Chapter 1054 This Is All Evidence That Tang Tang Likes Him

Hearing this, Miao Xiaojiao's hair stood on end not far away, and she glared at Tang Tang viciously in secret.Why didn't I know before, Tang Tang is still a little green tea!

Tang Tang looked like a frightened deer, quickly lowered her head and hid behind Ming Sichen.

This scene was seen by the genius classmate Ming Simo again. Ming Simo kept rolling his eyes, and said in a strange way: "Miao Xiaojiao, can you hide your vicious eyes? Tang Tang even took the initiative to help you put aside the relationship, you Be smart enough to step down the steps and still stare at people? You like to stare at people so much, you have the ability to stare at my elder brother, you only know how to bully the weak."

Miao Xiaojiao: "I"

Miao Xiaojiao had nowhere to vent her anger.

He stomped his feet angrily, and his boots were covered with sand.

Tang Tang was brought back to the manor by Ming Sichen.

Ming Sichen finally came back from work, and Tang Tang was very happy.In the evening, Ming Sichen even accompanied Tang Tang to watch TV dramas for the first time ever.

Tang Tang didn't say anything, but the corners of Fenrun's lips were already curled up secretly.

A boring idol drama was playing on TV, telling the story of the bloody love and killing process between the male and female protagonists. Tang Tang watched it with relish, and wiped the tears gushing from his eyes from time to time.

What a poor heroine!

Such a hateful vicious female supporting role!

Tang Tang saw that the circles of his eyes were red.

"Tang Tang, can you watch some high-quality TV series? Watch the financial news, or watch some criminal investigation drama." Ming Simo sat in the corner of the sofa, not interested in TV series, and noticed that Tang Tang was moved by the plot. , Ming Simo has nowhere to complain.

Tang Tang sniffed: "I like to watch idol dramas. Idol dramas are so good. Brother Ming, don't you think so?"

Ming Si nodded calmly.

Tang Tang immediately beamed with joy, happy like a flower.

Ming Simo in the corner rolled his eyes.

Brother, you can pet her.

Ming Simo gradually discovered that the elder brother's "favor" for this Tang Tang has no lower limit.The family affairs are busy, and the eldest brother is willing to accompany Tang Tang to watch boring idol dramas.

Love is so blinding.

"Does your hand still hurt?" At the end of an episode of the TV series, Ming Sichen asked Tang Tang about the injury in his palm.

Tang Tang's cheeks were stained red, and she said embarrassedly: "It doesn't hurt anymore, a little injury, maybe it will be fine tomorrow-Brother Ming, please don't punish sister Miao Xiaojiao for this, she didn't mean it, and it's all right." Blame me for not being careful."

Tang Tang pleaded for Miao Xiaojiao again.

Ming Si Shen took a deep look at Tang Tang, and said in a gentle voice, "Don't frame her again in the future."

The light in Tang Tang's eyes seemed to be frozen, and then he blinked, his eyeballs fluttering: "I, I didn't deliberately frame Miao Xiaojiao"

Ming Si said in a calm tone with a bit of reproach: "Tangtang, be obedient."

Tang Tang lowered her head limply, like a child whose wrongdoing was exposed, and said sternly, "I know, I won't do it anymore. Brother Ming, I just don't like Miao Xiaojiao. I, I'm a little jealous of her." .She can always be by your side, accompany you every day.”

"I want to see you every day too."

Speaking of the latter, Tang Tang's ears were all red.

Ming Si Shen didn't speak for a long time.

He had already seen at a glance that Tang Tang was deliberately pretending to be bullied by Miao Xiaojiao and pretending to be pitiful for him.

Ming Sichen found it very interesting.

Tang Tang would deliberately frame Miao Xiaojiao for him, is she jealous?

Tang Tang is jealous of other women staying by his side, and Tang Tang's feelings for him seem to be very deep.It has to be said that this discovery made Ming Sichen very happy.

He likes to see Tang Tang jealous for him.

Even if Tang Tang sells miserably on purpose, Ming Sichen will feel very happy-this is the evidence that Tang Tang likes him.

(End of this chapter)

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