exclusive favor

Chapter 152 Quarrel?

Chapter 152 Quarrel?
While chatting, the two walked towards the lounge, occasionally passed by a few artists, nodded to each other, paused for a few seconds, and then Chen Chuhe beside him continued to talk.

Regarding the matter of the new play, Ye Xi could tell that the other party seemed to have talked with her more carefully and deeply than last time.

Time waits for no one. After the recording, it will be September in a blink of an eye. More than half a year has passed. Regardless of the pressure from the employer or the producer, Chen Chuhe can never be as calm as Qin Chen.

When he arrived at the entrance of the lounge, Chen Chuhe briefly asked her about the upcoming schedule, and roughly decided on the time for the team to meet. After checking the phone, it was almost ten o'clock, so he didn't bother, and ended the topic hastily.

A few minutes later, Ye Xi changed his clothes, glanced at a few unread messages that popped up on the screen, and then suddenly realized that he was only talking to Chen Chuhe all the way, and accidentally left Qin in the parking lot for nearly half an hour.

She stared at the phone for a few seconds, feeling ups and downs in her heart, quickly packed up her things, and left the lounge quickly.

As soon as Ye Xi walked out of the Olympic Sports Center, he saw a black SUV with double flashing lights not far away.

The cold air in the car was blowing, forming two extreme differences with the sultry temperature outside.

When Ye Xi got into the car, Qin Chen slightly lowered the glass windows on both sides, and the slightest heat wave came in, mixed with the air-conditioning, which made her skin adapt a lot.

"I'm sorry, I just talked to Director Chen and forgot the time." She put on her seat belt and asked the man next to her, "Did you know that Chen Chuhe looked for me and didn't see me out for a long time, so you didn't call me? "

Qin Chen pulled his lower lip noncommittally, and said softly: "I called you, and it said that I am on the phone."


Suspiciously, Ye Xi swiped open the phone and looked through it: "When did you call? Why isn't there any missed call record displayed here?"

When the car started, Qin Chen put one hand on the steering wheel and said nothing. After passing the intersection ahead, Ye Xi took the mobile phone on the shelf.

She skillfully entered the password to unlock it and dialed out a series of numbers.

After pressing the speakerphone, there was no movement for a few seconds, and I was about to hang up and try again, but it indicated that the dialed call was in progress.

? ?
Ye Xi's first reaction was that her mobile phone was malfunctioning.

Restart it again, and then hit it again, the information prompted is still the same.

Can't get through?
She frowned and called the assistant on WeChat, asking her to make a call to try it out. Soon the phone rang, and seeing the name of the assistant jumping on it, Ye Xi was silent.

"Director Qin, there is something wrong with your phone."

The man glanced at her: "Don't you think this hint is familiar?"

She blinked, puzzled.

After waiting for the red light, Qin Chen sighed slightly: "Open the blacklist and see if I'm in it."

"Impossible." Ye Xi muttered in a low voice and went to check the blacklist: "You haven't messed with me recently, for no reason, why should I drag—"

Her voice suddenly disappeared.

Staring at the familiar name lying on the blacklist, Ye Xi suddenly felt a little...

She exhaled and recalled carefully, but she couldn't remember exactly when it happened.

Qin Chen spoke at the right time and reminded her: "In the afternoon, I can still get through before I enter your lounge."

Ye Xi rolled his eyes.

That is to say, during the time when the party was about to start, she blocked people who even she didn't know why she blocked them?


Ye Xi pursed her lips, pressed the string of numbers, and was about to release them.

However, in the next moment, something flashed in her mind.

I remembered.

Ye Xi took a breath and turned off the phone.

Qin Chen beside him clearly noticed the change in her mood, turned his head and asked, "Why, do you want me to stay inside?"

"Why did I block you, I don't know what to do?"


Qin Chen seems to have gotten used to this face-changing face.

He slowed down and asked, "Because you can't undo the super talk?"

Ye Xi glanced at him expressionlessly, revealing the truth: "Don't think I don't know, it's not that you can't withdraw, but you don't want to withdraw at all."

"I've asked my team to handle this matter, so Director Qin won't worry about it."

"As for the mobile phone number, just lie in my blacklist for the time being. Anyway, they are inseparable every day, and a big living person can still be lost."


There was no talking all the way, until the car drove downstairs to the hotel, Ye Xi unbuckled his seat belt, pushed the car door down and walked straight to the lobby, ignoring him from the beginning to the end.

Qin Chen sat quietly in the driver's seat, watching the people outside gradually walk away, he sighed helplessly, a feeling of depression floated up in his chest, he reached out to touch the cigarette in the storage compartment, slowed down, closed his eyes and meditated for a few minutes In a second, he retracted his hand again.

At this time, the mobile phone next to him rang. Qin Chen rubbed his brows, looked at the caller ID, and picked it up.

The air-conditioning in the car was blowing out, and it was so quiet that one could vaguely hear the voice on the phone.

After about 2 minutes, Qin Chen's face softened a little after the matter was finished over there.

"Tonight, before her team, withdraw the super chat."

The person on the phone seemed a little surprised.

Only a few days later, Director Qin succumbed to the goddess' desire?
But these few days are almost enough, and the water will overflow, but many things need to be done to achieve the best results.

After saying a few words, he hung up the phone.

In the hotel lobby at this moment, Ye Xi was waiting for the elevator.

Coincidentally, Chen Chuhe, who came back from the Olympic Sports Center, came in with his assistant, and the two met again.

Seeing her alone, Chen Chuhe asked with a half-smile, "Did you quarrel with Qin Chen?"

Ye Xi was surprised, is it so obvious?

Looking at her expression, Chen Chuhe knew that he should have guessed it.

Just passing by the parking lot, I saw Qin Chen's car still parked in place, with the light on the screen of the mobile phone in the car, and guessed that he was still sitting in it.

He has lived for 40 years, and he is a person who has experienced it. Some things can be understood at a glance.

"No quarrel, I think it's too hot outside, so I'll come in first."

Ye Xi spoke the words of Yuanchang without blinking his eyes, no matter how angry he was when he was out of the house, he still had to save enough face for someone Qin.

The elevator tonight was extremely long. After waiting for a long time, the hotel front desk came over with an apologetic face and said that this elevator had broken down, and we needed to take the spare elevator on the other side to go up.

Time wasted before and after, and when the group of people turned around, Director Qin happened to come in from the hall with long legs.

Chen Chuhe waved from a long distance, Ye Xi caught a glimpse of the man slowly approaching from the corner of his eyes.

The elevator quickly reached the first floor. Qin Chen stretched out his long arms, pulled Ye Xi to his side in front of several people, and then led her in.

Seeing this, Chen Chuhe followed closely behind, didn't speak, but smiled faintly.

The floors slowly went up and reached the ninth floor where the tutor lived.

Before the corridor parted, Chen Chuhe suddenly thought of something, turned around and said to Ye Xi: "You suggested that there is a place in the script that needs to be added. We will talk about it in detail after the recording of the program is over."

(End of this chapter)

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