exclusive favor

Chapter 275 Extra: Ginger Candy Couple

On the day when Qin Zichao turned two years old, Fu Tangzhou and Jiang Chun, who were godfathers and godmothers, carefully prepared gifts and spared no time to celebrate the children's birthdays.

Tonight, the great director cooks in person, and the goddess is also working virtuously in an apron. Only Chao Chao and Mr. Fu are left in the living room. The old and the young are having a great time. There is a strong warm atmosphere.

Jiang Chun came in after answering the phone, seeing such a harmonious scene, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly.

She walked over with her mobile phone, picked up Chao Chao and sat on her lap, and asked the little one with interest, "What are you playing with your godfather?"

Staring at the picture book in his hand with Wu Liuliu's eyes, he stumbled out a few words: "Brother, sister, go to bed."

? ?
what with what.

Jiang Chun looked at the man suspiciously, and squinted his eyes: "Don't teach me to be a godson, if I grow up to be as virtuous as you, I can't spare you."

Seeing her angry face, Fu Tangzhou fiddled with the building blocks and smiled lazily: "Don't you like my virtue?"

"I like you—"

Facing Shang Chaozhao's ignorant eyes, Jiang Chun stopped in time.

Glancing at someone, he cursed inwardly, shit.

Soon, dinner will be on the table, and there will be a birthday cake for Chaochao's children.

After blowing out the candles, the link of making a wish is usually skipped directly, or my mother can complete it instead. But tonight, I tilted my head and thought about it, but unexpectedly said four words: "I want a younger sister."

Another sister.

Jiang Chun seriously doubted what kind of bad thoughts Fu Gou had instilled in Xiao BuDian during the few minutes she left.

Director Qin said that he would not have a second child. On the one hand, he was thinking about Ye Xi's health. On the other hand, he was also worried that after ten months of hard work, the dream of a daughter would be shattered again, and another child would be born. Wouldn't it be a double blow.

Regarding this point, Fu Tangzhou should not be ignorant of his brother's considerations and plans.

Therefore, what kind of intentions did the man secretly instigate Chao Chao to have for his younger sister, which made Jiang Chun confused and unable to understand at all.

At this time Ye Xi interjected, and half-jokingly said to his son: "When the godfather and godmother get married, how about having a little sister to play with Chao Chao?"

The child seemed to understand, but when he heard that there was a little sister to play with, he nodded with bright eyes: "Chao Chao wants to go to kindergarten with my sister."

"Okay, then let your godfather and godmother work harder."

After her mother finished speaking, Chao Chao immediately looked expectantly at Jiang Chun and Fu Tangzhou who were across the table. The air became quiet, and Jiang Chun's entire face couldn't help but be stained with fire clouds being watched so watery by the little one.

She took a breath, embarrassed.

However, with a glance from the corner of the eye, he saw the faintly visible arc on the corners of Fu Gou's lips beside him, and he seemed to be enjoying it.

What a smile, think beautifully.

The two are in love like a hooligan, which is something that everyone tacitly understands.

When it comes to marriage, we always avoid it when we can. Although the parents of both parties are urging fiercely, it is not easy for the two of them to pretend to be stupid with a high degree of tacit understanding all the year round.

After dinner, his mother and godmother took Chao Chao to the back garden for a walk. Jiang Chun silently complained about the unkindness of his best friend at the dinner table just now. Ye Xi chuckled when he heard this: "You and Fu Tangzhou both like children so much, why don't you have one yourself."

Jiang Chun shrugged: "I would like to give birth to my child, but can Fu Gou agree? When there will be a battle for custody, who should you two help?"

fight for custody.

Ye Xi really didn't think about this issue, but changed the subject: "You have been together for five years, and you have separated and reunited several times during the period, and you can stand the test. It is inevitable that you will feel regretful if you don't get married."

Jiang Chun said indifferently: "There is nothing to regret. If you are tired, you will separate. If you can't let it go, you will rebuild the old one. A lifetime is not long, just make do with it."

The Buddhist thinking of psychologists is generally not easy for ordinary people to understand.

Ye Xi pretended to be calm, and raised his eyebrows: "But if one day, what I'm talking about is if, Fu Tangzhou suddenly wants to get married, what about you, refuse or accept."

Speaking of this, Ye Xi inexplicably felt the phone in his pocket getting hotter and hotter.

For the first time in the past five years, Jiang Chun faced this sudden unknown hypothesis.

She was slightly stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "The person surnamed Fu probably wouldn't have such an idea."

At least so far, she hasn't seen the slightest sign of wanting to get married in him.

The authorities were fascinated, and Ye Xi sighed silently when he saw his best friend's face like an Arabian Nights.

It seems that Mr. Fu has a long way to go.

That night, the two men held a bottle of 82-year-old Lafite and chatted until late at night outside the study terrace.

Since Tangchen was founded, it has been more than ten years. Whether it is film and television production or the incubation of its artists, it has already far surpassed more than 80.00% of its competitors in the same period, and has occupied a pivotal position in the entertainment industry.

With the company's current scale and conditions, the outside world will inevitably have doubts about why the two founders have not released the signal to let Tangchen go public for a long time.

