exclusive favor

Chapter 273 Fanwai: Qin Zichao

Seeing that there was no obstacle in the communication between the father and son, she stopped listening and turned back to the master bedroom.

After coming out of the shower, Qin Chen was already standing outside the terrace in a black nightgown and was talking on the phone with someone. Ye Xi walked over, glanced at the international kindergarten brochure on the low table next to him, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

The twilight was deep, and the man's low and magnetic voice came to my ears in the thick night, with the same peace of mind and calmness as always.

He was inquiring about Chao Chao's enrollment in the second half of the year. Ye Xi stood behind him and listened quietly for a while, calculating the time in his mind. He always felt that the child would be sent to kindergarten at the age of three and a half, and it was still full-time care. Would it be a bit early.

The two had discussed this matter before, and although she hadn't made a statement yet, judging from the current posture of the great director, it was estimated that it was a certainty and there was no room for maneuver.

Ye Xi pondered whether to let Chao Chaowan go to school again half a year later.

Going through full-time care means that she can only be picked up once a week after entering school. As a mother, she is somewhat reluctant.

Qin Chen hung up the phone and turned around, seeing her frowning and tangled face, he couldn't help laughing.

He took her into the bedroom, and said in a soothing tone: "My son will grow up, so he must learn to be independent in advance."


What the hell are you talking about.

At the age of three, talk to her about independence.

Ye Xi lightly scoffed: "You're avenging your own personal revenge."

"Huh? What personal enmity?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Father and son enmity."


She threw off the quilt and went to bed, followed by the man, who stretched out his long arms and pulled her into his arms.

That big hand skillfully unbuttoned her pajamas, Ye Xi turned his eyes slightly: "What are you doing, do you really want to make a little sister for Chao Chao?"

"No, it's just a delay."

Qin Chen lowered his head and kissed her, and stroked her back: "Leave a thought for the little guy first, and in a few years, he will know how hard he put his father's heart into it."

"Good intentions? I think it's old and cunning."

Mentioning this matter, she turned over to face the man, and asked with a half-smile, "Director Qin really only wants to have one child in his life, and he doesn't want to have both sons and daughters?"

"Farewell, you don't need both, just once, I'll worry about you to death once, and toss you again, my heart will be crushed for several months, and then I will give birth to a boy..."


"Let's not talk about the girl, the two boys, it's enough for me to be stepped on by my peers and unable to turn over."


A man's self-esteem, really, what a dog, it has to be compared.

Because there is no girl around him, those in the same industry, including those in the director's group, are basically boys for the first time, and rarely have daughters.

"That's why Director Qin longs to overwhelm others and trample others under their feet."

"Well, it's just that I have lost at the starting line and have no chance."

Ye Xi murmured: "What's wrong with the boy, when he grows up, he will walk sideways, a noble son, just like Director Qin."

Qin Chen frowned, especially deeply: "Like me? Then how to discipline?"

"..." Ye Xi kicked him: "You also know that you have a bad temper? Everyone is afraid of you, you bastard."

Qin Chen smiled lowly, stretched his brows, and hooked her chin: "Others are afraid of me, are you afraid? Don't you still eat me to death all day long?"

"If you didn't provoke me back then, would you be here today? Hmph." She moved her eyes and turned away from under his palm.

The man kissed her in seconds, and his thin lips touched her milky cheeks, chin, and then the tip of her nose, and then whispered against her lips: "It was my happiest thing to mess with you, and I don't regret it."

"It's just one size fits all. We don't have children, but we can do things like having children." After saying that, she quickly peeled off her clothes.

"There is a big difference between the two. One suffers, the other enjoys. It is more cost-effective to choose the latter, are you right?"


As expected of Director Qin, when he said it out of his mouth, he was able to analyze it in such a high-sounding manner.

Ye Xi raised her head, bit his chin lightly, grabbed his collar and moved closer: "Tomorrow I will wear a formal dress, and there should be no marks above the neck."

"It doesn't matter, if the top can't, then leave the face."


The next door, the three-year-old boy stared at the dark roof with his watery eyes wide open. He couldn't smell his mother, so he couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

Can I not be a man, can I not have a sister?

Chao Chao counted the little sheep, and when he counted to the seventh, he got up decisively from the bed, put on his slippers, and walked towards the next door in the dark.

A few minutes later, Qin Chen opened the bedroom door with a dark face, condescending, and stared blankly at the rebellious little boy in front of him.

Sensing that his father's complexion was not good, Chao Chao didn't speak, but raised his head with a pair of innocent eyes full of mist, and looked at him without blinking.

