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Chapter 83 Only Qin Dao dares to be so crazy

Chapter 83 Only Qin Dao dares to be so crazy
Ye Xi was just asking casually, because in her impression, the great director seemed to have never driven this type of car, but when she heard his answer suddenly, especially the extra metaphor behind it, she suddenly felt inexplicable... Heartache.

After buckling up her seat belt, she was silent for a moment, then turned her head to look at him thoughtfully: "Director Qin, you have a lot of drama in your heart."

The eyes of the man in the driver's seat were calm and breezy, and he smiled: "There are not many inner dramas, how can I be worthy of you, the queen of the double laurel."

"No, with Director Qin's status, even if I win three more Best Actress Awards, it will be very difficult for me to match you." She turned her eyes to look out the window, with the corners of her lips slightly curved: "Just find someone who is evenly matched, why should I win you over?" .”

The nonsensical sentence caused the man to frown thickly.

His deep and seductive gaze fell over, and his voice was suppressed, obscure and uneasy: "Do you think you are climbing high when you are with me?"

The car drove into the western suburbs and headed towards the garden area. Ye Xi had no time to appreciate the scenery along the way. Feeling the man's sudden turn, she sighed helplessly: "Director Qin, I'm not with you yet, so don't be nervous. .”

"But if you have such an idea, I will kill it in the cradle." Qin Chen looked straight ahead, his whole body was not as calm as before, and his whole body was full of gloom.

Ye Xi stayed silent for a while, not knowing how to continue this topic with him.

After thinking about it, I had to give an ambiguous joke.

"Gao Pan now, not necessarily in the future. When I sweep all the best actress awards, Director Qin will come on stage to present me the award. I look forward to that scene."

Sweeping the major awards is easier said than done.

It can be regarded as an ambitious goal set for herself.

Ye Xi almost pulled his lips slightly, and the man beside him said in a leisurely voice: "In this case, you will come to be my queen heroine, and we will work hard together."


"Slaughter the list, win the prize."


She covered her face with her hands, closed her eyes, and couldn't help complaining in her heart that an invincible director in the universe was so arrogant.

Apart from him, Qin Chen, there is no one else...

It was half an hour after arriving at the cemetery.

The breeze was warm, blowing the hem of the two people's clothes slightly floating, Ye Xi bent down, put the white chrysanthemum in his hand in front of the tombstone of the old couple, and silently bowed to them three times.

I didn't expect to meet again three years later, it's already a world apart.

Ye Xi's eyes were flushed, recalling that when she was with Qin Chen in the past, every time she went to his house, her uncles and aunts would set up a table full of her favorite dishes, the bed sheets were always bathed in sunshine and fresh, toothbrushes and towels prepared for her, and The slippers are delicate and warm everywhere, making her surrounded by love all the time, as if she was in her own home.

It's such a pity that two such good people were taken away from this world by God before they had time to enjoy the happiness under the knees of their grandson Chenghuan for the rest of their lives in the short span of a few decades.

How cruel to Qin Chen.

While deep in thought, the shoulders were gently embraced by the big hands of the man beside him.

Ye Xi's heart was touched, he didn't refuse in a daze, and turned his head to look at him.

Qin Chen's eyes stopped on the tombstone, his face was dim, and the unconcealable longing and pain in his dark eyes made Ye Xi feel anxious and uncomfortable.

She pinched the corner of his clothes and comforted softly: "You have to live a good life and take good care of yourself. This is what uncles and aunts want to see most."

As the breeze blew, Ye Xi held back the tears in his eyes, looked up at the distant sky, thinking secretly.

He must be happy, even if she is not the one who will accompany him through his life in the end, he must be happy.

The man's eyes turned slightly, and he looked at her quietly. Those eyes contained the power of the deep sea, as if they wanted to sweep her up and submerge her in his endless tenderness.

He said: "In this life, I will not bring anyone else to see them except you."

"Ye Xi, I only have you."

The air was silent, Ye Xi looked at him with blurred vision and confused thoughts, listening to his words lingered in his ears, like a pious oath in front of a god's mansion.

But now she has no way to easily promise him a future.

She trapped herself in a cage, unable to save herself, how could she get rid of him.

On the night of returning from the cemetery, I received a call from Nanshi's mother.

The timing just so happened that the day the charity film was released was also the anniversary of my father's death.

In the past two years, Zhong Lan was in poor health and was unable to take the plane when his condition was unstable. This year, Shang Bai couldn't beat his wife. After several considerations, he still planned to arrange a special plane to accompany his wife back to Jingzhou.

After hearing this, Ye Xi couldn't help worrying. Heart disease is not a joke. If it recurs on the plane, the consequences will be disastrous.

Afterwards, I communicated with Mr. Shang Bai on the phone, and said that Shang Jinhan specially hired a cardiology expert to accompany him throughout the whole process, and his mother's condition can be 100% guaranteed.

Hearing that Shang Jinhan was going to come with him, Ye Xi felt a little guilty: "President Shang is busy with business, and I have to bother him, I'm really sorry."

Shang Bai smiled when he heard the words: "It's okay, it just so happens that Jin Han will take two days of annual leave, it's good for him to have this kind of filial piety after all."

When it came to this point, Ye Xi couldn't refuse too much.

Shang Jinhan did it out of good intentions. After all, in a situation like his and Mr. Shang's, it is really rare to be able to think so carefully and respect her mother in every possible way.

The afternoon before the release of the charity film, Ye Xi drove to the airport to pick him up.

There is a special landing pad for private jets, and Zhong Lan walked out of the passage with Shang Bai on his arm. Seeing that his mother was in good spirits and her face was still moist, Ye Xi was relieved.

Shang Jinhan followed behind, pushing the luggage cart, and the two nodded politely when they met. Ye Xi turned around and took his mother's arm, and walked out of the airport exchanging greetings.

When the luggage was placed in the trunk, Shang Jinhan asked her: "Are you free tonight? Let's have a meal together."

Ye Xi glanced at the car: "Another day, my mother just got off the plane, I want her to have a good night's rest first."

The man frowned and smiled lightly: "I mean, eat alone with you."


"What kind of work does Shang always want to talk to me about?" She said teasingly in her eyes, "If it's a business issue in terms of endorsement, you may need to call my agent along."

"Not work."

His light brown pupils behind the lenses had a dark luster, and a refined smile hung on his lips: "I've always wanted to treat you to dinner, but last time I saw you were in a hurry in Nanshi, so I didn't want to bother you. Refuse to reward?"

Ye Xi stayed silent for a while, looking at the profile of his mother talking with Mr. Shang in the back seat of the car, and smiled.

"Okay, the place for dinner is up to you?"

The man nodded, stepped out of the co-pilot's door, raised his hand to protect the top of her head, and asked her to get into the car in a gentlemanly manner.

There was nothing to say all the way, and when they arrived at the hotel where they were staying, it was getting late. Ye Xi chatted with his mother for a few words, then followed Shang Jinhan downstairs, and the two drove to the dining place together.

It is a French restaurant with an elegant environment. Ye Xi eats little at night. After ordering a piece of foie gras, he closes the menu, takes a sip of lemonade next to him, and inadvertently raises his eyes to see the man watching her quietly. .

 Two chapters will be updated tonight, and the remaining chapter will be updated during the day, probably before two o'clock in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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