark blue computer desktop was projected.

The man looked back at her, bent down to find the hair dryer from the cabinet behind him, plugged it in, and motioned her to sit on the sofa in front of him.

Ye Xi walked over slowly, looked at the TV wall and said, "You have to use a computer to watch variety shows to feel it."

"What feeling do you want?" The man turned on the hair dryer, running his fingers through her dark hair: "With me here, any feeling can satisfy you."


She stayed silent for two seconds, turned sideways and touched his forehead with her hand.

Qin Chen looked down at her: "What are you doing?"

"See if you have a fever."

Ye Xi turned around and hummed softly: "If the illness is serious, I will give you a fever-reducing injection."


There was no response after a long time, she knew that the big director probably didn't understand the stalk.

Forget it, people who are not of the same age, don't force it.

"What are you laughing at me in your heart again?"

The man pinched her cheeks, and the hair dryer whined. She pretended not to hear it, and her eyes fell on the big screen in front of her.

It has already entered the 120-second commercial before the broadcast. The yogurt and beauty brands she endorsed are jointly named, as well as other fragmented brand owners. Almost half of them can see her shadow.

Ye Xi frowned slightly, staring at the lengthy sponsorship logo and muttering to himself: "I remember that after signing up as a member, isn't it possible to avoid advertisements?"

Qin Chen turned off the hair dryer, and the video sound became clear all of a sudden.

He watched her pick up her phone, click on the app on the cloud platform to enter the online customer service, and flip her fingers over it.

"Even the advertisement you endorsed so much?" Qin Chen raised his eyebrows and asked.

Ye Xi shook his head: "It doesn't matter whose advertisement, since I spent money, I have to enjoy the rights and interests that members should have."

After a while, Yunshang customer service replied that the advertising exemption for members needs to be 24 hours after the first broadcast to take effect.

What fallacy is this.

When I opened the membership, I didn't say it would be after the premiere.

Seeing that she was so depressed while typing, Qin Chen took her over and sat on his lap, and asked with a low smile, "Is it because you are on your period, and you don't like everyone?"

"No one but you."

"Don't you like me?" The man's thin lips came to her ear, all the way down the neck, breathing hot.

This man always knew the sensitive spots on her body. Wherever his breath touched, her skin would tremble, and she would soon be teased to blush.

"Can you be quiet and don't force me to kick you out at night." Ye Xi held the phone, made typos frequently, and turned her head to stare at him in embarrassment.

"Hey, don't you want to watch the show? Don't bother with the customer service."

"Then take your hand away."

"Where you put your hands doesn't affect how you watch the show."


Ye Xi was too lazy to talk to him, and in a blink of an eye, the leading video on the TV wall was half finished, she thought about it, and then slid her finger across the computer to open the barrage below the video.

The name of the goddess is densely packed into the eyes, and the entire interface is basically dominated by her fans.

Ye Xi's expression eased, and he began to focus on the program with a soft look on his face.

Two seconds before and after, seeing her turn her face faster than a book, Qin Chen had a faint taste.

"Fans are more likable than me?" He asked in a low voice.

Ye Xi picked up a grape and put it in his mouth: "Of course."


"If my fans and I fell into the water at the same time, who would you save first?"

"My fans will not fall into the water, they are not that stupid, let alone ask me such childish and boring questions, so Director Qin, this is the gap between you and them."


After Ye Xi finished speaking, he glanced at him lightly: "Also, if the fans know that I'm with you, they will be heartbroken and lose millions of followers overnight."

The man looked at her, his eyes gradually dimmed.

Is this why she is unwilling to make it public online?Just because you are worried that fans will not buy it?
In the next second, the show entered the stage of actor classification.

More than a dozen idol male stars in a row missed the A-level due to director Qin Da's one-vote difference. Netizens gradually began to feel uneasy.

【Why is Director Qin so strict, he doesn't even give my brother a chance, woo woo. 】

[Yes, to be recognized by my goddess, the acting skills should not be bad, but Director Qin didn't even like any of them. 】

[Did you find out, the goddess looked at Director Qin several times throughout the whole process. 】

【So the goddess must be very dissatisfied with Director Qin's harshness. 】

【Director Qin looked at the goddess, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 】

[I seem to see affectionate expressions in my uncle's eyes. 】

[Boldly make a guess, Director Qin will definitely vote after the advertisement later. 】

【In order to make the goddess happy, Director Qin may lower the threshold, just wait and see. 】


Ye Xi: ? ?

Whoever cut this, she was really convinced.

The man smiled and whispered past his ears: "If you can see my affection for you from a look, it means they are more transparent than you."


Ye Xi clenched his fists: "In the first half, I only watched you once, but I cut it into five times abruptly. How much did Liang Yin charge you? Director Qin, can you explain to me?"

"It's not a matter of editing, you really watched me five times." Qin Chen looked lazily, with a shallow arc of joy on his lips: "It was indeed to take care of your emotions. I relaxed the conditions in the second half. Netizens are right."


Ye Xi took a breath: "Director Qin, this is a competition program. As a mentor, can you be a little bit more principled?"

"My principle is you."

The man's gaze quietly focused on the video: "With me, none of the actors' acting skills can enter the A-level, but for the needs of the program, I can only measure it according to your standards as much as possible."

Ye Xi shook his head.

No wonder, in the second half, for all the actors she passed, almost all the votes in Qin's hands were cast.

But that group of netizens seemed to be prophets, each and everyone's brains were really...

She couldn't imagine how exciting the next barrage would be.

(End of this chapter)

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