Chapter 1019 Revealing Miao Xiaojiao's True Face (2)

Tang Tang made a conclusion: "You put Miao Xiaomeng back on purpose, because you found out that I didn't persuade Miao Xiaojun to participate in the selection. You released the poisoned Miao Xiaomeng. In order to save his sister, Xiaojun absolutely Will go to the patriarch selection.

You were afraid that things would be leaked, and you even injured Miao Xiaomeng's tongue and throat, making her unable to speak. "

"Of course, you were the one who tried to poison Miao Xiaojun tonight by releasing a poisonous snake. Even if he wasn't poisoned, you would still let him go on an excuse, and wait for the opportunity to grab the holy object outside and kill him——Your plan is very good, but you The biggest factor is ignored.”

Miao Xiaojiao: "What did I overlook?"

Tang Tang: "Me. You shouldn't count me in. I will take Miao Xiaojun and Miao Xiaomeng tonight to leave the Miaozu village. My Gu's group has the world's top medical skills, and Miao Xiaomeng will be cured soon. Alright. At that time, Miao Xiaomeng will testify, your well-designed scam."

Miao Xiaojiao was completely silent now.

She stared at Tang Tang carefully, as if she wanted to write down Tang Tang's appearance inch by inch.



Miao Xiaojiao's dislocated hands miraculously began to move.

Miao Xiaojun, who was pretending to be asleep in the corner, suddenly jumped up: "Tangtang, I forgot to tell you, many Miao girls have practiced bone shrinking skills, which can stretch and stretch bones! She won't dislocate at all!"

Miao Xiaojiao stood up, and two poisonous snakes appeared from behind her, spitting out scarlet snake letters.

Miao Xiaojiao said calmly: "Tang Tang, I can't and dare not kill you, but I can kill Miao Xiaojun."

Tang Tang felt a little puzzled in his heart, the words [I can't and dare not kill you] always sounded weird.

Miao Xiaojiao whistled.

Two pitch-black poisonous snakes immediately attacked Miao Xiaojun.

The next moment, there was a loud shout outside——

"Damn girl, stop it!"

Miao Xiaojiao was stunned.

Wang Xiaogui quickly pulled out his gun and shot the two poisonous snakes to death.

Tang Tang said: "I forgot to tell you, the small black room is not soundproof, what is said here, the next door can be heard clearly - you say yes, several elders."

The footsteps were dense, and the gray-haired elders appeared at the door of the small black house.

Miao Xiaojiao's face paled in an instant, she subconsciously glanced at Ming Sichen's direction, bit the corner of her lips, and said aggrievedly: "Grandpa, listen to me, everything is Tang Tang's nonsense, I didn't harm anyone .”

The Great Elder scolded angrily: "Shut up! In the past six months, you have been running out frequently, going to Yinlun Country, and then to Kyoto. I have always felt strange. I only thought that a little girl loves to play, but I didn't expect you to investigate Xiaojun's friends outside!"

Miao Xiaojiao: "I, I didn't—"

The Great Elder closed his eyes and said loudly: "Shut up! Someone, take her down and keep her under strict supervision! After the sacrificial activities are over, the patriarch will personally convict her!"

Miao Xiaojiao couldn't believe it: "Grandpa, I'm your granddaughter, your only granddaughter, and you don't help me!"

The Great Elder gritted his teeth: "Take it away!"

Obviously, the First Elder no longer believed in Miao Xiaojiao.In fact, thinking about it carefully, the disappearance of the old patriarch and Miao Xiaomeng half a year ago was full of doubts.

It's a pity that they are so old-fashioned that they really believe the gossip in the village.

Miao Xiaojiao was taken away.

Before leaving, he glanced at Tang Tang and sneered.

The Great Elder sighed deeply, his whole body seemed to be instantly old and exhausted, he stepped forward tremblingly, bowed to Miao Xiaojun and apologized:

"Xiaojun, it's the elders and grandpas who are confused. We apologize to you. You have always been a good boy and have never changed. I hope you can forgive us. The Miao clan cannot live without you."

 update update~~
  Ming Sichen is about to start~ Darkening, imprisoning, hehehehe
(End of this chapter)

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