Chapter 1025 Ming Division Shen (2)

"Brother Xiaogui, don't fight uncertain battles, don't make innocent sacrifices." Tang Tang stopped Wang Xiaogui who was trying to rush out a blood rage.

Tang Tang got out of the car.

She saw Ming Si sinking.

Ming Sichen still had that elegant and handsome appearance. He put on a slim black suit without any wrinkles.

A pair of thin-rimmed gold-rimmed glasses rests on the bridge of the tall nose, Tang Tang is locked in the dark blue eyes, and the thin red lips are slightly raised.

Shrouded in moonlight, even the night seemed to be pushed back three points by him.

Ming Sichen looked perfectly like the rumored holy angel, but Tang Tang knew that under his gentle smile was the skin of a devil.

Perhaps in the university in the previous life, the male god who made all the students reverence and respect was also Ming Sichen's disguise.How terrible it is to be able to hide from everyone and pretend to be undiscovered for many years.

"Tangtang, the Miao Clan's sacrificial ceremony hasn't started yet, where do you want to go?" Ming Sichen asked gently.

Tang Tang was expressionless: "Pretend every day, aren't you tired?"

Ming Si Shen smiled: "Why am I tired, I find every minute and every second with you extremely interesting."

Ming Sichen's memory had been completely restored as early as the moment the toxin was removed.

He couldn't put it down to the "adventure" of these days, it was so much fun, he hadn't encountered such fun in a long time.Seeing Tang Tang being toyed with and applauded by him, and seeing Tang Tang running around in order to detoxify him, Ming Si Shen felt an inexplicable sense of pleasure in his heart.

Tang Tang brought him much more fun than the Ming family's low-IQ stuff.

Ming Si Shen was full of interest, looking at Tang Tang with indifferent eyes under the moonlight, hooked the corners of his lips, stretched out a hand, and said in a low and wicked voice, "It's windy outside, come back with me."

Tang Tang: "I can go back with you, the premise is that you have to release Wang Xiaogui."

Ming Si tilted his head, as if listening to a joke: "But Tangtang, I have a thousand ways to bring you back. Wang Xiaogui can only be a dead body tonight."

Tang Tang was expressionless: "If you dare to kill Wang Xiaogui, I will definitely kill you in the future to avenge him."

The smile on Ming Sichen's face dissipated, he slowly straightened the cuffs of his suit inlaid with jewels, and said lazily, "He's just a servant."

Tang Tang declared again: "He is my friend."

Ming Si sneered, with an elusive jealousy mixed in his tone: "Tangtang, you have so many friends. But I always like challenges."

Ming Sichen raised his hand, and his subordinates all made way for him.Wang Xiaogui knew that Tang Tang was saving him, and also knew that Tang Tang wanted him to quickly contact the Gu family and the Fu family to save people.

Gritting his teeth, Wang Xiaogui stepped on the accelerator and left quickly.

He had to tell the Patriarch everything that happened to the Miao Clan as soon as possible!

When Wang Xiaogui's car completely disappeared into the night, Tang Tang finally breathed a sigh of relief, at least he could save Wang Xiaogui's life.When Tang Tang turned around, he suddenly found that Ming Sichen had come very close at some point.

Tang Tang took a step back subconsciously. Under the moonlight, Ming Sichen's overly handsome face was full of treachery and unpredictability, and the danger on his body could almost condense into substance.

Ming Sichen was taller than her, he gracefully stretched out his hand, and at a speed that Tang Tang didn't expect, he took out the gun she had hidden in his cuff, and casually threw it to the subordinates beside him.

Then he pulled out the sharp knife that Tang Tang hid in his back waist, and the knife fell to the ground with a crisp clanging sound.

Tang Tang's face is not very good-looking.

His pale and slender fingers caressed Tang Tang's forehead, and the long black hair on his forehead that was blown by the night wind was gently pinned behind her ear by Ming Sichen, and his voice was low:
"Tangtang, carry a knife and gun with you, you can easily hurt yourself.

I will be sad if you are hurt. "

 Fu Jingan: I protest!My wall is cracked to protest!Why give a male second so many buffs?Yoyoyo is still wearing a suit, yoyoyo is still wearing glasses, vomit~~ I am the hero, okay!
(End of this chapter)

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