exclusive favor

Chapter 162 She survived because of an encounter

Chapter 162 Because of an Encounter, She Survived

"Leave him alone, let's order first, the parking lot below is public, he might not come here."

"But the clothes on the doorman belong to this hot pot restaurant."


Ye Xiqing coughed: "Even so, it's impossible to be in the same box as us by chance."

After finishing the words, the waiter came in with the prepared pot bottom and put it in the center of the square table for four.

"I've ordered, what do you want to eat?"

Jiang Chun withdrew his gaze: "You know what you usually like, just order a few of them."

After speaking, he looked towards the parking lot below. Among the densely packed vehicles, the supercar had already been parked, but the owner disappeared in a blink of an eye.

After ordering, Ye Xi sent Song Yin a WeChat message with his mobile phone, and his best friend stood in front of the window with a thoughtful expression.

The two of them didn't speak, and the room seemed particularly quiet.

After a while, Ye Xi sent a voice over, telling Song Yin what to eat near the hotel, and told her to be safe when going out alone at night.

Seeing that she took good care of the new assistant like her own sister, Jiang Chun couldn't help asking curiously: "Why, your studio recruited a child laborer?"

Ignoring her best friend's joking tone, Ye Xi looked at the time and turned off her phone: "The little girl who just graduated, and has a slight congenital hearing impairment, so I can rest assured with one more word of advice."

After listening to her explanation, Jiang Chun felt even more surprised.

I just graduated and can understand, and what is the hearing impairment.

Now that Star Studio recruits an employee, has the threshold been lowered so low?
Seeing Jiang Chun's confusion, Ye Xi took a sip from his teacup and said softly, "Her name is Song Yin, and she is the girl I mentioned to you before."

Song Yin...

Jiang Chun can almost have a subconscious stress response to this name.

He also instantly understood why Ye Xi had such a preference for this new assistant.

After Ye Xi was discharged from the hospital three years ago, in order to hide it from her mother, she had no choice but to lie that she was going on a graduation trip with a few friends, and then found a rental house in the suburbs, while taking care of her health and preparing for the teacher recruitment exam in two months.

At that time, her original graduation plan was to become a middle school teacher.

And Ye Xi was also very confident, thinking that with his own willpower, he would soon be able to pass through that difficult transition period smoothly.

But after all, she overestimated herself.

In the following days, I stayed alone in the apartment, eating, sleeping, and reading.

Repeating the same actions and things over and over again every day, gradually, she became more and more depressed and uncomfortable day by day. At first, it was physically, and finally the whole heart, as if pierced by a sharp weapon. A deep hole, deep enough to It made her fall uncontrollably, step by step into the abyss where she couldn't see her fingers.

From the tenth day onwards, Ye Xi suffered from insomnia all night, and often fell asleep with difficulty. As long as there was a slight noise in the middle of the night, she would be awakened, and then opened her eyes until dawn.

Since then, she has unconsciously placed an order for sleeping pills at an online pharmacy, with a limit of one pill per day, but even after buying it, she put it on the bedside untouched and never took it once.

Ye Xi couldn't understand her behavior at the time, and it wasn't until the sleeping pills piled up that she suddenly realized that she might not want to live anymore.

Strangely, the thought of committing suicide did not make her panic, on the contrary, another strange sense of comfort unexpectedly appeared in her heart.

One day, while staring at sleeping pills in a daze, the doorbell outside rang in due course.

She didn't answer the door because she knew it was a takeaway.

After sitting on the bed for a while, Ye Xi made sure that the delivery man had left before slowly walking out of the bedroom.

Different from the past, this time there is an extra post-it note on the takeaway lunch box, with a smiling face drawn on it, and a line of small characters written in a pen: "Today's pasta is a little cold, it needs to be heated."

At first Ye Xi thought it was a note from the store, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

But the second day, the third day... the seventh day.

There are post-it notes of the same color every day, and the handwriting of the same person. The only difference is that the content has changed from the meal notes on the first day to ordinary daily trivialities.

She lives in a corner, leaning on the little girl who delivers food, and from her words, she can feel the noisy vegetable market, the crowded subway, the happiness after receiving five-star praise, and the fact that the delivery boy on the road was almost killed because he rushed for time. The thrill of a car crash...

Scenes of life were engraved in Ye Xi's mind as clearly as a movie, and she found that she could start to sleep soundly and soundly with these sticky notes.

The days went on like this, until the last day of July, Ye Xi remembered that there was a downpour in the suburbs that evening, and the takeaway was still not delivered 32 minutes after the overtime.

She even subconsciously worried that the delivery girl might have an accident on the road like the delivery boy mentioned in the post-it note.

Ye Xi felt uneasy, so the moment the doorbell rang, he got up and walked towards the entrance without hesitation.

But at that moment, I heard the voice of a girl who kept apologizing from outside. Because she was too hasty, she accidentally bumped the lunch box into the passer-by who was going downstairs, and the soup spilled all over the floor.

Vaguely, a passer-by said angrily: "It's really unlucky for a deaf person to deliver some takeaway."


At that moment, Ye Xi's mind was only blank, and he didn't know what it was like. Before he could think, the doorbell rang again.

She stood stiffly in a daze, and slowly stretched out her hand, trying to touch the doorknob, but she couldn't use the strength.

Without opening the door, the little girl was not persistent, and then slipped a post-it note from the crack of the door below, still in the pink color of a girl's heart.

A line of words was neatly and beautifully written on it: "There is a wonton restaurant downstairs. The taste is particularly good. It is more nutritious than eating pasta. It is only ten yuan for a super large one, which is very cost-effective."

Ye Xi unconsciously twitched the corners of her lower lips after watching it. She didn't know that it was the first smile she showed in more than a month.

Returning back to the room, he replied with the word "good" with a pen at the bottom, and then handed it out along the same path through the crack of the door.

10 minutes later, the steaming hot shrimp wontons arrived.

When Ye Xi opened the door, the little girl was rushing to deliver the next order. Behind her busy back, she only had time to see her young side face at the corner of the stairs.

From then on, Ye Xi no longer locked himself in the apartment, tried to go downstairs to eat wontons, tried to go for a walk in the nearby park, and tried to throw those sleeping pills into the trash can one by one.

After a lapse of time, she will never forget that in that scorching summer three years ago, she survived because of a meeting.

Jiang Chun once said that mental illness is not terrible, what is terrible is that you lose the courage and hope to fight it.

And Ye Xi believes that having courage and hope is not enough. What's more important is that when you find a little girl with congenital hearing impairment, earning living expenses by working part-time during summer vacation, facing the scorching sun and rainstorm, she can still live with an optimistic heart. Heart to record every good moment in life.

At that moment, you will feel deeply shocked and ashamed.

 This chapter can be regarded as a memoir, which solved everyone's doubts about Song Yin.

  The food delivery is a real story that my friends have experienced. In this world, there are really beautiful girls like Song Yin. It is true.

(End of this chapter)

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