Chapter 1009 Jewelry
The villagers of Xanadu warmly invited Tangtang and Miao Xiaojun to have dinner here.

As noon approached, blue smoke rose from the chimneys of every house. Those who slaughtered pigs killed pigs, those who caught chickens caught chickens, and those who caught ducks caught ducks. Under the blue sky and broad daylight, the whole village was lively and peaceful.

The village head smoked a leaf cigarette, raised his eyes and asked, "Xiao Jun, how is the Miao Clan doing now? I remember when the young man came here 60 years ago, he said that the war in Huaguo was over and the little Japanese devils were beaten away." .

People in our village live on the holy mountain. In ancient times, they dragged their families to live here in order to avoid wars and the pursuit of evil lords.I have lived here for thousands of years, and I am used to it. I don't want to go down the mountain anymore, and I don't know much about the outside world. "

Tang Tang secretly thought that the village head's description was exactly the same as that in "Peach Blossom Spring".

The villagers in "Peach Blossom Spring" came to Peach Blossom Spring to avoid the wars in the pre-Qin period.The Miao people in this village also hid in the holy mountain in order to avoid being chased and killed in the past, and lived in seclusion for generations.

Xiaojun said respectfully: "Grandpa, the village chief, don't worry, our Miao clan is developing very well now. The village is vigorously developing tourism, and our village's local products are also sold to the outside world, and the sales volume is particularly good."

"Tourism and food processing have brought huge economic benefits to our Miao family. Now every household has a TV set and a network cable, so you can use WiFi anytime, anywhere."

A group of villagers around them stared wide-eyed.

I don't understand what a network cable is, and I don't know what a WiFi is.

I can only sigh with emotion, the technology is developing so fast outside.

Seeing the longing in their eyes, Miao Xiaojun said, "Grandpa Village Chief, fellow Miao Clan, as long as you are willing, you can actually go down the mountain and live with the Miao Clan down the mountain."

The villagers in the village looked at each other in blank dismay.

The village chief shook his head, took a puff of Leaf Cigarette with emotion, and envy in his eyes: "Let's forget it, the outside world is complicated and chaotic, it's better to stay in the village. Although there are no so-called technological products, at least the neighbors are harmonious. Not that much trouble."

"Xiaojun, since you are the next team leader, the village chief's grandfather will give you some gifts. Becoming the patriarch is not so easy. In addition to your excellent Miao clan blood, you also need financial support."

As he spoke, the village chief waved his hands and asked the villagers to carry out two heavy iron boxes.

The box was so heavy that only four strong villagers could lift it.

In front of Miao Xiaojun and Tang Tang, the village head opened the big box on the left.

A golden light flashed, and the box was actually filled with countless gold, silver, jewellery, and jade jewellery.Each piece of jewelry exudes a rustic radiance and is an extremely valuable antique.

If you just pick out one piece and sell it outside, you can sell it for at least tens of millions.

Then, the village head slowly opened another box.There is no gold, silver or jewelry in this box, but a stack of medicine books and precious medicinal materials.These medicinal materials are very rare. The thousand-year-old ginseng, the thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, and the thousand-year-old fleece-flower root are also of extraordinary value.

When Miao Xiaojun saw the box full of gold, silver and jewelry, his eyes only flickered slightly.

But seeing the pile of precious medicine books next to him, Miao Xiaojun's eyes lit up instantly.

Miao Xiaojun didn't touch gold and silver jewellery, nor did he touch precious medicinal materials, but eagerly picked up a medical book and read it with relish.

The village chief took a puff of leaf cigarettes and noticed Tang Tang next to him.

Tang Tang is not interested in the box, but has been watching the children singing and playing in the corner.

(End of this chapter)

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