exclusive favor

Chapter 192 'Acquaintance' 3 years ago

Chapter 192 'Acquaintance' Three Years Ago

Ye Xi sat in the driver's seat in shock...

Looking at the position in the rearview mirror, in fact, she almost fell into it, just because the female artist said 'Director Qin bows' just now, she was distracted and crashed without paying attention to the brakes.

I don't know whose car the Maybach is, but I came here today without the driver and assistant.

She lay on the steering wheel and was depressed for a while, calmed down, lifted the mask up, and pushed the car door down.

The group of female artists had gone far just now, and Ye Xi circled around the Maybach, but did not see any messages left by the car owner.

This kind of car parked in the park should have the owner's phone number posted.

Tried again, still to no avail.

Ye Xi had no choice but to take out a post-it note from the car, write the assistant's mobile phone number and stick it on the other party's glass window.

After standing there for a while, Qin Chen's phone call came in and asked where she was. He had already finished work on his side.

Ye Xi rubbed his temples and said helplessly, "I just stopped and rubbed people and cars."

Exactly, hit.

The man on the phone was silent for two seconds and asked her to wait, and he came over immediately.

A few minutes later, not only Qin Chen but also two other men and a woman came.

One of them was a little older, a middle-aged man in his early forties, talking to Qin Chen as he walked and seemed to know each other.

But as the group got closer and closer, she saw the appearance of the middle-aged man, and her heart suddenly froze.

Memories from three years ago flooded in, although some were uncertain, but the body instinctively raised the alarm bell.

Qin Chen walked in front of her, checked her from top to bottom, and asked her, "Is anyone injured?"

She looked at him and slowly shook her head: "No."

The middle-aged man glanced at his car, smiled at Qin Chen, and then turned to Ye Xi next to him: "Director Qin, who is this?"

"My girlfriend."

Qin Chen nodded towards the other party: "Sorry for causing trouble to President Jiang, I will bear all the maintenance costs, and I will ask my assistant to contact you later."

Ye Xi was stunned for a moment.

This car is...

President Jiang stopped when he heard the words, his eyes inadvertently glanced at the eyes above Ye Xi's mask, and smiled lightly: "It's just a scratch, Director Qin doesn't have to be so polite."

"What I said before, I hope that Director Qin will think about it again, and he will be my friend." After saying that, he glanced at the car he was hit by, and glanced at Ye Xi again, half-jokingly: "You should also sell me one. face."

Ye Xi was a little uncomfortable at that glance, frowned slightly, and turned his face away silently.

Before getting into the car, President Jiang patted the hand of the girl who was holding him next to him: "I have time to study the script of Director Qin's new play carefully when I go back. If there is a chance, I must seize it."

The girl nodded obediently: "Got it, Mr. Jiang."

Ye Xi:  …

After the person left, she relaxed and looked at her SUV that caused the accident, and instantly had the urge to sell it.

Qin Chen took her tightly clenched hand and asked in a low voice, "Know?"

He took her to the East District, Ye Xi was silent, not knowing where to start.

"I see that you are a little repelled by President Jiang. Have you ever had a festival before?"


She couldn't help but look at him.

The big director's fiery eyes can even detect this subtlety?

Ye Xi exhaled and said frankly, "I don't remember very well, it seems a bit like the person who gave me wine three years ago."

Qin Chen took a step, his pupils shrank sharply, and he turned his head to look over.

She was horrified by his eyes, and quickly turned her eyes away: "It may only be a bit similar, even if the person standing in front of me back then, I may not recognize it."

After saying this, the man beside him stopped talking.

The two continued to walk forward, and the chill around him made her breathless.

Opening the car door for her, Qin Chen said lightly, "As long as you have a goal, it's easy to investigate a person."

and so……

"The auto tycoon you mentioned this morning is Jiang?"


Qin Chen sat in the driver's seat, fastened his seat belt expressionlessly, and started the car: "Didn't he want someone to bring money into the team? Then I'll give him a chance."

The Mercedes-Benz Big G slowly drove away from the film and television park, and the street scene outside the window receded, gradually merging into the main road with dense traffic.

Ye Xi looked at the high-rise buildings passing by, his chest felt a little tight for no reason.

If it was that person, he would have hit his car again today.

Going around in circles, it's really a cycle of karma, I don't know whether to be happy or angry.

At noon, Mr. Feng invited him to eat at a private restaurant, with authentic Shu cuisine, simple six dishes and one soup. It was not like a worldly dinner, but more like an ordinary reminiscence between friends.

The last time the two joined "The New Generation of Actors", they earned a lot of traffic for the show. Mr. Feng only talked a few words about the matter. He didn't mention Feng Tian at all, nor did he say that the girl would meet in the entertainment circle later. Which direction to develop.

Ye Xi listened quietly throughout the whole process, occasionally interjecting a sentence or two, and the meal was fairly peaceful and harmonious.

I thought that at the end of the meal, President Feng would talk to Qin Chen about the new play, but before the other party took the initiative, the director suddenly asked, "Jiang Kun, does President Feng know this person?"

Ye Xi's heart suddenly froze for two seconds, and then he understood the intention of Director Qin.

She had told him the story of being drugged that day, and it happened that President Feng reached out a helping hand in the middle. In her impression, when the two groups of people met in the corridor, it seemed that Assistant President Feng had negotiated with each other, so... …

Speaking of Jiang Kun's name, Mr. Feng's tea-drinking action obviously paused, but after only two seconds, he quickly returned to normal.

He looked at Qin Chen and asked while making tea, "It is said that President Jiang intends to invest in your new drama recently. Do you want to ask me about his character?"

Qin Chen smiled noncommittally, took a sip from the teacup in front of him, and said in a low voice, "I'm not interested in Jiang Kun's business conduct. If Mr. Feng is willing, you can tell me something else."


Ye Xi couldn't help but tense his nerves.

In fact, three years ago, she asked President Feng about the day, but the other party always avoided talking about it intentionally or unintentionally, as if there was something unspeakable. The chairman did not dare to offend.

At this time, the atmosphere in the box was not as quiet as it was at first.

When Ye Xi saw the silence of the person on the other side, she felt really sorry.

If some words are really hard to say, there is no need to embarrass others.

She pursed her lips and was about to change the subject, but she heard Mr. Feng slowly say: "I have been in contact with one or two before, but I have some understanding of Jiang Kun."

The air was silent, Ye Xi's fingers holding the chopsticks tightened slightly, and Yu Guang subconsciously swept to the person beside him.

However, the big director was unexpectedly calm.

Hearing that, he nodded, drank the tea in the cup, raised his wrist and glanced at the time: "Next time I have time, I will invite President Feng to dinner. I have something to do later, so I'll excuse you."

Feng is always a sensible person, put down the teacup and looked at Qin Chen.

"For the next month, I will stay in Jingzhou most of the time. If you have anything, you can call me directly."

Qin Daoli was still in contact, and took his girlfriend to the door of the box.

Ye Xi:  …

 Director Qin's play was contracted through the back door~

  All for the goddess X﹏X
(End of this chapter)

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