exclusive favor

Chapter 185

Chapter 185
In fact, everyone is familiar with it. Who in the whole entertainment industry does not know Ye Xi?

But Chen Chuhe is a person who attaches great importance to the sense of ritual. He thinks that the heroine he invited after all the hard work will have to participate in the casting and give opinions later. Such an important existence must be introduced seriously.

Of course, it's not very exaggerated. I just took out her famous works since her debut and took a walk around, and added at the end: "Because I have already made an appointment for the heroine, I will simply call her today. You and her are right. It is more intuitive and closer to the plot.”

Time is precious, after Chen Chuhe said, he took Ye Xi to another room, and then the actors outside came in and performed individually according to the number.

Ye Xi was sitting on a chair, separated by a curtain, and could clearly feel the tension and anxiety of the performers.

Such a scene could not help but remind her of the crazy things she did to win a role at the beginning of her debut.

She was lucky. In the first month after signing the contract with the company, the agent threw her a script, saying that she was ready to audition for the female No. [-] in the audition in two days.

But on the day of the audition, he was told by his agent not to go, and the role had already been assigned to someone else.

Ye Xi was not reconciled. It happened that there was a rare heavy snowfall in Jingzhou that day. The citizens were all wrapped in down jackets and scarves and gloves, playing in the snow outdoors. She was the only one who stood in the snow for nearly an hour in cool shorts and short sleeves.

She caught a cold with a fever of 40 degrees, and her whole face was so hot that she was about to bleed. Then she took a taxi to the residence of a certain director, and was almost caught by the police for misunderstanding.

I still remember the situation at that time, the director had already picked up the phone and pressed 110, and she was about to dial out. She didn't know where the courage came from, and she sucked her nose and cried almost as soon as she entered the scene. Not falling, the emotional tension was pulled to the extreme, and in just 2 minutes, a classic segment in the script was restored to a high degree on the spot. The director was dumbfounded and stood in the door angrily and laughing.

In the end, Ye Xi got the role, but at the price of burning into acute pneumonia, he couldn't bear to faint and was sent to the hospital directly.

It was not until a year later that she stood on the podium of the Golden Palm Awards. It happened that the director was the guest of honor, and when the trophy was handed to her, the other party also took the microphone from the host's hand and told the incident. Take it out and speak to the audience.

He said: "Ye Xi is an actor who can put herself in the snow with a fever of 40 degrees in order to fit the role. This award is given to her, and she deserves it."

When the thunderous applause sounded below, Ye Xi knew that her efforts were not in vain.

Not only that, this incident was once spread in the circle, and she has since been labeled as the most dedicated new actress in history, and overwhelming resources have poured into her, including the current agent Zhou Jing, who took the initiative to throw her at that time. Olive branch out.

Ye Xi pulled away from his memory and adjusted his state. The first actor who lifted the curtain was Li Boyan. One of the candidates who rushed to the finals in "New Generation of Actors" was a dark horse in Chen Chuhe's group. .

The other party nodded to this side, and Chen Chuhe tilted his head and asked her, "Is Ye Xi ready, can you start?"


Ye Xi got up from the chair and walked towards Li Boyan.

The story is called "Nightingale", which tells about an urban encounter where water and fire blend.

The heroine is 20 years old this year, she is deaf and mute. Four years ago, her parents died in a car accident. There is only one younger brother who is six years younger than her. Pretty calm.

Until one Valentine's Day night, a screeching roar of motorcycles broke the peace.

A group of rich kids with car keys burst into laughter. The man at the head was in his early 20s, dressed in a thin black biker suit, with long legs and straight eyebrows. The moment the two looked at each other, Ye Xi thought of many words——

Boom, crash, burst, and... cynical wanton.

And these are precisely the things she can't have in her life, and the most unavoidable things.

The drizzle was silent, and just one glance was enough to overturn the giant waves.

The part where Ye Xi needs to cooperate with the play is the beginning of the story, the first meeting of the hero and heroine in the flower shop.

The air was quiet for a few seconds, and Chen Chuhe signaled beside him, "Let's start."

As soon as the director's voice fell, Li Boyan felt that the person standing in front of him was different.

The eyebrows and eyes are still the same, but the coldness that belongs to Ye Xi himself is missing, and there is a little more helplessness and nervousness when the deaf-mute girl copes with such a scene, as well as the slight shyness hidden at the bottom and being stared at by a man. .

In this play, Ye Xi didn't have a single line in the whole process, all relying on his eyes, facial expressions and body movements to interpret all emotions and hearts, including the first meeting with the hero, the only two lines were communicated by pen and paper.

The man asked, "What is the most expensive flower in the store?"

The girl could read her lips, and after being silent for two seconds, she wrote on the notebook: "Blue Nightingale."

Turning the book toward the man, he pointed to the inside near the corner.

The man paused for a while, his eyes flashed with surprise: "You can't speak?"

She nodded. From the beginning to the end, except for the look at the man who had just entered the door, she never had eye contact with him, and her attitude was even flat, completely unlike the hospitality of other flower shop owners.

Also, a mute, how enthusiastic can be counted on her.

The man took the paper and pen, left a list of addresses on it, and glanced at her lightly before leaving: "Tomorrow at nine o'clock, 99 blue nightingales will be delivered on time, and I will pay you double for the money."

Li Boyan turned his back and walked in the opposite direction, when he heard Chen Chuhe shouting to stop not far away.

"Almost here first, Bai Yan goes out and calls the next person in."

Between the substitutions, Chen Chuhe called Ye Xi and asked her how she felt just now.

"Not bad, you had a good eye at the beginning."

Alluding to the previous "New Generation of Actors", Chen Chuhe kept this dark horse until the final decision under pressure.

With the affirmation of the goddess, Chen Chuhe felt a little more at ease, but he did not express his position for the time being, saying that there were still three candidates, and he would talk about it after reading it.

In fact, there is no need for Ye Xi to talk about the next performance, the difference is clear at a glance.

Naturally, the final male lead no doubt fell on Li Boyan.

With two hours left, it was the turn of the female No. [-] scene audition.

There are more people coming this time, so in order to save time, Chen Chuhe chose the scene as an inner monologue, which mainly tests the actress' understanding and ability to control the role itself.

Ye Xi didn't say a word the whole time. As he went in and out one by one, Chen Chuhe's expression in the corner of the light was exactly as she imagined. Although he didn't speak, he clearly conveyed a message of disappointment.

(End of this chapter)

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