Going public can quickly attract funds, and the value of shareholders will naturally rise accordingly. But behind the scenes, Fu Tangzhou and Qin Chen have the same idea, that is, insist on never going public.

The specific reason is very simple. In Mr. Fu's words, he doesn't want to see shareholders' faces.

For something that really belongs to oneself, the management and decision-making power must be 100% in your own hands. Moreover, the company is now so rich that there is no need to go public to collect money.

But the strange thing is that in such a comfortable and peaceful environment, Fu Tangzhou has frequently had nightmares in recent nights.

Either I dreamed that I died of cancer, or I was in a car accident, and even once, I dreamed that I was lying alone on a bed in a nursing home a hundred years later, with no one close to me. The white chrysanthemum seemed to call him to die and ascend to heaven at any time.

As she got older, she couldn't bear to be haunted by nightmares all night long. After telling Dr. Jiang about it, she pondered for a while, and concluded from a psychological point of view that it was a midlife crisis.

? ?
34 years old, entering a midlife crisis.

Fu Tangzhou didn't know what it was like in his heart. Although he knew that Chunchun was just joking, in fact, occasionally in the dead of night, he would really have a sense of unreasonable worry.

So I took a day to go to the hospital for a physical examination.

The moment he got the report card, the doctor told him that there were no major problems for the time being, but there were many minor problems. He should smoke less and drink less, and prepare for childbirth as soon as possible while he is young.


These two words are not only unfamiliar to him, but also far away.

With whom?Is Jiang Chun?
Can she be willing?

As Ye Xi said, since both of them like children so much, why not have one by themselves.

Fu Tangzhou has always adhered to the idea of ​​not getting married, but recently, I don't know whether it was because of the dream or some other reason. For a moment, he envied Qin Chen.

In this life, a man can have his own lover and children, and a family of three can accompany him every year, watching the children grow up slowly, and growing old with his wife, what a fulfilling thing it should be.

Yes, a wife, not a girlfriend.

Fu Tangzhou drank a lot of wine, and Jiang Chun drove the car back.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, the man in the co-pilot was unusually quiet after getting in the car, so quiet that Jiang Chun mistakenly thought he was asleep.

When the car stopped in front of the sidewalk, she couldn't help turning her head to look sideways, but she suddenly met the man's dark and slightly drunken eyes.

Didn't sleep?

After staying silent for two seconds, Jiang Chun raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you too happy to drink so much tonight, or do you have something on your mind?"

"You might as well guess."


The twilight was dark, the streets were scattered with vehicles, and there were no pedestrians on both sides, only the dim street lamps standing in the night, and the reflected mottled light and shadows spilled into the car, hitting Fu Tangzhou's face, mixed with his lazy and low voice, cutting out a deep and decadent charm The outline is palpitating and restrained.

I have to admit that this man is indeed born with a good skin. It is difficult for a woman to resist the temptation when she sees him.

Jiang Chun is no exception.

The only difference is that she is close to the water, and before he goes to harm others, she can strike first.

Jiang Chun stared at him without blinking, did not speak, and the man was also speechless, just looking at her quietly like this.

Soon, the red light ahead turned green, and the lack of movement caused the car behind to honk twice. The person in the driver's seat reacted, then looked away and continued to focus on driving.

When driving out of the main road, I vaguely heard the man beside me whispering: "If I get terminally ill, will you accompany me to the last journey?"

Mr. Fu, who has always been cynical, suddenly said such a sentence, Jiang Chun's hand holding the steering wheel trembled slightly, and frowned: "Don't make such jokes with me at night."

Fu Tangzhou chuckled, turned his head away, his eyes fell on the neon-flashing building outside the window, and fell silent again.

Seeing him like this, Jiang Chun's heart skipped a beat, he found a suitable road section, and hurriedly pulled the car over to the side and stopped.

"What terminal illness, explain clearly." She unbuckled her seat belt, went sideways and grabbed Fu Tangzhou's collar, and turned his handsome face back forcefully.

The nervousness in her eyes was clearly reflected in Fu Tangzhou's eyes, the two of them were silent for a while, he didn't dare to tease her anymore, and the corners of his lips slowly curled up into a lazy smile.

Realizing that he had been cheated, Jiang Chun became so angry that he reached out his hand to beat him up. Fu Tangzhou easily grabbed her wrist, squeezed it slightly, pressed the back of her head and kissed her deeply.

This bastard.

The strong smell of alcohol mixed with his unique breath burst into her nose and nose, and the man clasped her waist tightly, attacking the city without mercy, as if trying to melt her into the magma.

Jiang Chun's mind, which was still sober at the beginning, became vain and dizzy as he let down his defenses little by little under his gradually gentle and relaxed offensive.

After an unknown amount of time, so long that she was about to suffocate, Fu Tangzhou finally let her go, holding her cheeks with both hands, pressing her forehead together, and her hoarse, low voice spraying hot breath rang in her ears.

He said, "Chunchun, let's have a baby."


Jiang Chun was at a loss, not sure if it was his own auditory hallucinations, or Fu Tangzhou was drunk and talking nonsense.

But by accident, thinking of Zhao Chao's cute and immature face, and the appearance of softly following behind him calling godmother, my heart instantly softened.

Then, she nodded unconsciously, and said a word: "Okay."

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