exclusive favor

Chapter 146 predecessor

Chapter 146 predecessor
Qin Chen raised his eyebrows and looked around, and asked the male artist who had just spoken, "Is everything here?"

The other party chuckled: "Absolutely, we arrived half an hour in advance—"

Ah bah, what are you talking about.

There was an obvious slip of the tongue, and everyone in the box laughed again.

Amidst the bustle, Ye Xi concentrated on choosing dishes and did not participate in the speech.

Fortunately, I have the foresight. This group of people clearly wants to make trouble. If they really come up with the big director, it may not be as simple as telling the truth.

That being the case, Qin Chen didn't intend to find any excuses to avoid it. He walked over with long legs, reached into the box and randomly picked out a card.

There were three questions written on it. The male artist took a closer look, and his expression instantly became wonderful.

No, what a coincidence.

The male artist subconsciously glanced in Ye Xi's direction, coughed and said, "Director Qin, why don't we choose another one?"

Everyone was curious: "What's the problem? Read it out and listen."

At this time, Ye Xi's eyes also moved away from the menu, and fell to the lively center.

The lights were bright, and the big director was leaning lazily in front of the table beside him, with a relaxed expression on his face. He seemed much calmer than the male artist.

Everyone could clearly see that Director Qin was in a good mood tonight, and taking advantage of this opportunity, someone hurried over to take a look, and immediately smiled ambiguously.

"Director Qin, when was the first time?"

Whether you want to re-elect or not, you must first satisfy everyone's curiosity.

Such an explosive question drew cheers from the box as soon as it was spoken.

The male artist's gaze was all on Qin Chen, while the female artist subconsciously looked at Ye Xi.

The atmosphere couldn't tell what it was like, they were all adults, and it would be harmless to talk about some things, but with an identity like Director Qin, not to mention there was... ahem, it was a bit exciting.

There was silence for a while, seeing that the big director didn't seem to respond, and the male artist was about to suggest re-selecting one, but Qin Chen made some slight movements.

When he was thinking about the problem, he habitually rubbed the strap of the watch on his left hand with his fingertips. Under everyone's attention, Qin Chen changed his posture and raised his eyebrows. With a slight smile on his handsome face, he said casually, "Answer this question?" Before asking any questions, I need to ask my girlfriend for permission."

The next moment, Qin Chen's soft eyes fell on the graceful and beautiful face on the other side.

Seeing this, everyone felt something was going on, but they didn't dare to make a fuss, they could only look at Ye Xi expectantly.

Ye Xi was slightly embarrassed, because she didn't know when the man's first time was.

She had never asked him such a question before in a relationship.

I didn't expect that the matter that I had been ignoring all the time would be brought up on the stage in public a few years later.

But this bastard can say what he wants, and he doesn't want to talk about it, so why ask her opinion.

Half a minute later, Ye Xi calmed down and slowly raised his eyelids: "Anyway, I'm not curious, you can figure it out."

Everyone clearly heard the chill in this plain sentence.

Hey, the goddess is conservative in her thinking, probably because she doesn't want Director Qin to talk about it.

Having said that, before everyone regretted it, Qin Chen smiled imperceptibly, and said in a low and sexy voice: "25 years old."

After two seconds of silence, everyone came to their senses, and there were "wow" sounds one after another in the box.

Ye Xi was in a daze, thinking of something, a blush slowly appeared on his cheeks.

Before looking around, she silently buried her head and continued to order.

The second round followed, and the male artist's expression was slightly relaxed. It should be considered normal this time.

"So far, what is the most memorable birthday present that Director Qin has received?"

Compared with the last interview for a public welfare film, Ye Xi felt that this moment was more like testing the tacit understanding between the two.

Most memorable birthday present?
She recalled it carefully, and couldn't help but think of the pen she gave him.

Ye Xi wanted to laugh inexplicably, if it was really a pen, she would just find a crack in the ground and forget it.

The problem was very common and not difficult, but Qin Chen seemed a little helpless.

Everyone's eyeballs were glued to the great director, and there was a silence of more than ten seconds. The man pinched his brows and laughed: "It's still the same answer."

Breathing stopped abruptly, and everyone in the box was shocked.

Lying cao...

Director Qin, in front of his current girlfriend, really has no desire to survive at all.

However, if you dare to tell the truth, you are a man!
The male artist gave a thumbs up secretly.

Ye Xi was so ashamed at this time that he wished he could be a transparent person or a deaf person and disappear from the box right now.

It's a good thing he can say that.


Anyway, he wasn't the one crying in pain, he enjoyed that night, didn't he?

With the last round left, Ye Xi felt that nothing good was going on, worried that his little heart couldn't take it, so he found an excuse to go to the bathroom, got up and left the box.

As soon as the person left, the male artist cleared his throat and read out boldly.

"The last question, how many predecessors did Director Qin have?"

Everyone was glad that Ye Xi wasn't there, and immediately pricked up their ears.

Qin Chen looked at the empty place, his eyes softened a little bit, and he said: "There used to be, but from now on, there will never be again."

No specific figures were given, but this answer was enough to move all the female artists present.

They really envied Ye Xi.

For Qin Chen to make such a life-long promise, regardless of the future outcome, whether they can come together in the end, look around the entire entertainment circle, and win a man like Qin Chen, Ye Xi is undoubtedly the winner in life.

However, for so many years, the outside world knew almost nothing about Qin Chen's relationship history.

If it weren't for this opportunity of recording the show, no one would have believed that Director Qin, who has always been ascetic, would have already surrendered under the skirt of Goddess Ye.

Rather than talking about the number of exes, everyone is more interested in who the heroine is in the first two questions.

Are you from the circle?
But there should be no chance of getting an answer tonight.

When Ye Xi came back from the bathroom, the food had already started to be served in the box. She returned to her seat and looked around from the corner of her eye, but she didn't see anyone.

The female artist next to her explained her confusion: "Director Qin should have gone out to answer the phone."

Ye Xi was taken aback for a moment, only to realize later that her eyes had been following that figure all the time.

Just like before, she is not only a habit to him, but also a kind of dependence.

Everyone had a great time throughout the night.

In the later part of the game, Ye Xi and Qin Chen did not participate, but sat on the sofa in the corner to discuss the arrangement of the set tomorrow.

This time, the stage is all in real scene, and there are twelve scripts in four groups. On the second day of the blind box selection, the Olympic Sports Center cooperated with the professional film and television team to create the scene and lighting day and night.

Ye Xi's suspenseful script has strict requirements on the lighting environment, especially in the last few days when the third episode is approaching, she needs to go to the scene frequently to confirm and improve the completed real scene.

 Who said it was the first time yesterday, stand up, did you peek at my manuscript

(End of this chapter)

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