exclusive favor

Chapter 170 Apologize to My Girlfriend

Chapter 170 Apologize to My Girlfriend

"I've known you for so many years, and I know you're a good drinker." She pursed her lips, and continued, "But no matter how good you are, it's not the way to drink. If you accumulate too much alcohol, you won't be able to expel it in a short time. Even if you're not drunk, it will still hurt you." Body."

In the dense night, the man was noncommittal after listening to her words, and remained silent for a while, the corners of his lips slowly curled up: "What my family Ye Xi said makes sense."

She glanced at him and said nothing.

Then I heard the man say again: "But it's better to act like you love someone."

Ye Xi: "..."

That's not the point okay.

But it was a fact that she felt distressed, and she couldn't refute it.

The night was quiet, so I called Xiangcheng to drive over, the distance was a little far, and it might take a while to get there.

Taking advantage of this gap, she and the big director walked side by side on the side of the street like ordinary couples.

It's early September and it's not yet the beginning of autumn, and the air at night is still a bit stuffy. Qin Chen reached out and wanted to take off her mask, but Ye Xi subconsciously covered her head and shook her head: "Persisted for two months, don't fall short."

Although the finals had come to an end, Bao Buqi and the Yuji crane followed him to the dinner party.

If it is photographed, Director Qin will have to spend money again.

It's true that she loves people, but she also loves money.

Seeing through her thoughts, Qin Chen laughed: "Actually, it's not expensive to buy a photo from Yuji. Be good, take it off, it's too hot."

not expensive?

Ye Xi blinked: "I don't believe it, I won't pick it."

"Then I picked it?"

Qin Chen embraced the person in front of him, and said in a teasing tone: "If I am photographed, I will be the only one exposed to the media, and the outside world may suspect that I am empathetic or cheating."

She suddenly became depressed.

This man is so annoying.

At that time, Director Qin brought an unknown woman on the road in the middle of the night. Ye Xi, as the person involved, would be a real threat if he didn't come forward to clarify.

She pursed her lips, pretending to be calm and said: "In this case, you can pick it off, I don't care anyway."

Qin Chen raised his eyebrows: "It doesn't matter?"


Ye Xi was about to nod his head, when suddenly a black shadow came out from the flower platform next to him, with a clear goal, and came directly towards the two of them.

She stopped in fright, and subconsciously squeezed Qin Chen's hand tightly.

The first reaction would be Yu Ji, but when the other party spoke, Ye Xi suddenly realized that the voice was familiar.

It was the female artist I met in the elevator that day, to be precise, it was the actress who entered Director Qin's room.

The two recognized each other at a glance while wearing masks, and it is very likely that they have been following since they first came out of the clubhouse.

Followed all the way to the present, I really can bear my temper.

After the eerie silence, the actress stood about one meter away from the two of them, bowed deeply to Qin Chen, and said in a crying voice, "I'm sorry, Director Qin."

? ?
Active unspoken rules failed, and then came here to apologize to the big director?

Why is it inexplicably funny.

While Ye Xi was silent, he heard Qin Chen beside him say softly: "My girlfriend is the most affected by this matter, you should apologize to her."

Her eyelids twitched, and before she could speak, she saw the actress turn around quickly, and said in a trembling voice to her, "Sister Ye Xi, I'm sorry, I was obsessed with ghosts for a while, please have a lot of adults, please help me, don't let the company block me , please, I really know I was wrong, please."


Ye Xi's face turned serious, but he never thought that the consequences would be so serious if he only entered the director's room once.

What brokerage company, probably not.

She looked at the other party suspiciously: "Which company do you belong to?"

The actress bit her lip, hesitated for a few seconds, and then said, "I am a newcomer signed by Tang Chen last year."

"..." Tangchen? ?

Ye Xi coughed uncomfortably, and glanced at a director beside him from the corner of his eye.

No wonder he was so ruthless, and he didn't know if Fu Tangzhou was forced to, or if he was actively defending this crumbling plastic brotherhood.

Seeing her delay in speaking, the actress thought it was useless, and began to bow and apologize again and again, almost putting her posture in the dust.

Ye Xi was speechless, and stared at a certain director, roughly saying, you can figure it out, in the final analysis, what he seduced was you, not me, so don't let me take the blame.

The man stood beside her without saying a word, his expression was calm in the twilight, he could see any emotions, he didn't make a sound, he didn't make a statement, and his gaze was quietly opposite to hers, as if conveying the same message.

Then, a burst of clear cell phone ringtones broke the silence between each other.

Before Qin Chen picked up the phone to answer the call, he glanced at the actress without a trace: "How to deal with you is Tangchen's business, you should go to Mr. Fu, I hope this is the last time tonight. "

After finishing speaking, under the stiff gaze of the actress, he put his arms around Ye Xi's shoulders, and led Renyuan towards the parking lot of the clubhouse.

After walking a short distance, Ye Xi slowly came back to his senses, and looked up at him: "Is it Fu Tangzhou's idea to block this matter, or yours?"

Qin Chen stared straight ahead, and said in a low voice, "The ban and disqualification from the finals have nothing to do with me."

In her puzzled eyes, the man casually added: "I just asked Xiang Cheng to send the photo to Liang Yin."

"But how did Fu Tangzhou know about this?"

After asking, she suddenly understood.

In fact, the whole process was a chain reaction. When Liang Yin received the photo, he was not sure about Qin Chen's attitude. To be on the safe side, he could only follow the rules and deal with the actress' violation of the unspoken rules before the game.

However, if he was disqualified for no reason, he must give an explanation to the brokerage company. It happened that Mr. Fu happened to be on the twelfth floor, so it was easy for him to hear it from the lower department.

However, Ye Xi was a little surprised to be blocked as soon as he opened his mouth.

After all, Fu Tangzhou is well-known, and he has always been sympathetic to the female artists under his banner. He suddenly became so ruthless, so he probably did it deliberately for Jiang Chun to see.

If this is the case, the person surnamed Fu is too...

Halfway through her thoughts, her cell phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, Ye Xi had to sigh, sometimes the two of them really have a good understanding.

After picking up the phone, Jiang Chun yawned and went straight to the topic: "Fu Gou dealt with a female artist in front of me this afternoon, what's going on?"

Ye Xi told her what happened in a few words, and as expected, Jiang Chun snorted coldly after hearing it: "I know what he's thinking when he farts, and he talks about banning him, but he ends up halfway Stop people, I don't believe that without his hint, that woman would come up with such a shameless way."

"Calm down, it's not necessarily Fu Tangzhou's instruction."

"Aren't I calm? I'm calm now, and I'll be even calmer in a few minutes."


It can't be ruled out that Fu Tangzhou wanted to protect her, so he intentionally or unintentionally pushed the actress to her and Qin Chen's side, and let them make the decision, but Qin Chen refused to save face just now, and just threw the mess back the same way.

She squeezed the space between her eyebrows, never expecting that such a small actress could touch the hearts of so many people.

Ye Xi turned his head to look at the big director beside him who was also talking on the phone. Judging from his tone, it seemed that the other end was Fu Tangzhou.

During this trip to Nanshi, the two Cold War fighters managed to break the ice, and now they are doing this again.

At first, Fu Tangzhou just wanted to prove to Jiang Chun that he would not uphold the determination of the female artists under his banner, but in the end it was self-defeating, and he shot himself in the foot instead.

Ye Xi let out a breath, feeling his brain hurt.

 Director Qin: Selling your face, how much is your face worth?

  Wang ~
  Fu Gou: Is that okay?
(End of this chapter)

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