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Chapter 143: Let's Kiss Director Qin

Chapter 143: Let's Kiss Director Qin

There were faint sympathetic sighs from the students in the group.

I can't count how many times this is.

Poor Wen Xuqing was implicated along with her, and was forced to bear the pressure of the Siberian cold current from Director Qin.

However, at the next moment, everyone found that Ye Xi was standing at the door of the rehearsal room at some point. In an instant, everyone seemed to see a life-saving straw, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Undoubtedly, Feng Tian was saved.

As a man, Director Qin would never lose his temper in front of his girlfriend, absolutely.

As soon as the thought came to an end, the man's cold voice resounded in the air.

"Have you ever been in love before?"

Everyone knows who asked this question.

With tears in Feng Tian's eyes, his voice trembled: "No."

"Is there anyone you like?"

"used to have."

Qin Chen asked again, "Why aren't you together?"

Feng Tian sniffed, as if a certain string in his heart had been touched.

"My dad disagrees," she said.

The air is silent.

Qin Chen leaned against the window with a calm face, his eyes fell on the two people in the middle, and he opened his lips lightly: "Now, the person standing in front of you is the person you once liked."

While everyone held their breath, the man's voice paused.

At that moment, I don't know if it was an illusion, someone saw the corner of Qin Dao's eyes, and it seemed that he flicked towards the door inadvertently.

In just two seconds, Qin Chen continued to speak: "It's the first time in three years that I see the person I can't love again, what do you want to say to him?"

Feng Tian was at a loss, because she was only 14 years old when she fell in love with boys.

After being discovered by her father, she was forcibly transferred to another school the next day.

It was very sad at the time, but as for whether they will meet again in the future, she almost never thought about it.

If Wen Xuqing is that boy, it has been seven years, and I'm afraid I won't recognize him when we meet again.

Feng Tian exhaled, and asked tentatively, "Director Qin, if it were you, what would you say?"

The air was stagnant, and everyone was discouraged at once.

What are you doing, the emotions have reached this point, and you can still play.

The artists who were watching at the door also sighed.

This is so weird.

Fortunately, Director Qin patiently guided it over and over again, and in the end he returned to the original point.

Talent belongs to talent, but someone like Feng Tian who can't control himself frequently plays, exhausts all methods and refuses to change after repeated admonition, which is very annoying.

Hey, if you really can't act, just quit as soon as possible, so as not to waste everyone's time.

Amidst the discussion, although the face of the great director didn't seem to change, the air pressure around his body has obviously dropped several degrees compared to just now.

After a while, Qin Chen said quietly: "Everyone go out, Feng Tian and Wen Xuqing stay."

The noisy environment suddenly quieted down, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, knowing that Director Qin was really going to make a big move this time.

Ye Xi was about to go out when the man stopped her with a low voice.

She turned around and met his gaze lightly.

"You want me to act?" Ye Xi asked.


Qin Chen responded, and turned his head to tell Wen Xuqing: "The scene just now, 2 minutes, you prepare."

The latter looked at Ye Xi, hesitated for two seconds, then nodded: "Okay."

Feng Tian stood beside him, his eyes were filled with confusion, and he was nervous and embarrassed.

Seeing this, Ye Xi wanted to go over to comfort her, but the man's light eyes swept over and stopped her.


What to do, who to scare.

Her expression was slightly provocative.

Qin Chen pursed his lips and turned around, looking at her quietly, with an imperceptible trace of pampering and helplessness in his eyes.

"This is the script, the marked part, I will demonstrate it with Wen Xuqing later."

Ye Xi reached out to take it, bowed his head and browsed roughly.

When 2 minutes came, Wen Xuqing got ready and signaled that it was time to start.

Pairs of eyes outside the door are full of anticipation. Usually on the screen, the goddess' acting skills are convincing enough. I don't know what kind of shocking effect she will bring in such a live version.

In the quiet environment, the actors are given sufficient emotional space.

The plot is about a couple who broke up and reunited at a friend's wedding many years later.

Wen Xuqing's acting skills are not bad, and she can enter the play almost in a second.

This kind of plot is even more easy for Ye Xi, no matter the emotion or the eye play, he can easily handle it and make it perfect everywhere.

However, overall, there was nothing wrong with it in the first half, but when it came to the main scene later, Ye Xi clearly felt that some of Wen Xuqing's body movements were a little blunt and strenuous.

In the past, this scene might be so simple that it can be passed in one pass.

But at the moment, standing in front of her is not only the actress Ye Xi, but also...

Wen Xuqing sighed silently. Under the eyes of the great director, some overly intimate actions were really not easy to do naturally.

When doing it again for the third time, Ye Xi really didn't want to make things difficult for others.

Her eyes fell on Qin Chen, and under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes outside the door, she suggested in as calm a tone as possible: "Director Qin, are you interested in becoming an actor for a while?"

The air was stagnant.

Qin Chen squinted his eyes, but before he could speak, Ye Xi turned his head and asked the students outside the door, "What do you think?"

The reversal came too fast, like a tornado, whizzing past the thirsty hearts of everyone.

Apparently, everyone's faces were dull, and they hadn't reacted yet.

For a brief two seconds.

After a period of eerie silence, it followed, and the door was instantly boiled.

Let Director Qin... play a role? !

They looked at each other in disbelief.

The professionalism of the goddess is so fearless that it is convincing.

Director Qin has been speaking to the actors for so many years, and this is probably the first time he has been asked to perform in person.

Everyone looked excitedly at the silent man in front of the window.

So, there is no way for a great director to refuse, right?

He just caught up with the goddess, so it's not easy, if you don't give face, you will have to kneel on the washboard when you go back.

Of course, all of the above are the contents of the crazy brains of male artists.

As for the actress, don't even think about it, the hungry eyes can explain everything.

Ye Xi didn't urge her, but just stood two meters away and looked at him with bright eyebrows. Compared with the expectation that Wen Xuqing couldn't hide in her eyes, she was more sure that this man would not refuse.

In fact, Qin Chen did not intend to refuse.

He stepped forward with long legs, walked slowly in front of Ye Xi, lowered his head slightly, and lowered his voice with hints of interest: "If you want me to cooperate, you have to add drama, does the goddess agree?"

She didn't expect this man to come out like this.

Ye Xi turned his eyes slightly, and asked softly, "What drama are you adding?"

Before the big director could speak, the entertainers outside the door booed excitedly: "Add a kiss scene, Director Qin."

"That's right, this is suitable for adding a kissing scene."

"We want to see a kiss scene."

"Kiss scene, let's play Director Qin."


Amidst the roar of laughter, Ye Xi turned his head away silently, his cheeks burning hot under the gaze of a certain director who seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

These guys are really...

She bit her lip, feeling inexplicably self-inflicted.

 Onlookers: Add kiss scene, add kiss scene...

  Director Qin smiled lightly: Do you think I dare?
(End of this chapter)

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