exclusive favor

Chapter 159 I am a gift, Qin Dao is shameless

Chapter 159 I am a gift, Qin Dao is shameless

In the darkness, Ye Xi felt that his breathing seemed to be a little heavier.

The man didn't make a sound for a while, she thought that his next move would be to put her down, and then let out a helpless sigh.


Qin Chen pondered for a moment, frowned and asked, "Twice a month?"


With such a good memory, even she herself forgot when was the last time.

But the two best actress awards are not for nothing.

Ye Xi blinked, and said calmly: "I have a special constitution, occasionally, twice a month."


After standing for a while, Qin Chen finally put her on the sofa, turned around and walked over to turn on the wall lamp in the living room.

The surrounding light suddenly brightened, and Ye Xi covered his eyes with his hands a little uncomfortable.

Qin Chen stood by the coffee table, bent down to pick up the mobile phone, and said while operating, "There is a hospital nearby. I will make an appointment and take you for a checkup tomorrow."

? ?
"what to check for?"

The man looked at her solemnly: "The menstrual period is abnormal, it is probably the sequelae of the operation three years ago."


Ye Xi felt like he was shooting himself in the foot with a rock.

She took a breath and shook her head: "I won't go, in case someone recognizes me, they think I'm pregnant."

"Make an appointment with an expert account, go through the VIP channel, and you won't recognize it."


In the quiet room, the two looked at each other for a while, Ye Xi felt guilty and looked away uncomfortably.

"Director Qin, let's read the script first. About going to the hospital, let's talk about it after the finals next week."


Qin Chen turned off his phone and looked at her again, with an uncompromising tone: "You can't joke about your body, you should pay attention to it, you have to go tomorrow, and I can rest assured after a checkup."

The man's face was serious and there was no room for maneuver.

Ye Xi buried her head silently, not knowing what to say for a moment.

That night, the big director hugged her and nestled on the sofa, discussing the script until eleven o'clock at night.

Clearing the fog in many places, Ye Xi suddenly entered another new cognitive field.

It has to be said that this two-month trip to the variety show has gained much more than what she has gained in the three years since her debut.

The original intention of joining the show at the beginning was that her manager wanted her to avoid Chen Chuhe's movies.

Unexpectedly, Chen Chuhe not only appeared on the show with her, but also hit it off with her again not long ago.

Thinking about it after two months, Ye Xi still feels that the world is unpredictable and has frequent emotions.

Therefore, when a person is faced with a choice, only following his heart is the best result.

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Xi opened his sleepy eyes, lay on the bed and looked at the well-dressed man next to him, feeling extremely guilty.

After thinking about it, I decided to confess and be lenient.

"Director Qin~"

She pinched the corner of the quilt and let out a cute cry.

Just after waking up, her soft voice with a hint of hoarseness penetrated into Qin Chen's ears, and the slightly drawn-out ending added a touch of delicate and charming.

His eyes deepened, and he stood by the bed and looked at her quietly.

Facing the man's deep gaze, Ye Xi bit her lip and muttered softly: "I don't want to go to the hospital."

Qin Chen fastened the last button, walked over slowly, and sat down on the side of the bed.

He stroked her fluffy and messy head with his hand, and asked softly: "Why, don't you plan to run the train with your mouth full?"

What fire to run—

Ye Xi suddenly stopped.

After a few seconds of silence, she rolled her eyes and asked cautiously, "When did you see it?"

"Last night, after you fell asleep."

Ok? !

Ye Xi opened his eyes slightly, and an incredible guess crossed his mind.

No way!he--

Before she could think about it, the man pinched her cheek.

"What are you thinking about?" Qin Chen walked around behind her with his long arms, and picked her up from the bed: "It's just that I was concerned at first, but I didn't realize that your words were full of loopholes."

Full of loopholes?

Ye Xi's eyes turned slightly, and his eyes were stained with ridicule.

Oh, it turned out that the big director was unwilling last night, and while she was asleep, he was thinking about it by himself.

After only two seconds of slander, the man suddenly lifted her chin, and his lips fell down.

After tossing and turning gently, he let go of her and took her into his arms.

Ye Xi was stunned when he heard his deep and magnetic voice above his head.

"Don't want to do it and dare not refuse, think I will force you?"


"Then why make excuses and lie."

She was slightly embarrassed, and lowered her head guiltily: "At first, I just wanted to see how you would react, but then, I was self-defeating, caught in a dilemma, and resorted to tricks. In the end, you saw through and reaped the consequences."


Qin Chen looked at the person in his arms with drooping eyelashes and red ears, as if he was sincerely repenting, and laughed for a while: "So you just watched me fall for the trick, and you are secretly happy, aren't you?"

"What's the fun?" Ye Xi looked up at him aggrievedly: "I've been worried all night, okay, I'm afraid you will worry and blame yourself."

The operation three years ago, I am afraid that it will never be erased in his heart for the rest of his life. It was brought up again because of a joke she made last night. It is impossible to imagine what he would do if there were really sequelae.

Ye Xi reached out and hugged him: "I'm sorry, Director Qin."

Her words were full of apologies, but Qin Chen would not blame her, as long as she was healthy, she would do whatever she wanted to torment him.

Qin Chen patted her on the head with his big hand: "Okay, sleep a little longer if you want to sleep, and get up and have breakfast if you don't sleep."

"What are we eating today?"

"I asked Xiang Cheng to buy red dates and longan porridge."

Ye Xi frowned: "Is there anything salty, such as fresh shrimp and tomato?"

"Only this." The man's eyes were deep, and he looked at her with a half-smile: "Blood."


Ye Xi became depressed instantly, wrapped his arms around his neck and shook: "Director Qin, I don't want to eat red dates and longan porridge, you can change it."

"Then what do you want to eat?"

"I just said it, fresh shrimp and tomato."

Qin Chen looked down at her, unmoved: "Red dates and longan porridge and me, you choose one, the others, no."

? ?
Ye Xi's mind was dull, and he said in a daze: "How can you compare with porridge, porridge is for eating."

"I can eat too."


She was silent, and lowered her hand little by little.

"Then I'll choose red dates and longan."

But after the words were finished, the man had already wrapped her arms around her waist and pressed Ye Xi back onto the bed, looking at him without blinking: "I didn't choose you."

"I'm a gift."

"Director Qin, you—"

His thin lips suddenly fell down, and the remaining words were instantly submerged between his lips and teeth.

After tossing and turning a few times, he asked hoarsely, "What about me?"

Ye Xi's face flushed red: "How are you—"


He only spit out three words, and was blocked by him again.

He didn't let her go until he was about to suffocate due to lack of oxygen.

With tears in her eyes, Ye Xi covered her bright red lips and said in a muffled voice, "Director Qin, you are so shameless."

Finally said it.

"Give you another chance, who to choose."

She rolled her eyes slightly and remained silent.

Seeing the misty stubbornness in her eyes, Qin Chen let out a sexy low laugh, raised his right hand propped on her pillow, and began to unbutton his shirt one by one.

…Ping, platform, no, let, write.

(End of this chapter)

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