exclusive favor

Chapter 187 The Pride of His Life

Chapter 187 The Pride of His Lifetime

Later, she went to the bathroom, and then came back, only the big director was left in the box.

"What about Teacher Jin?"

"If something happens, go first."

Ye Xi looked out the window suspiciously, and asked thoughtfully, "Did he say anything to you after I left?"


Qin Chen picked up the spoon, filled a bowl of soup and put it in front of her: "I see that you haven't eaten much these days, why, no appetite?"

"No, I'm going to reduce meals recently."

"What meal to cut, the role needs?"

Ye Xi held his cheeks and sighed: "After coming back from Nanshi, my weight has increased by three pounds. If it wasn't for Xiaotang saying that I was fat, I wouldn't have noticed it myself."

"You can tell by three pounds, your assistant is very sharp-eyed?"

As the man spoke, he set his eyes on her plump cheeks, looked at her quietly for a while, and came to a conclusion: "That's it, it's good, it's comfortable to hold."


Ye Xi took a sip of soup and hummed: "Director Qin, you are so selfish, you only care about your comfort, and you are not afraid that I will be laughed at by the media in front of the camera?"

"What are you laughing at?"

"Say I'm bloated."

As for female stars, who doesn't care about their body shape? Even some artists who are born obese don't care on the surface, but in reality they dream of losing weight.

Qin Chen looked at her depressed look when she took a sip of soup, stretched out his hand to rub her hair, and said in a low voice, "Because she was three kilograms fat, she was said to be bloated. I would like to see which media dares to owe so much."

"The media dare not say it, but they dare to take pictures, and they are the kind that don't retouch pictures. You know, as soon as I grow flesh, my arms and face grow, and these two parts can't be covered at all."

Ye Xi said and glanced at his arm, wondering if it was an illusion, and it felt thick again.

Forget it, what soup to drink.

She pushed away the porcelain bowl in front of her: "Let's go, go downstairs to check out."

"I can't tell you about this." The man smiled and took out a tissue from the side to wipe her mouth. Although he didn't agree with her, he still comforted: "I sleep with you every night, how can I still know if you are fat or not? I said that if you are not fat, you are not fat, don't listen to your assistant's nonsense."

Well, Director Qin will comfort people.

Ye Xi stood up from the chair, Qin Chen took the bag next to her and led her downstairs.

"I see that Teacher Jin didn't eat much just now. He came to you specially. I didn't talk a little about Jin Xiwei. I just went to catch up with you, and left halfway after eating. You said that he was in the gourd. What kind of medicine are you selling?"

"Then what do you think he means?" Qin Chen threw the question to her.

Ye Xi shrugged: "He is your teacher, and I don't understand."

"You don't know him, but he knows me."

At the front desk of the checkout, the man took out his wallet and handed over the bank card, stating the fact: "He knows my temper, so even if he has any requirements, he will not come to me with a strong purpose."

"According to you, is there a back-up move?"

"I don't know if there are any back-up tricks. Anyway, this meal is always not so pleasant."

Ye Xi was surprised: "But I think you have a good conversation."

"What you see is just the minimum respect between teachers and students for each other."

At least respect...

This sounded fine, but she felt a subtle self-mockery from the director's bland tone.

When the car started, she pursed her lips and asked him hesitantly, "You don't want to give Jin Xiwei a chance, is it for me?"

Qin Chen's tone was calm: "This is half the reason."

Ye Xi looked at him: "Apart from that, what other reasons?"

The man didn't speak, and the car fell silent for a while.

Her intuition should be related to the movie two years ago. Qin Chen once said that at that time, he and Yang Xu agreed that Jin Xiwei was not a suitable female lead, and even had the idea of ​​inviting her to play in the past. .

But in the end, the heroine still fell on Jin Xiwei's head.

She knows exactly what kind of person Qin Chen is. If she thinks that someone is not suitable, she will never let go just because the other person is his teacher's daughter.

Unless something happened that forced him to back down.

Ye Xi took a breath and couldn't help but have a bold guess, wouldn't it be...

Thinking of this, the man in the driver's seat said lightly, "Two years ago, at Mr. Jin's birthday party, I had an argument with him, and he was so angry that he was sent to the ICU that night."

? !
"After being rescued, the old man only said one thing, that he would take his life in exchange for Jin Xi's only chance to be nominated for the Best Actress Award."


Ye Xi was already dumbfounded, and he did not expect this to be the reason.

She digested the whole thing, and then asked him weakly: "I'm curious, what were you arguing about at the time."

"A split over a film review."

That's it?


Director Qin is still your Director Qin.

Young and energetic, how to compete with an old man, and finally get a heroine in vain.

But this also fully proves someone's greatness.

How did she make an actress who was originally unsuitable to be the leading female actress to become a popular actress in a short period of time.

As if seeing through her thoughts, Qin Chen turned his head and smiled: "If you weren't so cruel, you would have been the one who won the favor back then."


Ye Xi snorted unhappily: "No one supports me, I still won two actresses in a row."

And think about it carefully, Jin Xiwei's trophy back then, in terms of word of mouth and industry influence, its gold content is far less than half of her golden brown.

The difference between hard-holding and relying on strength to win awards is clear at a glance.

Qin Chen was amused by her arrogant and cute little expression, he stretched out his hand to squeeze her face, and his tone was so indulgent: "So two years ago was an accident, and it was the last time, from now on, I will only hold my Ye Xi. , you are the pride of my life."

A lifetime of pride...

Ye Xi was slightly stunned.

She glanced at the man out of the corner of her eye and found that his expression was quite serious.

Director Qin made such a high evaluation and expectation of her, and the pressure has doubled for no reason.

Ye Xi let out a long sigh. At this point, it is not easy to become the pride of his boyfriend. It seems that he will work harder in the future.

At about [-] o'clock that night, Chen Chuhe sent a complete list of actors on WeChat. In the column for female number two, Jiang Xin was written.

At the same time, the "Nightingale" crew officially announced the heroine's makeup poster and @her job number.

Ye Xi opened the comment area below and found that he was almost drowned out by a sound of regret.

Most of them came from her and someone's CP fans, because a few people took the lead, and those who dived secretly came out to follow the trend, what grievances, heartbreaks, crying, and the expression of the blade occupied a third of the entire comment area one.

[Wuwu, is my goddess really not going to take on Director Qin's play? It's so heartbreaking! ! ! ! 】

[Leaving a big spectrum, there was no wind at all before! 】

[Yes, there is something that the goddess can't think of, that is Chen Chuhe. 】

[Although it is also incomprehensible, as a Xi fan, let's support the goddess' decision. 】

[Calm down one by one, don't make trouble until you understand the situation. 】


(End of this chapter)

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