exclusive favor

Chapter 157: Director Qin's Abdominal Muscle Photo

Chapter 157: Director Qin's Abdominal Muscle Photo
After not seeing each other for a few months, Ye Xi looked at Jiang Xin with admiration. The two sentences before and after were clearly logical and well-organized, and he couldn't find any faults.

The important point is that she knows the current affairs.

Ye Xi found it funny after thinking about it, so he didn't continue to argue with her, and left after leaving a word.

"If you suspect that my assistant took the bracelet, come to my room on time at seven o'clock tomorrow morning for a confrontation."

Jiang Xin was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It's just a bracelet, it should be given to her."

"No need."

Ye Xi didn't stop, and walked straight to the elevator: "Even if my assistant wants a hundred bracelets, I can afford them for her."


As soon as the words fell, the front desk directly covered his mouth with emotion.

Goddess Ye really...dotes on her assistant with her strength.

That Song Yin is so lucky.

Jiang Xin was speechless, standing in place like a stone sculpture, watching the two people in front of them enter the elevator, and never gave her an extra look from the beginning to the end.

Back in the room, Ye Xi finished leaving a message to Song Yin on WeChat, and took the clothes into the bathroom.

Jiang Xin changed her words temporarily, and she probably guessed the reason. At first, she thought that Song Yin had just arrived and treated the little girl like a persimmon.

When I came out of the shower, I saw Song Yin's reply, which was basically the same as I thought.

Ye Xi typed a few words of comfort and told her to go to bed early, then turned off her phone, lay on the bed and stared at the roof in a daze, thinking that the big director was so quiet tonight and didn't send her a video, so he didn't know what he was up to.

Some habits are really scary once formed.

She actually suffered from insomnia until two o'clock in the morning because of one missing video session.

Moreover, looking at the empty side, it seems that at a certain moment, there was a faint feeling in my heart... Lost?
It’s over.

He must have been bewitched by that man.

Ye Xi hugged the pillow tossed and turned, closed his eyes for a while, and opened them again for a while, the same with the mobile phone, the screen turned on and off, turned off and turned on again.

After the [-]th time of tossing and turning, she couldn't bear it anymore and sat up from the bed.

Taking a deep breath, his eyes fell on the mobile phone that was on the WeChat interface.

Ye Xi clicked on the chat box with the great director, and tried to send an emoji.

It's so late, he should be asleep.

However, ten seconds later, an identical expression popped up over there.

she:? ?
Typing quickly.

【Director Qin, what are you doing? 】

【sleep. 】


Ye Xi stayed silent for a few seconds.

【Are you insomnia too? 】

Otherwise, why don't you sleep in the middle of the night.

Staring at the phone, the big director didn't move for a while.

Could it be sleepwalking just now, Ye Xi smiled.

As soon as the thoughts fell, a photo was sent over in the dialogue interface.

The light in the photo looked blurry and dim, she pursed her lips, and opened it with her hands.

Seeing this, Ye Xi's eyes widened suddenly.

In the dead of night, her dark and bright pupils were full of disbelief.

Director Qin... actually sent her a photo of his abs! !
This man seduced her in the middle of the night!

Ye Xi looked at the photo, lay back on the bed, looked at it over and over again, her heart beat faster, and it seemed that she couldn't fall asleep anymore.

After a while, the phone vibrated.

Qin Chen: [Do you want to watch something else? 】


What is the word of tiger and wolf?

Ye Xi buried his face in the pillow, calmed down for a few seconds, turned over to type.

[Not good-looking, not interested. 】

The man raised his eyebrows.

not interested?

There was a lazy shallow arc on his lips, and he glanced at the time above, it was already two forty in the morning.

[If you stay up so late, aren't you afraid you'll be ashamed tomorrow? 】

lose someone.

Ye Xi snorted softly.

[There is a big difference between natural insomnia and artificial staying up late. 】

Qin Chen had a smile in his eyes.

[There is indeed a difference. 】

? ?
[Artificially staying up late at least made me, Ye Xi, feel spiritually happy. 】


Ye Xi bit her lip and ended the topic.

【Director Qin, stop talking, I'm sleepy. 】

[Would you like to go to accompany you? 】

【don't want. 】

In fact, she knew that it wasn't that Qin Chen didn't sleep a moment ago, it might just be that he forgot to mute his phone, and he woke up almost as soon as the WeChat message passed.

Looking at the light above her head, she recalled the days before, when she was held in his arms every night, smelling the clean and comfortable smell of his body, it seemed that she could fall asleep easily.

Is it really addictive?

Ye Xi closed her eyes and hinted to herself over and over again that even if there is no man, she should sleep well.

It was such a chaotic night, until the alarm clock rang in the morning, she was not sure whether she slept or not last night.

The difference is that this time she suffered from insomnia all night, but her overall mental state seemed to be quite good.

The recording of the fourth episode started at ten o'clock. Before that, Jiang Xin did not come to her room to confront her as scheduled. There is only one explanation for the other party's confusing behavior, which is to deliberately target Song Yin and seek trouble for nothing.

After packing up and going downstairs, Ye Xi asked Song Yin to go with her in Qin Chen's car. He asked about the bracelet on the way, and only then did he know the ins and outs of the matter.

"Since it's something your mother left you, why does Jiang Xin say it's hers?"

"Because she likes it."

Song Yin lowered her head, took out the bracelet from her bag, and spread it gently in the palm of her hand.

When she was young, Jiang Xin fell in love with such an ordinary bracelet the first time she saw it, and even cried about it for several days. Uncle had no choice but to slap Jiang Xin in a fit of anger and finally ended it.

"From childhood to adulthood, the first time my uncle hit Jiang Xin was because of me, so after so many years, this bracelet has always been a knot in her heart."

Ye Xi asked: "Your uncle treats you very well?"

Song Yin nodded, with a warm halo in his eyes: "Uncle is the person who treats me the best in the world, and he is also my only relative now. When I make money in the future, I must be filial to him and repay him for these years. The grace of nurturing."

After listening to Song Yin's words, Ye Xi remained silent, and turned his eyes to the window where the street scene was receding slowly, unable to tell what it was like in his heart.

Because he is grateful to a person, he is willing to tolerate his daughter, and even everything related to him.

Therefore, no matter how pampered and domineering Jiang Xin bullied Song Yin, no matter how spoiled and domineering Jiang Xin was, in Song Yin's eyes, she could never see any hatred or hatred for her cousin.

Unlimited tolerance can only encourage the other party to push forward.

Jiang Xin would never understand that it was not her father's love that separated Song Yin from her, but a heart full of conscience.

With the successful conclusion of the fourth round of the competition, "The New Generation of Actors" finally gave birth to the top eight finalists.

The four tutor groups each have two spots. The Ye Xi group is the most popular in the entire network, and the names of Lu Wanwan and Shen Jinfeng have successfully advanced. What is unexpected is the Qin Chen group. Except for Wen Xuqing, the second to go to the end is actually It was Feng Tian from C-level.

Feng Tian's progress is seen by everyone, and he can be regarded as a real dark horse in this season's counterattack by relying on acquired hard work.

Of course, the biggest reason for Feng Tian to be able to be today is because there is an extremely strict mentor standing behind him.

After all, Director Qin is probably the only one who can think of a way to copy the script by hand.

 Director Qin: Are the abdominal muscles good-looking?

  Ye Xi: Not interested.

  Turning around and muttering, sleeping with a man can actually be addictive~

(End of this chapter)

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