Chapter 1057 Tang Tang. Is an Exception
"I thought Miss Tang Tang was in the bedroom. I knocked on the door just now, but I haven't heard anything."

"Let the bodyguards search in the yard, but still can't find anyone. Looking at the surveillance, Miss Tang Tang left home half an hour ago, and she doesn't know where she is going."

The nanny turned around in a hurry.

Who doesn't know that Miss Tang Tang is the favorite of Mr. Ming.However, these servants are not effective in taking care of them. Miss Tang Tang ran out in the middle of the night. How can I explain this?

The nanny was anxious and frightened.

Ming Si's eyes darkened, and he sent someone to look for it nearby.The whole town is under his control, and Tang Tang can't be too far away.

Immediately, bodyguards mobilized the monitoring system of the whole town to monitor everywhere to find Tang Tang's whereabouts.

"Big Brother, Big Brother, where did Tang Tang go at night?" Ming Simo heard the news, threw the game console in his hand and ran downstairs, pulled Ming Sichen and asked, "Men in this town like to drink. The streets are full of drunks, in case Tang Tang encounters someone with a bad intention—well, don’t worry, I remember that she can fight.”

Even so, Ming Simo couldn't help but worry.

After thinking about it, Ming Simo called the nanny over: "Did something happen to Tang Tang tonight? Has anyone talked to her?"

The nanny thought for a while, and replied: "Mr. Ming came back tonight, and Ms. Tang Tang has always been very happy. But after Mr. Ming went to the study, I saw Ms. Miao Xiaojiao walking into the restaurant, and she seemed to have a dispute with Ms. Tang Tang."

"Dispute? What are you arguing about?" Ming Simo frowned, looking at Ming Sichen from the corner of his eye.

The nanny shook her head: "I didn't hear clearly, I vaguely heard some words like 'pet dog'."

Ming Simo was full of question marks.

What pet dog?

What are Tang Tang and Miao Xiaojiao arguing about?
The bodyguards were looking for someone in the town, and Ming Simo called Miao Xiaojiao who was staying in the house to confront him.

After Miao Xiaojiao was called out, she was also puzzled, Tang Tang actually ran away from home?People who are almost 20 years old, still have a childish temper, and run away from home at every turn?

She just mocked Tang Tang casually.
"I don't like you as a woman for a long time. Why do you bully Tang Tang when you have nothing to do? Did she provoke you?" Ming Simo muttered dissatisfied.

Miao Xiaojiao stomped her feet, wanting to refute, but seeing Ming Sichen with a gloomy face, she could only grit her teeth and swallow her anger.

I scolded Tang Tang and Ming Sichen in my heart.

Ming Simo looked out of the window frequently, and muttered: "Brother Tang Tang will be safe, right? She has lost her memory and is still a fool, just in case"

Ming Si Shen didn't speak for a long time.

The bodyguard went to search for Tang Tang in the seaside town overnight.

It's a pity that I searched most of the town, but I didn't see her.

It was getting darker and darker.

The sea breeze howled, the night wind suddenly became cold, and the sky began to rain lightly.The rain was splashing everywhere, and the water mist was dense, and the whole seaside town was shrouded in a layer of moist rain and mist.The rain splashed on the manor glass, leaving a string of wet water marks.

"Mr. Ming, we have checked all the surveillance cameras, but we haven't found Miss Tang Tang's whereabouts yet."

"She may not have taken the monitored road, but the alley."

"We sent people to search the seaside. The coastal area is too large, and the search has not been completed yet."

The bodyguard returned again and again to inform Ming Sichen of the investigation results.

Ming Si stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window of the study, outside the window was the wet night rain.

He has some inexplicable worries.

Ming Si held his heart tightly, he was surprised that he would have such a strange emotion as "worried".In his past and present lives, and even in many previous lives, he has always been emotionally indifferent, with little joy, anger, sorrow or joy.

Tang Tang is an exception.

(End of this chapter)

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