exclusive favor

Chapter 155 No matter how much you dislike it, it's your man

Chapter 155 No matter how much you dislike it, it's your man
"Don't dare."

The corners of Qin Chen's eyes were full of melancholy, and his tone was faint: "I just signed the agreement in black and white this morning. For nearly a year, I have to sacrifice the goddess."


The voice fell, and the car fell into silence.

Ye Xi had mixed feelings in his heart, bit his lips, not knowing how to continue the conversation.

After half a minute of silence, she glanced at the silent man beside her, and sighed softly.

"Director Qin."

She called him softly, and looked at the phone in her hand with her eyelashes slightly drooping: "As long as you are obedient, a year will pass quickly, and I will try my best to rely on you except for making it public on the whole network."

The roles were reversed, Ye Xi was coaxing her man for the first time in this way.

Qin Chen's fingers on the steering wheel were visibly tightened, and his fingertips turned white, showing that he was not at peace at this moment.

"Say it again."


"That last sentence, say it again."

Ye Xi blinked, coughed and said: "As long as you are obedient, a year will pass—"

"Except for the whole network to make it public, everything else will satisfy me." He reminded in a low voice: "Remembering this sentence is enough."


Ye Xi couldn't laugh or cry: "Director Qin, you are missing two words, try your best."

This man has filters in his ears or something.

A sentence is so long, but he only listens to what he wants to hear.

However, the great director is still immersed in his own world, listing his recent needs.

Sleep together at night, give him a good night kiss before going to bed, give him a good morning kiss when you wake up in the morning, treat him like a baby at least once a day, take the initiative to kiss him once, and hug him once.

Anyway, it's either greasy, or it's on the greasy road.

From this point of view, she shouldn't go to any rehearsal room, just stick to him as a pendant all day long.

Ye Xi frowned and pondered for a long time, feeling that Qin is an imposing director, and sometimes he is really... vulgar.

Someone seemed to see through her mind, and glanced at her: "No matter how much you despise him, he is still your man."


Ye Xi rolled her eyes, and slightly turned to wrap his arm around him: "Director Qin~"

Qin Chen's heart melted at the soft voice.

He just liked it when she called him that.

"I'm driving." Qin Chen glanced at her pale fingers on his right arm, and a doting smile could not be restrained from the corner of his eyes.

Ye Xi realized that his behavior was a little dangerous, so he quickly let go, and said softly: "Director Qin, the first request is not allowed."

"If the conditions are not enough, create the conditions."


She snorted twice: "You are a big man with a thick skin, but I still know how to be ashamed."

Qin Chen corrected it flatly: "It's not normal to sleep in the same room when you're in love, who dares to say anything."

"But it's recording a program. It's not good for others to see what it looks like."

"For a show, I can't even touch my girlfriend. He Liang Yin doesn't have such a big face."


How to get farther and farther.

Ye Xi didn't delve into the meaning of his words, halfway through the topic, the mobile phone next to him rang.

It was a call from Qin Chen's team. After the man answered, he went all the way to the Olympic Sports Center. From a few words, she heard that it should be about the preparation of a new play in the second half of the year.

The car came to a complete stop, Ye Xi unbuckled his seat belt, and the commercial vehicles from the program group just arrived. Through the rearview mirror, he saw a group of entertainers getting out of the car talking and laughing.

"It seems to be Director Qin's car." Someone pointed to the SUV in front of him.

The artists walked this way while talking, Ye Xi lowered the glass window when she saw this, and then they greeted her with a smile.

Seeing that the big director was on the phone, everyone didn't bother, they just exchanged a few words with Ye Xi and left together.

A few minutes later, another artist arrived one after another.

Ye Xi signaled Qin Chen with her eyes that she wanted to go in first.

There seemed to be another call coming in at the next moment. Qin Chen glanced at the screen and said to the other end: "For the time being, we will arrange this for now. The post-production team will contact me in person in the middle of next month, and hang up."

The man turned his head to look at her, pushed open the car door, and called back the missed call.

Ye Xi raised his eyebrows, and then got out of the car.

If it wasn't for the delay of this show, the director's new play would probably be able to launch smoothly at the beginning of next month.

Sometimes when I think about it carefully, I feel that if someone spends so much regardless of the cost for the sake of romance, if the family background is not strong enough, they will lose everything sooner or later.

Therefore, Ye Xi was very curious about how much money he had.

Remember when we were together before, I didn't realize that my boyfriend was a rich man?

Entering the Olympic Sports Center, the call from the big director still hadn't ended, so she simply lagged behind a few steps, waiting for a few familiar female artists to come over, and walked and chatted with them.

In the quiet corridor, apart from the conversations of a few people, there is only a low and thick male voice occasionally sounding from the front.

At a distance of about five meters, from this angle, the man's figure is straight and slender, with just a back view, accompanied by such a deep and magnetic voice, which makes the female artists chat and chat, and the sight drifts involuntarily to up front.

Ye Xi had already taken it for granted that a big man with such a ostentatious appearance couldn't let people close his eyes.

During the short silence, Lu Wanwan next to her coughed suddenly, and asked her in a low voice, "Sister Ye Xi, I heard that Director Qin's new play in the second half of the year will be a big production, do you really think about it?"

"Not consider."


"The schedule doesn't match."


This reason is so familiar.

We all know that Ye Xi used this excuse time and time again when he rejected Qin Chen's charity film.

Now the relationship between the two is further sublimated, or is the schedule inconsistent?

But this time Ye Xi was telling the truth, he had already accepted Chen Chuhe's invitation last night, counting the time, the schedule was indeed 100% missed.

Speaking of this, another artist interrupted: "Sister Ye Xi must have her own plan for not accepting Director Qin's female number one. In this way, it will give other actresses a great chance."

"The gossip says that Director Qin will recruit a large number of newcomers this time."

"What gossips are you listening to? Just ask Sister Ye Xi about this kind of thing."

Several people cast their gazes over, and Ye Xi gave an answer with a half-smile: "It doesn't matter if you are a newcomer or not, as long as you have tried the mirror and Director Qin thinks it is suitable, everything is not a problem."

"Yes, the key depends on acting skills, and whether you can stand the test of Director Qin's set." After Lu Wanwan finished speaking, he exhaled and sighed repeatedly: "I still remember when I forgot my lyrics on the first day of filming a charity film. That scene , Looking back now, I feel goosebumps all over my body.”

"Is it really that scary?" the artist next to him asked.

Lu Wanwan looked serious: "Everyone will star in public welfare films with zero pay, so Director Qin's temper is considered mild. If it is his own commercial film, tsk tsk..."

Seeing their self-pitying looks, Ye Xi laughed and said, "Don't scare yourself, and do your best at the moment. If you can win this season's championship, you still have to worry about missing out."

A word to awaken the dreamer.

Several people looked at each other, and after a while of silence, they nodded together: "Sister Ye Xi is right."

They looked at Lu Wanwan leisurely, and were almost led into the ditch by her.

There is nothing left in the horoscope, and it is still unknown whether he can join Director Qin's crew. Now that he thinks so much, he is not a good actor?
Lu Wanwan expressed her innocence, what with her eyes, she was telling the truth, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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