In the dead of night, the old and the young stood at the door and looked at each other silently. The tug-of-war lasted for two minutes and 15 seconds.

Ye Xi didn't intend to make a sound at first, but wanted to see how a certain director ended up tonight.

After waiting for a long while but not hearing any movement, she was really too curious, so she lifted the quilt lightly, got out of bed, and walked towards the door.

Halfway there, she saw the man come in as if nothing had happened, she looked behind him: "Where's Chao Chao?"

"in the room."

? ?
"How did you tell the child? It's another way to slow down the army?"

"No." Qin Chen sat down and pulled her over, wrapped his hands around her waist tightly, and whispered, "I promise to lend you to him for the next week."


Ye Xi squinted at the man: "Are you going on a business trip?"


Just know.

Great directors don't do business at a loss.

As the name implies, it is to 'borrow', and then take the opportunity to negotiate terms with the son.

Poor Chao Chao, he still can't beat his father, the old fox.

Ye Xi sighed softly: "Go to sleep, I have activities tomorrow, so I have to get up early."

Looking at the time, it was indeed getting late. The good thing was interrupted by the brat, and if it continued, it would be out of control again.

Qin Chen put the back of his hand over his eyes, contemplated for a while, and resigned himself to lying down with his arms in his arms: "I'll drive over to pick you up early when work ends tomorrow."

"No, there are many reporters at the event site, and they will be surrounded and chased after asking questions, so I am too lazy to deal with it."

Although the questions are nothing more than the daily relationship between the husband and wife, but after so many years from the public to the marriage, the relationship between the two still receives so much attention from the outside world, which inevitably makes her feel a headache.

The man's hand on her waist tightened, and he said indifferently: "Recently, it has been reported on the Internet that our husband and wife have a bad relationship, and it seems that we are breaking up."

Ye Xi was helpless: "There is also a marketing account saying that we have been divorced for more than half a year."

"The one who spread rumors about our divorce, my team sent a lawyer's letter and is currently in a lawsuit."

"When did it happen, for real this time?"

"Well, I haven't shown my power for several years, so I thought I'd become a vegetarian now."

Mentioning this, Ye Xi smiled a little: "Compared to previous years, Director Qin is indeed a lot more low-key now."

The 'low-key' here mainly refers to the film aspect.

It takes two years to shoot one film, and the output rate is only a quarter of the past, giving the peers a lot of breathing room.

But the quantity is small, but none of them can be shaken, and the word-of-mouth has soared. The Lunar New Year movie a few years ago has once again broken the box office record of the domestic film industry.

As for the others, Ye Xi retired from the film for a total of three years from pregnancy to the age of two. During this period, the couple seldom appeared in public in the media. Over time, it caused speculation and speculation about their relationship.

"So Director Qin is going to pick me up tomorrow in order to silence the rumormongers?"

Qin Chen turned over, pinned her head to her chest, and said in a cold voice, "How about our relationship as a husband and wife, there is no need to show it to others."

"In two days, the production team will go to other places to shoot scenes, and it will be invisible and intangible for a whole week."

"How can I not see it, I can video at night."

"Video doesn't work, it just makes things worse."

Ye Xi laughed out loud: "What is worse, can you explain to me?"

The man's eyes were deep, and he buried his head and kissed her cheek, without saying a word, the melancholy in his eyes was undoubtedly revealed.

She hugged him, raised her head and softly comforted him: "Okay, I have three days off next week, and then I will visit Director Qin's class."

"What about the brat, take him with you?" Qin Chen asked.

Ye Xi nodded: "I will probably bring it."

After the words fell, the man fell into silence again.

Seeing his appearance, Ye Xi asked with a smile: "Could it be that you don't miss your son after going out for a few days?"


Qin Chen buried her neck, sniffed the faint fragrance of her body, and said in a low voice, "But I want to live with you even more. It's been three years. You can figure out how much energy and time our children have taken away from us." .”

This is true.

But it is also the helplessness of being a parent.

Finally, after much deliberation, Ye Xi proposed to temporarily send Chao Chao to Nanshi's mother to take care of her for a while. Anyway, grandma was always talking about wanting to see her little grandson, so the nanny went with her and stayed for about a week. It shouldn't be a big problem.

On the night when the event ended the next day, the great director and his wife, who had not heard from each other for three years, were sent to the hot search trio overnight by CP fans and marketing accounts.

#秦晨出身叶得Activity Site#, #秦晨探队叶喜, the two were inseparable throughout the whole process#, #秦晨叶旧恩爱如今,尤征婚婚#
In the comment section below, fans frantically dissed the marketing account that rumored the two were divorced before, and an insider sent an official letter that Qin Chen's studio won the lawsuit against the rumor-monger. Fast, hard enough.

Ye Xi flipped through everyone's negative messages, and sighed in her heart. Sure enough, in this circle, she still has to go to the hot search from time to time to let everyone know that she is still alive, and she is living very well.


But if you want to get out of the predicament, there is only one way after all, and that is to rely on the works to speak.

After three years of silence, it's time to make an effort.

Half a year later, Qin Zichao went to kindergarten and went through full-time care.

Ye Xi also ushered in the second new attempt and challenge of his career on the road of acting.

After more than two months of fierce competition, at the end of the year, it finally succeeded in winning the female lead in "The Wilderness" by the internationally renowned director John Crichton.

In a special interview with the film, the foreign media host asked Ye Xi why he hadn't considered taking on a film directed by her husband Qin Chen in recent years.

Ye Xi stayed silent for two seconds, and gave a helpless yet humorous answer: "I'm worried that my husband kept shouting cards during the kissing scene, which would hurt the actor."

The interview video, which was just a few minutes long, was circulated to China through foreign social media, and instantly set off a storm of heated discussions on the entire Internet.

Many netizens think of the ancient costume drama "Zhou Bandit" broadcast a few years ago. There are countless kissing scenes between the male and female protagonists. Combined with the seemingly joking words of the goddess in the interview, they can't help but imagine how colorful the shooting scenes were. .

[Suddenly felt deep sympathy for a movie king haha, I don’t know how many times he was called out by Director Qin. 】

[Is there any behind-the-scenes footage of the filming of "The Bandit", I want to see it. 】

[Do you think that with Director Qin's temper, he would agree with his wife to kiss someone? 】

[I agree with the above, although the couple are famously dedicated, but I don't believe it. 】

[It is estimated that Ye Xi used a kiss instead. 】

[Don't spread rumors, it's impossible for my goddess to use a substitute. 】

[Why do you have to kiss for a replacement, and it can't be a borrowing? 】


Regarding whether Ye Xi in "Zhou Bandit" is real or a substitute, netizens have different opinions.

In order to verify this, some people even deliberately rewatched the TV series, took out all the plot clips including the kiss scene, and compared them professionally frame by frame, racking their brains to find relevant clues from the details.

It's a pity that they forgot who the director of this drama is, and he is as strict as Qin Chen. Even if a double is really used, how can it be easy for people to find out the flaws.

This weekend, at the end of the fifth week of full-care kindergarten life, Chao Chao finally returned to the embrace of her mother Xiangruan.

After dinner, Ye Xi sat in the living room with his son in his arms and cut his nails.

After watching the cartoon, Chao Zhao picked up the remote control next to him to change the channel, and after switching, a familiar figure appeared on the TV.

"It's mom."

His son's pleasantly surprised voice came, and Ye Xi raised his head for no reason, and the kiss scene without warning came into his eyes.

"..." She blushed.

Affected by online public opinion recently, the rebroadcast ratings of "Zhou Bandit" on several local satellite TVs have reached new highs.

Because of the special nature of their professions, Chao Chao has been influenced by them since childhood.

But even so, it was still a bit uncomfortable to see this in front of his son.

Ye Xiqing coughed, and was about to reach for the remote control to change it, but was shrunk back to avoid it.

"Why does mom hug and kiss other uncles?"

? !
Her expression froze.

Taking a breath, he slowly met his son's clear and clear eyes, and corrected him: "That's not another uncle, it's Dad."

"Not Dad."

"It's Dad."

"It's not dad, it's uncle."


Back and forth, the mother and son competed with each other. After a while, the sound of cars came from outside the yard. Chao Chao hurriedly climbed off the sofa and ran towards the door barefoot: "Daddy is back."

Ye Xi took his son's slippers and followed.

In the yard, Qin Chen locked the car door, and as soon as he turned around, Xiao Budian hugged one of his legs from behind. He chuckled, bent down, picked up his son with one hand, and walked towards the villa.

Seeing his son's pouted lips, Qin Chen raised his eyebrows: "Why, are you unhappy today?"

Chao Chao shook his head, but asked: "Aside from Dad, will Mom kiss other uncles?"

Qin Chen:  …

Ye Xi, who was at the entrance, felt his brain ache.

Looking up at the man's dark and unpredictable eyes, she took a breath: "What are you looking at, do you think I dare?"

Today, the two chapters are combined into one, making up for yesterday's.

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